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The Last Countdown

sermonOriginally preached on Sabbath morning, June 29, 2013 in English

The text of this sermon follows, edited and formatted as an article.

[Please note especially the comments highlighted in blue, which are updates to bring the level of knowledge up from what we had at the time of the sermon!]

I’d like to share with you some verses from the book of God. Chapter 9 of Ezekiel.

He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand. And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar. And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer’s inkhorn by his side; And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. (Ezekiel 9:1-4)

Only those who sigh and cry receive the sign of God, the seal. Only those. Let’s pray.

Dear Father in heaven, our Lord, our great God, our hope, and our fortress as we sung before,[1]

The time that is coming now—and we are in the midst of it—is a time of tribulation. But we are not looking to the tribulation, Lord, we are looking to our great hope, which is You. We are looking for the Second Coming. We are looking to go with You to Orion. We are looking to go even further than Orion. We are looking forward to seeing the whole universe of Your wonders and of Your creation.

We are looking forward, for this time of the loud cry, to work for You. We are sad that the visible events are not visible enough for many, that they wake up. We hope, Lord, that You, through Your Holy Spirit, give into them the ability to see which time we are living in. You open their eyes, because we—with our websites and our articles—we do not reach them. They’re still sleeping, and most of them are not even virgins.[2]

Lord, we read the passage of Ezekiel 9. Only those that sigh and cry about the abominations that are done in the SDA Church will receive Your seal. Some will receive the seal of the martyrs. Some will receive the seal of the 144,000. Almost nobody knows the difference. We wrote about it, and we can see in the numbers of those that read the articles that they are very, very few that read the series about the Gene of Life. They do not know what the difference between the seals is. And we know only a very few people in the world who have really received the seal of the 144,000.

As we will hear today in the sermon, You prepared a time for the sealing. You gave more time for a few more people to be prepared. Help them, Lord. Give them Your wisdom. Give them Your Holy Spirit that they will recognize the time.

Lord, we are here to praise You. Lord, we are here to praise You for all the wonders that You have done in our midst. For the studies You gave, for the confirmations that we received, and for all the wonderful wisdom that You gave to this little group that represents Your voice of Orion on the earth.

Lord, help us to be the ones that are worthy to really be Your voice. We all have our bad character traits still not completely cleansed. We need Your help to be clean vessels to give to others what You have given us.

Lord, be with us now in this worship service. Escort all the bad angels outside that tried again today to make us nervous because the equipment was not working as we thought. Escort them outside. Build a burning wall of fire around our camp, and give us peace and wisdom in our hearts. And please, Lord, give especially me the Holy Spirit that I do not talk of myself but speak only Your words, which You give me.

In the name of Jesus Christ, and in His new name, Alnitak, we pray. Amen.

I am using English now, in our language mixture here, from German to Spanish, to English, my worst language. Sometimes I think about Pentecost. It was definitely a good day for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, wasn’t it? We were waiting for it here, but we did not receive as much as we were waiting for. We thought we would get the gift of languages. Most of us here speak only one or two languages maximum, so it’s very, very difficult to communicate in our small group. Many can hardly follow, and we need on-line translation all the time. And if I speak fast, then the translators cannot follow, so I have to speak slowly. Sometimes I think that on Pentecost the Google translator on the Internet received more of the Holy Spirit than we did in that respect. So we need a good portion more, and we admit that.

And when I prayed, and I already mentioned that I’m a little worried about the situation of the people in the world. I’m really worried. We thought that when the things start, and when the loud cry starts, thousands would immediately be converted in a day.[3] Do we see that here? No. You saw our group on video, singing. We are still just nine people here, and two kids. Very few. Very few. There are some out on the Internet. There are some friends that I want to welcome also to this first recorded sermon, but they are very, very few. So we are worried. We thought that the events that are visible now would be even more visible. We not only thought it, we hoped it. We hoped that the fireballs would fall, right? Because that would be a sign, and it would wake up many more people. It would wake them up so that we could work for the Lord, so that we could give to them the message which we have. The message of hope, of an interceding Redeemer still working for us in the Most Holy Place in heaven, as seen in Orion by the wounds of Jesus in front of the Ark of the Covenant.

But we cannot give this message because the people are locked up in their own thoughts. They all have their own watches.

There was a prophet, Ernie Knoll, who saw Jesus before his second fall asking him, Ernie Knoll, “Hey, Ernie, what time is it on your watch?” And Ernie looked at Him, and Jesus said, “Do you think you have the same time on your watch that I have on My watch?” Remember that? The followers of Ernie Knoll refuse to believe that Jesus has a watch. They make Him a baby because Jesus does have a watch, but they say He cannot read the watch. He supposedly does not know the time.

Last week, last Sabbath, we had some ideas about the timeframe that is coming now. Some of them were correct, some of them were wrong. Some of our views of the time had to be corrected during the week, and they were corrected.

No one in the audience here knows what I got to know during the night. I stayed awake until 1:20 a.m. and the Lord woke me up again at 4:00 a.m. to prepare the sermon for you. And sermon preparation for me is just receiving some knowledge from the Lord. I don’t sit down like others to write a sermon. I never did that in my life. I never wrote a sermon. No, that’s not completely true. I wrote one sermon in my life, and it was a translation of a little sermon for when I had to preach for the first time in my life in Spanish when I knew about three or four Spanish words. Then I copied a translation of a sermon and I read it because I was so nervous that I wouldn’t have been able to speak freely like I am used to. But normally I speak freely. There’s no teleprompter here, like Obama has, or like Ernie Knoll uses. It’s just free speech as the Holy Spirit gives me the word, and therefore I pray before every sermon. When I start I pray by myself and then I pray in front of the group that the Holy Spirit will guide my words and that I do not speak my own words.

The Two “Millers”

My words are just human, and even if the Holy Spirit is guiding us, there can be errors in our human thoughts. Some people believe that if there is a man guided by the Holy Spirit, then he does not make any mistakes any more. That’s wrong. Give me an example. William Miller. Was he guided by the Holy Spirit? Yes, he definitely was. How do we know? Because the Spirit of Prophecy told us so! William Miller and his whole movement were guided by the Holy Spirit. How many mistakes did they make? A lot. They are not even all recorded. We know about two, at least. The 1843 error and the spring, 1844 error. These are two that were recorded, but there were more.

They set the time various times. Was it sin? What does Ellen G. White say about it? No, it was perfectly guided by the Holy Spirit.

Does the Holy Spirit guide into all error or into all truth? Truth, but what Miller said was not all true. But you forget that when the Holy Spirit is guiding us into all truth, it is about being guided. To be guided is a journey, a process. It involves a lapse of time. When you are guided into all truth, then first you have to unlearn your errors. Many still learn through trial and error under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And so do we because we are the second “Miller” movement.

That’s not to give myself a super-nice name. It’s to give the movement a name that tells the people “Hey, there’s a second midnight cry going on here on the earth.” A real second midnight cry, not a Pippenger claim. He just repeats everything that the others did before, but there’s a real ongoing, true midnight cry, “The Bridegroom cometh!” with a time, and a time announcement. It’s not for me to say, “Ah, yes, I am the second Miller” or something. I’m not proud of that. It’s a heavy load, my friends, and it’s a great responsibility. Therefore, God sent me, let’s say, six other persons, because there’s wisdom in the counsel of many,[4] so that I can do this job. I would not be able to do this job alone. I would have given up a long time ago under the tribulation and the mocking, especially from our own brethren.

It’s to give the movement a name or title that briefly says what this movement is for, and stands for. It’s a second midnight cry movement that became necessary because of the SIN of the SDA Church in refusing to believe and accept the light of the fourth angel in 1888, given by Jones and Waggoner.

The Great Missed Opportunity

There is the big problem. That is what you see written in the HSL in the first triplet that completely fulfills all the feast days, autumn feast days, in three years, and even the spring feasts except one: the N2 feast, after the Passover. This was the first opportunity for the church to go to heaven. They should have just accepted the light of the fourth angel when it began.

Some believe the light of the fourth angel is JUST Waggoner and Jones, and Justification by Faith. They believe this is the whole fourth angel’s message. No, that is wrong, because Ellen G. White did not say that. She said that it was the beginning of the Fourth Angel’s message.[5] And if it was the beginning, then it was the beginning of a process, and there was more light to be given that has not been given because its beginning was refused.

I hope I make myself clear. If somebody tells you that Justification by Faith is everything, then he is a liar. It’s just that simple: he’s a liar. And how many times can you hear that from our pulpits? Almost all of the preachers say that, and they are all liars. They’re hiding THE REST of the fourth angel’s message that should have been given in the years 1888 through 1890. It could not be given because the beginning was refused.

