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The Last Countdown

Orion and Ship of Time Studies

The studies of The Clock of God in Orion and The Vessel of Time can be downloaded in original PowerPoint format. Use of the material is free of charge, but please do not change the content without consulting us for approval. To download the files, please (left) click the following links:

The Clock of God - PowerPoint

The Vessel of Time - PowerPoint

The studies are available in two PDF versions. This is well-suited for printing or for sending the study to others who do not have PowerPoint installed on their PC. The necessary Adobe PDF Reader is installed on most PCs, but if not, it can be downloaded using this Link: Download PDF-Reader.

The first PDF version includes the slides as in the original presentation, but consumes a lot of ink or toner:

The Clock of God - PDF

The Vessel of Time - PDF

The second ink or toner saving alternative is ideal for groups who do not have a projector and want to study together at the round table:

The Clock of God - Print Version - PDF

The Vessel of Time - Print Version - PDF

There are additional materials for the study of the Vessel of Time or the High Sabbath List:

Feasts 2010 - 2019 (Excel Spreadsheet)

Feasts 2010 - 2019 (PDF)

HSL for Studying/Printing (Excel Spreadsheet)

HSL for Studying/Printing (PDF)

HSL Calculations with Wadsworth Corrections (Excel Spreadsheet)

 Study Material regarding the First Time Proclamation:

As at the times of William Miller and Samuel Snow, the studies were summarized on several charts which can be downloaded in low resolution for the use with projectors or in high resolution for printing posters:

Orion Judgment Cycle Chart (for projectors - low resolution)

Orion Judgment Cycle Chart (for posters - high resolution)

HSL Chart (for projectors - low resolution)

HSL Chart (for posters - high resolution)

Orion Trumpet Cycle Chart (for projectors - low resolution)

Orion Trumpet Cycle Chart (for posters - high resolution)

Orion Plagues Chart (for projectors - low resolution)

Orion Plagues Chart (for posters - high resolution)

 DVD and Book Version of the Web Site 

Since the signs of the times indicate that religious freedom and the Internet will soon be very limited, we’ve made our entire web site available on DVD (with videos) and as PDF book (without videos) for distribution. For the DVD version, you need ONE Data DVD with max. 4.7 GB capacity. The DVDs are only WINDOWS COMPATIBLE! The Book version is for ALL systems!

The ISO file is for burning Data DVDs or to be mounted on a local PC with a tool such as Daemon Tools Lite. It includes a portable version of the Firefox web browser, so that the target computer needs neither an Internet connection nor an installed web browser. The Data DVD starts automatically when inserted into the drive. If you copy the content to a local directory on your hard drive, the website is launched by double-clicking the LastCountdown.exe file in the root directory of the installation.

Please download the archives by clicking the following links (please trust, we scanned the files for viruses):

DVD VERSION 5.2: ZIP Compressed ISO File from our Google Drive

BOOK VERSION 5.3: The LastCountdown Book (PDF)

The ISO file must be unzipped before burning the Data DVD! You can also mount the unzipped ISO file (with Daemon Tools Lite), open the virtual Data DVD in your file browser and copy its content to a directory on the hard drive of the target computer without burning a Data DVD. The same way, the web site can be distributed and operated on external hard or pen drives.

Note: The most important videos are already included in the ISO file of the DVD version and you do not have to have an online connection to view them in the portable browser. Other videos are NOT included in these files and should be downloaded separately from our WhiteCloudFarm Channel or our video folder on our Google Drive Don’t forget to download the subtitles from our Google Drive, too! To distribute those videos, you would have to burn them to a separate Data or Video DVD.

Study Material regarding the Second Time Proclamation

The most important charts and diagrams of the Seven Lean Years article from White Cloud Farm are provided here for use as a basis for sermons and/or seminars.

The Holy Mountain of Time - Tables and Charts - PowerPoint

The Holy Mountain of Time - Tables and Charts - PDF

Signs in Heaven - PowerPoint

Signs in Heaven - PDF

May God bless all who participate in the distribution of the light of the fourth angel throughout the world!