It’s a sad story. I heard one Latin American preacher preach about that. I will post the link to that sermon in the video. He was crying three and a half hours in front of the audience when he talked. He was crying. Tears ran down his face. The Latin Americans are more emotional than we Europeans or North American guys are. But I never saw a preacher really crying when he read the quotes of Ellen G. White and when he made the audience understand what happened in 1888. It was the most terrible moment in Adventist Church history.

To refuse the light that Jesus is giving, to bring you to heaven, is refusing the outstretched arm of Jesus Himself, the arm that is outstretched to rescue you, that you might be saved. Most Christians pretend to love Jesus, but they refuse to even take His hand. When new light comes, they throw it away as if it had never been given. They just throw it away. This is such a sad thing that many times in the night hours, I cry, and my soul is heavy. My heart is heavy, thinking about what happened at that time.

When I started to understand what Jesus is telling us in Orion, and that what He’s saying is the next part of the three-part fourth angel’s message, and when I saw the reactions of our brethren, I cried too. I started to sigh and cry about the abominations that are done in the SDA Church.

There are many different character types in the world. If you are under frustration, if you are sad—people’s expression is different. Some cry. Some sigh. Some shout. Some get angry. It’s all the same in front of God. The heart is heavy. Do you understand what I mean? The heart is heavy. Something went wrong. Something went wrong for a person that you love, and when a person that you love has something to say, and the person is just mocked, then your heart is heavy. And if you get angry—I’m the guy who quickly gets angry about that—it’s a holy wrath. It’s a holy wrath when you’re defending your beloved God.

Some wrote me when I published the article about the Loud Cry, and I put this nice baby—the pissing god Dionysus, or the other name for him is Bacchus—on the website article. That was not to show sexual organs. That was to show the abomination of the Church, that they are drunken. They are led by the god of the wine of Babylon, and they are really having fun drinking and wallowing in their own excrement.

Some cry, some sigh, some get angry, but it’s all based on the same reason: because the Church of God is mocking her Savior.

The Third Angel’s Message

So then, are we waiting for the fireballs so people would die? Are we wishing for this event to come so that our brethren who are mocking us will die and we would have our revenge? Is that the reason we are waiting for the fireballs?

The group here says no. No we are not. We know what it means. We know what the death of millions or billions of people means. It’s terrible! But I read it in the beginning of the service today. It is necessary.

The truth is that nobody is waking up now. The loud cry started because the definition of the loud cry is that a group proclaims the day—even the day and the hour—of the wrath of God, the plagues, when He Himself, Michael, stands up and manifests Himself. Ellen G. White said that.[6] And, the day of the coming. When you see that, then you know “Uh, oh. Take care! There’s something going on!” It’s also a sign.

Remember time-setters, like Harold Camping? What did he proclaim? He set the time for what? What did he say? Hmm? Nobody knows? We are attacked all the day that we are time-setters like Harold Camping and you do not even know what time he set? The end of the world! He set the time for the destruction of the world! And what else? He said the secret rapture would come first. Could you see that the guy was a wrong? Yeah, because there’s no secret rapture. It’s not biblical. So you could easily see that he was wrong.

What about Cristian Silva? In Latin America they know him very well. What did he say? 21st of May, 2011 I think, or ‘12, I do not remember very well. He said Jesus would come on such-and-such a feast day. Did He come? No. Did he proclaim the wrath of God? No he didn’t. He had no hour for the wrath of God. He just said Jesus comes. There were no plagues in his preaching. There was nothing. Just the manifestation of Christ, He comes. “Be happy! In a month, Christ will be here! Stop eating meat in 29 days!”

It’s wrong, and it’s easy to recognize that it’s wrong. There are doctrinal errors. It’s not biblical. And you have to have two times. You have to understand that before Jesus comes, there will be a time of tribulation, and there will be a time of plagues.

It’s part of the three angels’ messages to preach about the plagues. If you do not recognize that, then you are not preaching the three angels’ messages. The third angel’s message clearly says that those who take the mark of the beast on their forehead or on their hand will receive the plagues. So if you do not proclaim the plagues because you do not like the plagues, you do not proclaim the third angel’s message. It’s as easy as that.

Ellen G. White says it includes the day of the wrath of God; it’s a time message. If you do not know when the wrath of God comes, then you do not proclaim the third angel’s message, friends. You have a problem. You know the beginning of the judgment, but you do not know the end of the judgment. You have a problem. A big problem! The Advent Movement started with the proclamation that the judgment has come, Miller’s call. The second Miller says the judgment will end. In the middle is the third angel’s message: don’t take the mark of the beast. And if you preach it without the wrath of God, you are just proclaiming some other message, but not the third angel’s message. Don’t take away and don’t add to the Bible, right?[7] And if you do not proclaim the wrath of God, you do not even proclaim the third angel’s message.

You can write it on your logos, you can draw three angels on your logos, you can change it to pyramids, you can change it to triangles, or you can make light and fire come out of the Bible like the (not-so-)new Adventist logo does, but you are not proclaiming the first angel’s message, nor the second angel’s message, and not the third angel’s message. You’re not proclaiming it. You need to know the hour of the wrath of God, and you need the hour of the coming of Jesus—and you have to preach it in truth, not in lies.

A fourth angel was necessary in 1888, and it’s necessary today. The three angels before it, were movements—nobody denies that. So the fourth angel is also a movement. It’s not a man—it’s a message. It’s a message that moves people, therefore it’s called a movement. They start to move, and that is our concern. We are the only ones moving, and nobody else is. On the other hand, there have been some who moved. Some moved here, and brethren have also started to move in many parts of the world. “Wow, it’s wonderful. I see Jesus in Orion now. I see His wounds. I want to tell this to my brethren.”

And when they started to do that, what happened? They were silenced. They were cast out. They were persecuted. They were declared partially insane. They were declared unwanted people. Some who are here in this group experienced that. Correct? Terrible! It’s called tribulation.

Searching for the Books

Now, I want to do a short re-cap on the dates that we found so far, that came to pass. The first dates were years, and we found them in Orion. There is the year 2012-2013. Orion dates start with Days of Atonement in the year that is marked. “2012” does not mean January, 2012 to December, 2012; it means the Day of Atonement that falls in 2012 until the next Day of Atonement in 2013.

Does it mean that the fireballs have to fall on the Day of Atonement in 2012 or on the Day of Atonement in 2013? Does it mean that the fireballs have to fall? No. What does it mean? What does it mean if Jesus says there’s something else two years before 2014-’15, when the wrath of God and the plagues come? What is this something else? Who can tell me? No idea? [I am referring here to the judgment of the living, which began on May 6, 2012.]

You should have an idea. What is it? What does Orion stand for? Which book of the Bible does it stand for? Is there a book in the Bible that is not part of the Bible? There are two books of the Bible that are not part of the Bible, but the Bible hints at these two books. There’s one book that is given to Jesus. Where? It was given to Jesus in the Most Holy Place in heaven, in Orion, from the Father after 1844.

So is this book on Earth? It can’t be on Earth because Jesus wasn’t on Earth after 1844. Not even after 31. This book is a book that is only in heaven, and the Bible tells you that. It’s not allegorical. We’re talking about the Revelation of Jesus Christ to human beings. There is a book that is called the Book of Seven Seals that Jesus receives in the Most Holy Place after He has entered and come to the Ancient of Days, sitting for judgment, parallel to Daniel 7.

If this were the Bible, Jesus would first have to travel to Earth and take the Bible back with him. No. Friends, Jesus inspired the Bible. That is not a book He had to receive. The Father gave a “watch book”, a “clock book” to Jesus after the judgment started, and this could only take place in the Most Holy Place where Jesus went in on the 22nd of October, 1844, and not before.

So there’s a book in heaven, and it’s been given to Jesus. We could read this. We find this book many times in the Bible. We find it in Ezekiel, and in Zechariah. It’s a book easily recognized in the Bible because it is the only book in the Bible that is written on the inside and the outside. If you read something in the Bible about a book written inside and outside, it’s not your Bible. It’s not your King James Version or your New King James Version Bible that is written inside and outside. No. This is a special scroll that is written inside and outside, which is a special case because scrolls were normally only written inside (or on one side).

That is already a hint to a scroll made of special papyrus. It could be written inside and outside, because normally if you had written on papyrus on one side, you would see through the papyrus. The ink bled through so on the other side you could see what was written, in mirrored form. So it’s very special papyrus that we’re dealing with.

This is what our students should find out by themselves. Now I will tell them, because they did not figure it out in three and a half years. They say, “Oh, there is no other book, only the Bible. Sola scriptura!” Yeah, we only study the writings of God. We are sola scriptura. We follow the reformation thought on it. But if sola scriptura tells me, “Hey, guy, there is another scripture that you have to look at, and I want you to see that!” and if I believe sola scriptura, then I have to do what sola scriptura says to me. Then I have to seek and look and search for the book that is mentioned there.

It has to be somewhere, and where do I look for it? I told you already: in the Most Holy Place. And where is the Most Holy Place? In Orion. Ellen G. White said so.[8] The Holy City—where the holy temple is, and where the Most Holy Place in the temple is—is in Orion. That is where I have to look for it. It’s as easy as that.

Can I travel to Orion? Can I go into the temple and look at the book, at the papyrus? I can’t. How can I look at it then? Easy! Zechariah says it’s a scroll that is flying in the heavens, a rectangular scroll.[9]

By the way, it’s a nice study to find out the dimensions that are mentioned there. It’s the portal. It’s the portal to heaven. It has the size exactly like the size of the main entrance to the temple of Solomon. It’s the portal. If you look to Orion, you look to the portal of the temple of God, and you look inside, and in the end, you see Jesus standing there, with His wounded hands and feet and wounded side, interceding for you.

That’s the book. The book is Jesus Himself, as Ernie Knoll dreamt—my “friend” Ernie Knoll. The great holy clock that is as HE IS.[10] And his followers say “Oh, He has no watch.” And there is a holy clock in heaven. What could be holier that Jesus Himself, or a symbol for Jesus Himself and His wounds? The stars are not Jesus. The stars are a symbol: the portal [or the door]. If you see that, then you’ve found the Book of Seven Seals.

Tribulation (#1)

So what is “2012” telling you if it is the Book of Seven Seals? We showed in the Orion study what it is. It’s the beginning of the fifth seal. [In the meantime it turned out that the fifth seal opened even earliernamely on January 23, 2010, when the Orion message was published. The following text explains what constitutes persecution. This actually started in 2010, when they excluded me from all Adventist Forums, as soon as I posted the message.] What does the fifth seal say? Martyrs! The number of the martyrs has to be completed. Sleep and wait until your number is completed by the others.[11]

There must be martyrs. But how does martyring start? What is another word for martyring? The Greek word for testimony is marturia. What does martyring mean? Killing. Where are the dead people? 2012 [2010] to 2013, in this time between the Day of Atonement of 2012 [2010] to 2013, we have to have martyrs. How does martyrdom start? With tribulation! What do you have to have in a state first, before you can be martyred? You need laws that allow the state to kill you. When did the NDAA allow terrorists to be killed in the U.S.A.? On January 1, 2012, it became effective.

I spoke in the last Sabbath sermon about what terrorists are. We are “terrorists” because we believe that the Revelation, the book of the Bible, has something to do with living world leaders. And so we are declared by the NDAA or another paper that we are terrorists because we believe fundamentally in the Bible.[12]

It’s about tribulation. You cannot start [physical] persecution without laws. Nobody can do that. Even the Pharaohs didn’t do that. They put a law, and then they caused tribulation. And then they killed in the tribulation. First you have to have laws, then you start the tribulation, and the laws get stronger and stronger. The killing is always the last phase. If you cannot force the people to do something with financial pressure, oppression or whatever, then the last thing in the chain of oppression is to kill you.

Why is it always the last? Because they want the people to convert! Satan wants to be praised, and worshiped. So, his last option is to kill you. Killing you makes you a martyr, and martyrs are bad for Satan. He doesn’t like the martyrs too much. He already changed his tactics a few times because he didn’t like the martyrs after Jesus’ death, and he didn’t even like Jesus’ death itself. It was not good for him. Martyrs are doing what Jesus did, but in a smaller way, so he does not like martyrs. In that sense, he does not like to kill. He wants to be worshiped. He wants the people to convert to him.

But tribulation? It’s sad that we cannot turn the camera... I ask the group here: Do you feel persecuted? Are you put into tribulation? Tell me if you feel like you’ve been in tribulation! All say yes. Since when? They say when they accepted the Orion message, but tribulation is something else. When did they really start to give you tribulation?

What is tribulation? If you believe something and the people say, “Oh, I don’t believe that.” Is this tribulation? No it’s not tribulation. It’s just different opinions. What is tribulation? Persecution! But what is it? What is persecution? What is tribulation?

Tribulation is if others tell you that you are not allowed to believe what you believe. If they force you with sanctions or other methods to stop you from believing what you believe, then they are putting you in tribulation. They do not just say, “OK, fine. You have free will. I have free will. I do not believe what you believe.” In that case, you would say, “OK, I don’t believe what you believe,” and walk away. No problem. That’s not tribulation. Tribulation is if somebody tells you, “Hey, what you believe is so wrong that you have to leave your church, that you are a bad mother, and a bad father. I will put the law against you. First the church law; I will exclude you from church [or church forums] if you still go on believing that. I will declare you insane if you still believe that. In a second instance I will put you in an insane asylum, or I will put you in jail.”

Tribulation is when you’re not allowed to believe what you believe anymore! Then you’re an outcast. You’re cast out from the church. Does the Adventist Church allow any member who believes in the Orion message to stay in the church? No. They refuse to BAPTIZE people that believe in the Orion message, who COME to the Adventist Church because of this message, because they see the Savior interceding there since 1844. They know more than many, many preachers in the Adventist Church know, but they are refused baptism because Jesus is preaching the sins of the church, and that makes the people sigh and cry, and they could have a chance to get the seal, and then they would not pay their tithe to the apostate pastors and leaders any more.

They do not allow people to get baptized. People are outcast before they are “in-cast.” Gerhard experienced the first thing. He was not even baptized any more. I had to baptize him. And there are some here that were troubled severely and fiercely in the church, having been members for decades. And not only from the members of the church, but even from their own husbands and wives, being church members. That is tribulation. If you cannot go on with what you believe without facing sanctions, it is called tribulation.

When did it start? It all started in 2012 [2010], friends, when we had the first countdown set. The people did not like these countdowns. Another form of tribulation is mocking. Maybe it’s the worst form of tribulation. Mocking. Because it hurts. It shows that the other guy that mocks you does not love you. When we warned the world with the three-part warning message last year, what did they do when the fireballs did not fall? Instead of understanding which movements and events happened in the Holy Place and in the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary, they were mocking us. “Ha! The fireballs did not fall! Ha! You were wrong!”

Did you feel good with it? Did you laugh about the jokes that were made about you? Were you happy? Of course not! Your heart became sad because you saw that it was not you who was mocked, but God was mocked. Jesus Himself was mocked. And the biggest mocker of all was Ernie Knoll, saying, “Ah! Jesus asked if I have the same time on my watch as He has on His watch, but He is a baby! He cannot even read His watch.”[13]

That’s mocking. It hurts. It’s tribulation. Some prefer to go to jail than to be mocked, because mocking is a hard test for a person. They do not take you seriously any more. You become an outcast from the belief system of the Adventist Church and you are mocked like Jesus was mocked on the cross, because you are on your knees in front of the bleeding Jesus in Orion. And you are mocked like He was in His blood. That’s tribulation.

This tribulation started exactly in the spring of 2012 [in spring 2012, the judgment of the living began, while the tribulation already started in 2010] when we were setting the time with the countdowns [respectively with the Orion study]. We were wrong with the event, but with the time we were correct. They kept on mocking in 2013, even when the visible events started. How did we know about the timing of the visible events? How did we know it? From Orion? No. From a different book mentioned in the Bible.

The Second Book

The HSL is the second book. Do you believe this book is in the Bible? Is this book in the Bible? Is this sola scriptura? Some say yes, some say no. No it’s not it the Bible. But does the Bible mention that it exists and that we have to study it? Yes! The Bible points to this book that is not in the Bible. What is it based on? It is based on the movements of the sun and the moon in connection with the feast days that were ordered and ordained by God. Correct? So the astronomical calculations that led to that book are biblically based. Is it Bible based? Yes, it is.

What did Ellen G. White say? She said that not half of the Jewish economy was understood by our church. So what did we learn in 168 years since Ellen G. White? Nothing! We even unlearned! Most Adventists do not even know what the feast days are. They do not even read Leviticus or Numbers, and it’s not preached. The whole sanctuary message with its services is not preached any more. The “not even half” of the Jewish economy[14] that we once knew is not preached any more. We have 17 million Adventists and less than one percent could talk freely about the sanctuary services and what it means, and what the feast days mean, without studying beforehand. They could not solve the Gethsemane problem. They could not solve the two-Passover problem. They are standing in front of the audience with empty pockets, with nothing to give, two years before Jesus comes or the plagues start. Empty pockets!

The other half was not studied, and they could not understand that this is a book that Jesus is pointing to. There was a book that was mentioned in the Bible that was shown to one special person that had a special love relationship, agape love relationship, to the Lord. The beloved apostle, or the beloved disciple. Who was it? John. The apostle John, who later received the Revelation of Jesus Christ on the island of Patmos. He was shown that this book exists. He was even told what was written in this book, and it’s called the Book of Seven Thunders. He was not allowed to write down what he had heard and seen.

Why mention it then? “Oh, I was not allowed to write down what I saw!” You know, it is not good behavior if I say, “Ok, I know something that you do not know!” Is this nice, or is this teasing? It’s teasing! “I know something you do not know! The Book of Seven Thunders was shown me! It’s nice! It’s wonderful! It’s thunderous! But I will not write it down for you to know what I know!” It’s teasing. Is the Bible teasing us, or is this something completely different?

It’s something completely different. God said, “There is a book of Seven Thunders that you will find one day if you look for it. Then, when you’ve found the book you will understand what was written inside.” He gives a hint.

Ellen G. White also gave big hints. She said, All the feast days have to be fulfilled, not only in the events, but also in the time.[15] A time message again. It’s as easy as that. I’m sorry for the critics. If you are really sola scriptura, then you have to believe that there are two extra-biblical books, divine books, which are not in the Bible.

Think logically! Where do they have to be if they are not in the Bible, and certainly not in the Koran, or in the Talmud? Where are they then? Who wrote them, if human beings did not write them? If they’re not on Earth, they must be in heaven. What are the feather and ink of heaven? The heavenly bodies!

Ah, I hear the critics again: “That’s astrology!” No, it’s not astrology. This is written by the feast days—by the sun, and moon which the Bible says are signs in Genesis 1:14.[16] And the word that is used there in Hebrew means “omen.” Omen! It’s a prophecy.

The Gethsemane Study

The sun and moon are a prophecy. Can anybody other than us explain and decipher that prophecy? No, only the second Miller’s movement. That was also prophesied. Adventists only know the writing on the outside. They never looked inside. They refuse to look inside. Who is inside? Jesus! What is inside this book? The DNA of Jesus and the DNA of the 144,000! We even have to look inside the body of Jesus to find this book.

These are holy, sacred truths, and our Adventist brethren mock at it. They are not mocking at the second Miller. That doesn’t matter. They are not mocking at you. They are mocking the body of Christ, and the blood of Christ. The DNA is in the blood.[17] In all cells, but especially in the blood. This is His body that was given, showing His wounds in Orion. They are mocking at the body and the blood of Jesus, about the bread and the wine of true doctrine.

I’m sorry for our brethren. I’m very, very sorry for them. They will not see eternal life mocking at the body and the blood of Jesus. Do you understand now why the Lord’s Suppers were so important? Because it’s all about the bread and the wine, the body and the blood of Jesus! All this about the calendar—there’s one wonderful study mentioned in the dream “In the Heart of Jesus” of Ernie Knoll. He says three or four times that there’s a wonderful study about the Garden of Gethsemane that has to be done and redone and redone and not just read one time.[18]

I wrote Ernie Knoll in the year 2009 and asked, “Do you know that study? I would like to do that study!” I did not have the study at that time and I did not know what he was prophesying, so I thought maybe there is really a nice study about the Garden of Gethsemane, maybe from Doug Batchelor, his friend, or whomever. I asked him, I wrote to Ernie Knoll and said, “Please, give me the study.” He said, “I have no clue what study Jesus was talking about in that dream. I do not have a study.”

It was a prophecy that there would eventually be a study about the Garden of Gethsemane, which would later reveal the blood—the DNA of Jesus—the character that one of the 144,000 must reach to see Jesus alive in heaven.

And they mock at it, saying sola scriptura. Are the Ten Commandments in the Bible? Yes, they are. Are your sins written in the Bible because you transgressed the Ten Commandments? No. Is it written in a book? Yes. What is this book called? The big Book of Remembrance. You had better get all of your sins deleted out of the Book of Remembrance. Are there extra-biblical books, written by God? Yes. And these are two more examples. For every one of you, there is a Book of Remembrance. It’s not any physical book of paper on Earth. It is written in the Book of Remembrance in heaven. So there is extra-biblical scripture that the scripture points to. And if it points to it, you have to search for it like for hidden treasures. We found two such books.

I do not want to find the other ones, the Books of Remembrance of everybody here. I hope they are all empty. We cannot get sealed with the seal of the 144,000 if this book is not empty. But then you have a chance to go as a martyr, and a minute before your death you can still get all your sins blotted out. But if you are one of the 144,000 and want to receive the real seal of God, then these sins have to be blotted out before you are sealed. We hinted at the seal many times on our website and nobody found it so far.

You have to be a clean vessel to get the seal of the 144,000 now. You have time only until the 23rd of October, 2015 to get all your sins blotted out if you want to meet Jesus without seeing death. So, try to find the seal. Ask us! We will try to help, as far as we are allowed to.

So there are extra-biblical books. Nothing new! The Bible speaks about it. We found the two that make up the first and the second foundational parts of the threefold fourth angel’s message. And then we found something else. What was it? We found the rest of the Justification by Faith message of Waggoner and Jones: The consequences for the universe if the 144,000 fail OR if Jesus does not find enough faith on Earth and there are no 144,000 found. Compare it with the book of Job. There is a contract, an agreement, between Satan and God. Satan can do whatever he wants with Job, just not touch his life. He can even touch his physical health, but not his life. This is the experience of the 144,000. They have to endure terrible tests that seem completely unjust. They have to stand these tests without complaining, and without accusing God. And it’s hard.

Yesterday, we were together in the Sabbath evening worship, and I told the group here about the 8 years that I had to suffer on this farm. The Job experience is an intrinsic part of the experience of the 144,000, and everybody who is here and is sealed can tell you a story about it. Yesterday, a brother said it would be really nice if we would write a book about it. Just put a chapter for each of us, where he tells his conversion story and what happened with him when he found the Orion message: tribulation! The Job situation!

Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (#2)

So, what did we find in the HSL? First, we found the date of the coming of Jesus. Then we took the 1335-days prophecy of the book of Daniel, chapter 12, and we calculated back, and we came to the 27th of February, 2013—taking into account now the visible events and the true coming of Christ.

Did something happen? Yes, the pope resigned officially, publicly, at St. Peter’s square. So there was a big thing. We will come to that.

I know the group is waiting for something... I promised something to them. I will do it for you too. They do not even know what they are waiting for. Now I’ll tell you what they are waiting for. I will tell you not when the fireballs will fall. I will tell you not if and when the big tsunami prophesied by Ernie Knoll in California will hit. I will tell you today what you are all hoping for since a long time. I will tell you the exact date when we will have the Sunday law proclaimed in the United States.

The exact date to the day! And the hour? No, but the prophetic hour! Today, you will know when the Sunday law in the United States will be proclaimed and executed.

[As it turned out, I had found in the following dream interpretation a future date (October 27, 2013), when the Sunday law in the form of its twinthe ordination of womenentered the SDA Church in the United States by the election of Sandra Roberts as president of the Southern California Conference. This was indeed a MILESTONE towards the ordination of women and LGBT tolerance in the SDA church. We covered this theme in the article The Death of the Twins and some World News briefs (see Ted Wilson, Texas Star, LGBT tolerance, SDA church kidnapped by the pope). All of this eventually led to the Mount Carmel Challenge.]

How do I know that? Listen on! Jan is looking with wide eyes! Yeah! Today you will know when the Sunday law will be there, and when all our message will be confirmed, and all our work will start to find and seal the 144,000 in the name of Jesus Christ. There’s the patience of the saints.

So, this was the first date that we found, just to not mention at the moment again the 2012 warnings that were all corresponding movements of the Father in heaven. The Father went away from the Most Holy Place and went to the courtyard. Read that in the article.[19] We do not have time for that today.

The first visible event was the resignation of the pope. It was even confirmed by Ernie Knoll in the dream “Justice and Mercy.” He dreams a certain rhythm of 7, 7, 4 days. The 7, 7 rhythm is the sabbatical year rhythm. If you calculate which year is the 4th year of the sabbatical rhythm, you come to 2012-2013 (from Yom Kippur to Yom Kippur). The 27th of February that falls in between Yom Kippur 2012 and Yom Kippur 2013 is the 27th of February when the big events start. They started in this year with the resignation of the pope. Keep in mind—and I urge you to remind me if I forget it in the sermon—I’ll show you today why God marked the 27th of February and not the 28th which was the official resignation date of the pope. Remind me to tell you why. It has a reason—a big reason!—an incredible reason! We were all wondering, “Why the 27th?” Ok, it was his official and public departure from the Vatican. He left on that day from the Vatican, but his official resignation was on the next day on the 28th of February at eight o’clock in the evening. Why not that date? There is a reason.

Election of Pope Francis (#3)

What did we do then? We calculated the 1290 and 1260 days, and we found two events. First we were not sure where to place it exactly. We set a counter to the 13th of April because that was certain. We wondered, “Do the 1290 start earlier? There’s a difference of 30 days. Where should we put it, before or after?” We were not sure about it. “Do the 1260 and the 1290 days all end with the coming of Christ on that very day, or is there a month of waiting time between the end of the 1260 and 1290 days until the coming of Christ?” We were not sure, so we used the middle date that was certain to be correct either way, and we set the countdown on it. It was the 13th of April. But then we saw, “Uh oh!” The pope was elected on the 13th of March! So we knew that was the sign.

The first Jesuit pope in history was elected on the 13th of March. That was the beginning of the 1290 days. The abomination of desolation was set up. Then we knew the next thing must be something that has to do with putting the power structures on earth that will fulfill the tribulation. Then that happened on the 13th of April when the pope, on a Sabbath, said that he had set eight cardinals to reign over the districts of the Jesuits on the earth. That was a big thing because it was exactly like what happened at the beginning of the 1260 years. The power structures were set up.

The tribulation started a little later. The tribulation did not start when the pope was put into power over all Europe; it started a little later. God always shows the same things.

We were shown three movements of the Vatican. Correct? A resignation of a pope hadn’t happened for six hundred years, and never in this way. The election of the first-ever Jesuit pope and the complete restructuring of the power structures of the Vatican had never ever happened before: a power structure that is world-wide. There are Roman consuls in every district of the Roman power on Earth.

And our brethren say, “Oh, what’s that? What does the Vatican have to do with the mark of the beast? What does the Vatican or the Papacy have to do with any prophecy? You are terrorists, my dear brethren, because you think the prophecies are coming true NOW and it has something to do with Benedict or Francis, or with Obama. We are ecumenical Adventists. We do not have anything to do with time-setter terrorists like you.”

So, what was the next thing that happened? We had three dates correct, because God gave us the distance to the coming of Jesus in the HSL, the High Sabbath List. Three movements of the papacy! Daniel has always been the book that prophesied the movements of the king of the north in Chapter 11; that is the papacy. We had the little horn power. The book of Daniel is always about the movements of the papacy, so the last three distances in this book are about the movements of the papacy. It’s just as easy as that.

The Sign of Jonah (#4)

But the fourth date that we had (and we set a countdown for it) was something different. It was no longer in the book of Daniel. It was the 27th of April. Where did we get it from? From the HSL again! It was the first spring feast day in the year 2013 that fell on a Sabbath. It was not a High Sabbath, because it was the resurrection day, or the day of the wave sheaf offering, and that is not defined as a ceremonial Sabbath. But it’s in the High Sabbath group called N3, and it is grouped together with Pentecost. So if the day of the resurrection, the day of the wave sheaf offering, falls on a Sabbath, then Pentecost also falls on a Sabbath, and Pentecost is defined as a ceremonial Sabbath, so it is a High Sabbath if it falls on a seventh-day Sabbath. The corresponding feast day, the first feast Sabbath in the year, was the 27th of April: the day of the wave sheaf offering.

Jesus had already given the sign of Jonah once with His resurrection. He came out of the belly of the earth on that day. So, we held a Lord’s Supper on the Passover day, on the 24th to the 25th, and then on the 26th to the 27th there was the sign of Jonah in heaven. It was also prophesied by Ernie Knoll to come two days after a Passover full moon, and it was even the exact and correct one confirmed by the barley harvest. It was prophesied that something brilliant would happen in the sky, like the noise of a million truck and train horns.[20]

It happened! It was the gamma-ray burst GRB 130427A, on the 27th of April, 2013: The biggest explosion in the universe ever measured by human beings! It was not a small thing. If you would make it audible, it would be louder than a million truck and train horns, all at the same time. It would be much louder. If it had happened in Betelgeuse, the earth would not exist anymore, but luckily it did not happen 500 to 600 light-years away; it happened 3.6 billion light-years away. We have some more time until Betelgeuse explodes. That gave us more food for the articles.

Critics like Erich Schultze who do not believe anything that we write, mocked and said, “Ah, but you interpret things into the prophecy when they have happened. You apply it afterwards!” Yes, that’s what we always do, my dear Erich Schultze. This is what always happens with prophecy. This is what we have done since prophecy has existed. We try to understand the prophecy, but we have problems to understand it because it is encoded. Only when the real event happens can we say, “Oh, the event fulfills all the characteristics of the prophecy, so it must be that event.” That’s all. You always take an event and apply it to prophecy. That is what Adventism has done all along. The whole statue of Daniel is applied that way. The papacy was applied to the little horn power prophecy, and so on. That is what you always do.

And this event which was prophesied by the HSL corresponded perfectly to the gamma-ray burst, because it is exactly the event corresponding to a warning of the gamma-ray burst of Betelgeuse, which we had known of since 2010. We did not publish it because we could only do so once the time of the loud cry [namely of the judgment of the living] had begun.

We know that the last triplet of the HSL is the Loud Cry time because it begins in the spring of 2013 and ends on the 24th of October, 2015. So the beginning of the last triplet was a gamma-ray burst, and the end of the last triplet will be a gamma-ray burst. One was non-lethal to serve as a warning and show that there is still time, and one will be a lethal gamma-ray burst, killing a third part of human beings at the beginning of the plagues. Wow!

“It’s all by accident!” Really? We’d had the dream of Ernie Knoll prophesying this event since 2010, two days after a Passover full moon during spring, and now it had happened, and it was by accident? “It was all by accident!” We even put a countdown on it, and it was by “accident” that it corresponded exactly to the beginning and the ending event? It was by accident? Of course not, friends! If it would all have been by accident, I would really start to play the lottery. (I don’t because it’s satanic.) Lottery is by accident, but we are not playing the lottery! Our success rate of this year is 100%. That is not a rate you can achieve in the lottery. It must be something divinely guided. That was the fourth event that we prophesied correctly.

Maybe some Adventists would have loved to have the fireballs fall instead of a gamma-ray burst that was billions and trillions of times bigger than any fireball. They would have loved it, and we would have too, because then maybe some would have woken up.

Pentecost (#5)

What was the next date that the HSL showed? It was Pentecost. It was the only real High Sabbath confirmed by the barley harvest. The first of June was also a High Sabbath, but it was in the second possibility that did not come to pass this year. So, we thought “What could happen on Pentecost?” It could have something to do with the loud cry time already starting—it could have something to do with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, right? Yes! And what did we receive? Do we all speak three to five languages perfectly now? No, we still have the same problems.

Our problem is that we already received the seal. There is no further outpouring. The maximum outpouring of the Holy Spirit is that you receive the seal of God. We’ve known what the seal is for a number of months. Not you, audience, you do not know it. We know it, and if you think you have it, write to us, and we’ll tell you if you have it or not. [We are ready to study privately via e-mail with anyone who has an open heart!]

So in our place, nothing more could happen. But it happened! We prepared for the fireballs, because we thought, “Ok, fire from heaven there, fire from heaven there. The second beast makes fire fall from heaven,[21] it could be the fireballs again.” We thought it could have been fire from heaven as tongues[22] for the people in the audience, so they could receive the knowledge of what the seal of God is—some of them at least. Or maybe thousands would convert on that day, I didn’t know! We could only speculate as to its meaning. We thought, “It’s the day of Pentecost, so maybe it’s the latter rain day.” But the latter rain, as we know from Hal Mayer and many other pastors, is also a process. It’s a process [which already began in 2010].

We had a storm. A tornado! We were prepared. We had put plywood on all our windows because we knew the fireball event would be accompanied by strong winds. Ernie Knoll said that, and I believe it, because there was a strong wind on Pentecost in the Bible too. We did have a strong wind, hail, and a tornado ripping off a 200-year old tree (I said in the storm video that it was a 70-year-old tree). It was rooted out beside our morning worship place. That means for 200 years, there was no storm like that in Paraguay, and it hit exactly on Pentecost, one hour before the day of Pentecost began in the evening, with the sun already darkening.[23]

Wow. The mighty wind was there. In Jerusalem it was already Pentecost. Yeah, Jerusalem is seven hours forward from our point of view. It was already Pentecost when the storm hit.

We were prepared. Gerhard had taken away a lot of trees. If we had not done that, we would have lost at least two or three of our four buildings that we have here—even the temple! We were prepared. God says to prepare! Are you prepared? We stored food, did you? Are we allowed to store food? Yes, we are, until... if we do not store for the great time of trouble, and we do not do that. That’s another study.

That was the fifth date that we found. The fourth was the gamma-ray burst, this was the fifth. And now I tell you, that we have two more dates that we know for sure, and these are the definition of the loud cry. The definition of the loud cry is to know the date of the wrath of God, the beginning of the plagues, and the coming of Jesus Christ. The first one, the wrath of God, is on our webpage. Today there are 845 or 846 days left. It comes quickly. For the coming of Christ, we also have the date, but without a countdown. I don’t think there will be another countdown, because we will already be in the great time of trouble by then, and then even we will be in big trouble.

[Nevertheless, God made it turn out differently. On January 31, 2014, I received further light on the trumpet and plague cycles of the Orion clock, which again showed us the principle of God’s progressive “time” revelation. I covered that in my second public sermon.]

So, how many dates do we have in total? Seven! Seven day-dates. Exact dates that this movement found and proclaimed. On five of the seven, something has already happened. Now calculate your chances that the last two will not happen. It’s very unlikely.

Additional Revelation

But the fireballs did not fall. Why do we not have the date of the fireballs then? It’s easy. God does not make the fireballs fall. We are not Satanists to proclaim the fireball event. But wouldn’t it be nice to have fireball and the Sunday law dates too? I’ll tell you!

Yes, God does nothing except He reveals His plan to His prophets.[24] Correct? God does nothing. Ok, God does not make the fireballs fall. God does not put the Sunday law on Earth, but He allows it to happen, and if someone allows something, then it’s also an action. It’s a deed. “I allow you to do that, Satan. Ok, do it!” It’s a deed. It’s written in the book of Job, as the contract that He made with Satan, so he could test Job.

There’s something else, but it’s not in the seven-series that is written in those books. There’s the problem: it’s not written in the books of heaven. The contract is not written in these books, because one is Jesus, His body, and the other is Jesus, His blood. When the fireballs will fall, which he doesn’t make fall, is not written in the body and the blood of Jesus. Neither is it written in this book when a Sunday law will come against the Law of Jesus Christ, the Sabbath. It’s not written in these holy books.

It’s written in something like the Book of the Sins of Satan. That is where it is written.

[Today, it’s very interesting to take a look back at my statement in this regard. At that time, we knew nothing about the trumpet and plague cycles. We received both of them on January 31, 2014. If one realizes that all the trumpets represent satanic events allowed by God, then we understand that the fireball event could not be recorded until the trumpet cycle. And in that cycle, Jesus utters “Hold” again four times. More details can be found in my sermon as of January 31, 2014 and in the articles Trumpets with a Certain Sound and The Mystery of Ezekiel. Dear reader, when would you expect that event to happen? According to our level of knowledge at that time, everything that I say hereafter was logical, and has almost prophetic significance.]

What do we need, to find out the exact date for one of these events that we are waiting for—the fireballs or the Sunday law? All Adventists look to the Sunday law. What do we need? If I tell you we cannot find it in holy books, because they are too holy to write it down there, what do we need then? Revelation! Intra-biblical or extra-biblical revelation? Extra-biblical. Because the Bible is also a holy book, right? And if we could have found it there, it would be in Daniel because he speaks about the movements of the papacy. The book of Daniel is a hot hint, a tip. It’s a hint as to where to start searching, but we need extra-biblical revelation to know that date.

There are another two verses in the Bible, that tell us where this revelation comes from. Can you guess what they say?

And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: (Acts 2:17)

Yeah, an extra-biblical revelation is prophesied in the Bible itself. Do we have to look for and listen to people that have visions, young people who have visions, and elders or older people, old men? Somebody will get angry today if I call him an old man, because it’s about an old man, and this time it’s not Ernie Knoll. It says old MEN... M E N. It does not say old MAN. It’s not just one. It’s at least two. It’s plural.

The Café Dream

Because of these verses, when Ernie Knoll fell the second time, and he started to attack the leader of this movement and the movement itself, we hoped that one of us would have dreams. At least one of us! I had two dreams that were important for the studies. They helped me to go forward in the studies. But they were not direct revelations. Let me say it that way. They were hints to go on with the studies, but there was one man among us who had a dream. I’ll read the dream to you now, and I tell you beforehand that this dream reveals the exact date of the Sunday law [respectively of its twin], and we did not recognize it until tonight. We were blind again.

I received a copy of the dream... Jan had it on the 27th of October, 2011, while he was still in Germany. He’s the “old” man who had a dream, even more than one. We should look at the other dreams that he had, too. They are short and easy to understand, but they are difficult to interpret. This faithful guy was the first one of this whole group—except my wife, of course—who came here. The first one! And he had that dream, and he wrote to me, I do not remember exactly the date, but it was shortly before you came. We had e-mail contact. He was one of my most diligent students. A few days after the dream, in November, 2011, he sent me the dream and I started to interpret it.

Sometimes interpretation takes a long time. The dream date is important, which is why I repeat it: 27th of October, 2011, shortly before Jan came. Jan came in December of 2011 to join us here. He was my first friend that came from overseas, or from anywhere in the world, to join the movement. He dreamt the following:


I am in a café or restaurant that is not in my usual environment. It is a warm sunny day, and I wear clothes appropriate for summer or at least for a very warm country. The building is made completely of wood, and everything looks very pleasant and friendly. Everything is bathed in a warm light, which is reflected by the wooden walls and the small round tables and chairs. I’m sitting alone at one of the round tables, which is located next to a large window. The window does not consist of a single windowpane, but of small square panes (12 individual elements in 4 columns and 3 rows), which are connected by corresponding wooden crosses. [We have such windows here in the church and in my house.] I guess the window panes are about 12 inches square. [The number 12 should be known by everybody of this movement. 12 individual elements, 12 inches.] It is tranquil, and I can hear the other guests quietly chatting.

I look out onto the sea, which is located in front of the house. Suddenly, I can see how the water is quickly rising, like a tsunami (without a breaking wave) and after a short time it rises above the first row of windowpanes. I’m not nervous in any way, but quietly get up from my seat. However, the tranquil atmosphere is gone. I can only tell the other people (who I still cannot see) that I have prepared them for exactly this to come. There is no malice in me as I say this—just sadness.

Without worrying about the further happenings in the café, I ascend the wooden stairs and enter the first floor, my room. [So there’s an upper room that Jan enters in his dream.] There isn’t much to see. All I see is a wooden bed in the center with a red blanket and a white pillow... [One big, long pillow covering the whole width of the bed.] Moreover, it is a little dark because the room is lit only by some wall lamps and by the bed itself. [The bed was glowing.] There are no more floors above this one. [So this was the highest floor.]


Suddenly, a large part of the wooden floor above the café breaks. Only two separate boards, each leading to an opposite rear corner of the bed are left, leading from the bed to the edges of the room. [Correct? So if I draw it on the white board... I’m not good at drawing, but I think I can still draw a bed. So, there’s the pillow. I have to draw it first. And then there were two planks going, boards coming out of the bed. This is the bed. This is the blanket, and this is the pillow, and these are the two planks going to the corners of the room. Something like this. And all this floor was gone, and only the two boards were left. Wooden boards.] In my dream I wonder why the wooden floor is in such a state, and I am finally convinced that it is due to the tsunami.

Suddenly the roof is gone, without any force or noise, and the upper floor is now surrounded by a chest-high parapet. It’s still sunny, so everything is now bathed in bright light. The wall lamps are gone, but the bed is still glowing. I walk to the newly-formed sea-facing parapet and look down the building. It sways back and forth a little, but I am not afraid because I know that the building will not collapse. The water flows around the building and the swaying finally stops. I was the only person who went up, so I can see no one else. There was always the feeling of absolute peace and security in that dream.

That’s the dream. Now tell me when the Sunday law will come! It’s in the dream! Difficult? Not that difficult. I’ll show you. I prepared a spreadsheet for it, and I put Jan’s café dream of October 27, 2011 in the spreadsheet. I pointed out the three window rows, and I marked it as if each little window pane would be a month. So we have three periods of four months in each row. Jan dreamt of twelve window panes, which would be twelve months. Correct? We had that interpretation for a long time. It’s nothing new to the group here, but it is new for the audience.

Where to Begin?

Each window pane is a month. Our first problem in the interpretation was to know when to start these twelve months. What months are shown in the first row? What is the first month of the first window pane? If it were the 27th of October, 2011, then this year would have already passed. Then the dream would apply to the time between the 27th of October, 2011 and the 27th of October, 2012.

Was the 27th of October, 2012 a special date? Yes, the group says. Yes. It was even a day that I had dreamt about:[25] the exact birthday of Jesus Christ, the birthday of Adam, a Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement, a High Sabbath, a Sabbath, wow, what else? We found seven occasions for that day. I think it’s written in the article. Seven special events happened on that day.

What did the Adventist Church do on that day? Did they venerate Creation on that day? Yes, they did. Did they do it in the right form? No, they didn’t. They obeyed the papal decree for a veneration day for Creation, in October, for the whole ecumenical community. Every Sabbath is Creation day for us, and there’s no special Creation day except the Sabbath—the seventh day that was sanctified and hallowed by God Himself.

So, that was a very special date: the 27th of October, 2012. But how can we tell which October—the 27th of October of 2011 or 2012—was the beginning of Jan’s dream? That makes it difficult. It makes it tricky. You know about the Miller’s Mistake, right? We were off one year because we did not understand that the year of plagues is not part of the judgment of the living.

Look, if this is a prophetic dream and falls into the category of Acts 2:27, then it has to be a prophecy. Normally you don’t have a dream at the beginning of the prophecy, you have a dream before the fulfillment of the prophecy starts. Otherwise it would not be a prophecy anymore, because it would already be fulfilling, and you would not need a dream. So it’s very unlikely that the dream fulfillment started on the dream date itself. It’s more likely that the dream fulfillment started on the 27th of October, 2012, which marked such a huge date in our movement. We even said in the article that the door of grace for the Adventist Church started to close on that day. We were confirmed. You will see that it is true.

So let’s try to interpret the dream as if it were dreamt a year before the fulfillment really started. The first period, the first four months, the first row of window panes, is October 27, 2012 until February 27, 2013. Is the 27th of February, 2013 a special date in our movement? Yes, I talked about it already. It was the first date that we had for the visible events calculating 1335 days back in time from the coming of Christ, and we came to the 27th of February, 2013. Correct? Good.

Which part of the dream applies to this period of four months? We have to start at the beginning of the dream. I’ll quote the text again, with breaks, and I will explain how it applies to this time.

I am in a café or restaurant that is not in my usual environment. It is a warm sunny day and I wear clothes appropriate for summer or at least for a very warm country.

For a long time, we have interpreted this café as being our restaurant, our study forum, where Jan was already a member. And where is it really? Here, in Paraguay. The warm country where he needs summer clothes is Paraguay. All right? Good.

He dreamt it when he still was in Germany. In October in Germany, you do not use summer clothes. It’s already cold. So this was already telling him, “Hey, you have to go to Paraguay!” And that was our first interpretation of the dream, which was not wrong.

The Restaurant

The building is made completely of wood.

What does a building of wood mean in a dream? There’s another dream of Ernie Knoll that explains it,[26] but there’s also a historical fact that explains it. The barn of Hiram Edson was made of wood. He was the man who had the vision about Jesus entering the Most Holy Place in the year 1844, a day after the Great Disappointment, the 23rd of October, 1844. The 23rd of October, 2016, Jesus will arrive. Yeah, in the evening of the 23rd. Correct. So it’s also a very important date.

The barn of Hiram Edson was made of wood. What else is made of wood? The cross of Jesus is made of wood. Ernie Knoll had the dream “Stand on the Wood” because the wood is truth. Jan dreamt about the barn of Hiram Edson, and the truth—the building where the truth comes from—and he went into that building.

It’s a restaurant. It’s a café. It’s here. It’s this place where the voice of God comes from.

...everything is pleasant and friendly.

Are we pleasant and friendly? Sometimes we are, sometimes we’re not.

Everything is bathed in a warm light which is reflected by the wooden walls and the small round tables and chairs.

So this is the forum group where people study, the private forum. I always wonder, when I speak about the forum. I speak about the forum in the articles. I have spoken about the forum in sermons. I speak about the forum in the letters to our critics, in the letters to our followers--but it’s seldom that someone asks, “Hey, how can I access that forum?” They write me private letters! One guy wrote about four hundred private letters to me in Spanish, and I have to answer three or four letters from him almost every day. He never asks, “Can I be part of the forum?” We wrote four thousand posts in the forum! Studying together with people around the world, admitting our errors, making errors, learning by trial and error. Nobody is interested in joining the forum?

This is the restaurant. There was also a dream of Ernie Knoll about a restaurant.[27] It predicted his second fall in the restaurant part. Poor Ernie! If there’s somebody sincere out there, ask us! But I’ll tell you up front before you ask us to be a member of the forum: we kick out people that are not of our faith and that come just to spy or accuse or attack us. This is a forum with a “tranquil atmosphere.” There’s a friendly atmosphere. It’s a private forum. It’s a locked forum. It’s a hidden forum, so we can study without being disturbed. If we want to fight and debate, then we go to Facebook. There, we have enough opportunity for that.

So there are round tables, the large window, I already explained the twelve window panes, four in each row. They are connected by wooden crosses. Yes, crosses. Do we have to mention again that it’s a hint to the cross of Jesus and the studies? That’s already been said. Twelve inches square... twelve by twelve... one hundred forty-four... it sounds something like 144,000.

It is tranquil, and I can hear the other guests quietly chatting. I look out onto the sea, which is located in front of the house.

Danger from the Sea

What seems to be a nice tranquil scene is actually a very dangerous scene, because from the sea comes the tsunami, which threatens to come into the house and kill the people that are in the restaurant. The sea normally stands for nations, tongues, and languages,[28] and it also stands for a special religion that is located on the sea: the Roman Catholic Church. So it is dangerous.

The tsunami comes from the Roman Catholic Church, from a location from the sea. Where did the first beast come from? Out of the sea![29] And the tsunami comes out of the sea from the papacy. This dream must have something to do with the papacy. When the tsunami comes, it must come from the papacy, from the sea.

Did anything come from the papacy in 2012? No. Did anything come from the papacy in 2013? Yes, three times. How many times? Three times! Correct. That is why I set the next sentence in red—because it belongs to the 27th of February, 2013. That is when the first row of the four small window panes was covered completely. The time was gone. Jan said it was even a little bit above it.

Suddenly I can see how the water is suddenly rising like a tsunami without a breaking wave and after a short time it rises above the first row of window panes.

This sentence belongs to the first movement of the papacy, and this row ends with the resignation of Pope Benedict. Clearly the tsunami came from the sea, like the beast from the sea. It was a papal movement! The first one was on the 27th of February, after the first four months of the dream, based on the dream date one year before: the period from October 27, 2012 until February 27, 2013.

The Secret of the Sunday Law

Now, this was not enough for us to know when the Sunday law would come. The next period gives more hints. It starts with February 27, 2013, and ends on June 27, 2013, after another row of window panes. We have to read the text very carefully now, to understand what the second part of the dream is talking about. This is essential. If we do not understand this, then we will fail with the interpretation of the dream. The whole trick to know when the Sunday law will come, is in the second part. (But it does not come in the second part.)

Now read very carefully! He says,

I’m not nervous in any way, but quietly get up from my seat. However, the tranquil atmosphere is gone.

Somebody wakes up—at least in the study forum—but this also represents the Adventist audience that we have.

I can only tell the other people (who I still cannot see) that I have prepared them for exactly this to come.

What has Jan been doing all the year since he’s been here? He’s been preparing the people. He works in Facebook. He shares the articles there. He studies with the people. He gives answers. He prepared the people for this to come. What was he preparing the people for? For the first movements of the papacy, the first visible events! That was what Jan was preparing the people for. He always spoke about the 27th of February. It’s so easy to understand.

There is no malice in me as I say this.

I know him, there’s really no malice in him.

Just sadness.

And I know that he is very sad that so few people have accepted the message.

Without worrying about the further happenings in the café, I ascend the wooden stairs and enter the first floor, my room.

In other words, this is an upper room. Here we get the first important interpretation. Jan moves. He goes out of the restaurant part. Since when did we stop publishing in the restaurant, in the forum? A long time! We started some new threads, but very few. The active time of the forum is finished because we started to have the visible events. When they started, we began to publish in public because the visible events were there. We stopped publishing in the forum because now we did not have to hide anymore, since there were visible events.

Do I make myself clear? The restaurant, the forum, is no longer necessary once the visible events have started. We do not have to put all our secret thoughts, beliefs or ideas, there because it could be that the fireballs do not fall on the day that we share about.

Do you understand? The restaurant was not necessary anymore. The people who stayed in the restaurant—who stayed there eating, and complaining—were washed away when the tsunami came. They are gone. Members of the Adventist Church that just ate in the restaurant but did not go to the upper room failed.

When did the disciples go to the upper room? On Pentecost, right? On Pentecost the disciples were in the upper room. Which date was Pentecost this year? 15th of June! How long does the second part of the dream go? Until June 27, a few days beyond Pentecost. Correct? Pentecost was the 15th. He went to the upper room slowly before June 27. The papal movements had started. Those who stayed downstairs were lost. He went up on the Day of Pentecost. Is that clear? We have the 15th of June.

First he describes the ambiance, the surroundings and interior of the room:

There isn’t much to see. All I see is a wooden bed in the center with a red blanket and a white pillow. Moreover, it is a little dark because the room is lit only by some wall lamps and by the bed itself. There are no more floors above this one.

It’s the highest room. So, friends, what does the bed stand for? Jan gave me permission to say a little bit about the thoughts we originally had. Briefly, in the first interpretation we thought it was a private dream because Jan had a terrible situation at home in the year 2011 when he came to our place. His wife did not want to come with him, and she started the divorce process because of his being faithful to God. For months, he invited her to come with him, but she refused everything. She got lost. And she even started the divorce process.

We had no idea that we should interpret the “upper room” as Pentecost. Because he said “my room,” and he came to Paraguay, and there was an empty marriage bed left, we thought the way we did. Then we wondered what the white pillow and the red blanket could mean? Maybe his wife would be a martyr? She still has a chance to convert later. So the first time, we interpreted the dream very privately. That is not to say it was wrong. It is normal that there are several levels of interpretation.

One thing is correct: it was a marriage bed that he saw there. And there is a person that he saw there, but it was not his wife. That is where we were wrong, because we locked ourselves into the private interpretation of the dream, and because we locked ourselves to the events of the fireballs or a big catastrophe that would bring in the Sunday law. We interpreted it wrong. If you know what the bed means, and if you know what the two boards mean, then you know when the Sunday law will come, at the conclusion.

What happens, event-wise? The floor breaks.

Suddenly, a large part of the wooden floor above the café breaks. Only two separate boards, each leading to an opposite rear corner of the bed are left, leading from the bed to the edges of the room. In my dream I wonder why the wooden floor is in such a state, and I am finally convinced that it is due to the tsunami.

Marriage at Risk

So here’s the trick. What do the bed and the two boards mean? It’s a marriage bed. The whole floor breaks, and only two planks are left. What do those stand for? Now consider that the sudden event is probably on the 27th of June, 2013. What happened on the 27th of June, 2013? Did something happen around the 27th of June, 2013?

What happened on the 26th of June, 2013? The Supreme Court decision in the U.S. about homosexual marriage, or same-sex marriage, as they say. There were even two decisions. Read it on the Internet! We don’t have time for that. Who is allowed to go to the marriage bed? A couple. What does the Bible say? A homosexual couple? No. That’s an abomination for God. Christians should have no doubt about that. The Bible is full of it. I have no time to hold a whole lecture on marriage and how holy it is, and that it has to be between two heterosexual people.

The floor broke away. The floor of Jan’s room is the ceiling of the café, so what happened to the people in the café? The tsunami went in and the ceiling fell down. Something terrible was happening, and it has to do with a marriage bed. I told you it’s also a person. What does white and red normally stand for in the Bible?

Another thing! Does a Christian marriage consist of two heterosexual people only? NO! If you say yes, then you have no idea what a real Christian marriage is composed of!

Marriage TriangleThe Bible says that Adam and Eve as a couple was the first created marriage. It’s an institution of Creation in the Garden of Eden of God, and it does not consist of only Adam and Eve. There was a third Person necessary to build a real, true Christian marriage. Jesus Christ Himself! And white and red are His colors. Justification and sanctification! His blood, which justifies you, is red. And justification itself is white. A real Christian marriage is formed only if you include the first person! The first person is Jesus Christ. He is the First Person! All other marriages are un-Christian.

Only two boards were left leading to the bed of Jesus Christ, after the homosexual ceiling broke down. They come from opposite directions, representing opposite sexes or heterosexual people, who can come to the bed of Christ and form a real Christian marriage. That was shown to my friend Jan. In their marriage, they did not have Jesus Christ—he had Him, but she did not have Him. He was not the first person in that marriage, and because of that, the marriage broke. What he sees here is not his marriage; he sees the real triangle of marriage that Jesus Christ allows.

The Bed Himself is Jesus Christ. They are one flesh in Him. Only in Him! Only two planks with opposite sexes form a triangle: man, woman, and Jesus Christ. That is a Christian marriage.

And the others who do not go into this upper room have the ceiling falling down on their heads. These are the pro-homosexual people, for same-sex marriage. They are dead. The papacy is coming in with the sea like a tsunami from the windows, and the ceiling is falling onto their heads. It fell onto their heads on the 26th of June, 2013, but Jan has the 27th as the last date. Why? What happened on the 28th, by the way? It was yesterday. What happened on the 28th of June? It was Friday. What did the people do in California yesterday, in the afternoon hours? A lot of things happened. Where is the Supreme Court located in the U.S.? On the east coast. It’s not on the west coast, it’s on the east coast. It’s Eastern Time. On the 26th of June at 10 o’clock Eastern Time, the Supreme Court announced that same-sex marriages in California should be allowed again.

What did the people do yesterday? They married! The first couples were married! Before they could marry, the local state court had to react to the decision of the Supreme Court and really allow the marriages in California, physically and effectively. On the 26th, Californians were not yet allowed to marry because there were still pending cases. Do I make myself clear?

There were still pending cases of homosexual couples that wanted to marry, but were prohibited from marrying. Now the Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional, and that it should be allowed. But to actually marry, you still need the permission of the state you are in. So the local court, the state court, reacted to the Supreme Court yesterday morning and allowed the marriages. Now it can really happen, now they can really marry, and they did marry in the afternoon yesterday. The first homosexual couples in California married yesterday afternoon.

It’s not that difficult to understand. It’s the same in Germany. We have a Supreme Court that is the constitutional court, and if it decides something, fine. But then the local court has to decide, “Okay, let’s do it!” One is a constitutional question; the other is a legal question.

The 27th was right in the middle. Why did God show the 27th of February for the resignation of the pope, and not the 28th? Why did God show my brother Jan the 27th of June, and not the 26th or the 28th? It has a reason. It was right in the middle between the two different decisions of two different courts! Right on the day when nothing happened, is exactly the day that he dreamt of.

Isn’t that strange? He dreamt about it happening, though. He dreamt about the marriage bed. He dreamt about what makes a real Christian marriage. He dreamt about the floor breaking down with all the people standing on the homosexual rules. He dreamt it!

The Seventh Commandment

WHICH commandment is it about? It’s a number. Which commandment is it talking about? The seventh. The number is seven. The seventh commandment. You shall not commit adultery. Seven. What is the number of perfection in Christ? Seven! Who makes a marriage perfect? Christ. Seven. It’s the seventh commandment. It’s a number. He dreamt a number. Seven. And he dreamt the number of the seventh commandment. He dreamt the taking away of the seventh commandment.

It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law. (Psalm 119:126)

And this whole middle part is talking about this terrible event, that in the United States, the marriage law was changed so that homosexual people can marry now, and that it is unconstitutional to be against it. You will probably be considered a terrorist very soon if you are against it. It’s all considered hate speech, what I am saying here, that I’m against... No, I’m not against homosexual people. I’m against homosexuality. I’m never against people or individuals. I’m against their lifestyle, and I’m against them breaking the commandments of God.

Homosexual friends out there, I say, “Please, don’t do it.” If you cannot otherwise, then just do not do it. Do not covet, do not like, do not look, do not look at the same sex. Close your eyes or whatever, but just do not marry. You’re not allowed to marry according to the Bible. Do not have sex with anybody without being married, and not with the same sex. Just do not do it. I don’t declare you insane. I do not declare you crazy. I just say, “Don’t do it” because it’s transgression of the seventh commandment, and so you do not get lost.

Now, how do I come to the Sunday law. It’s easy. There’s a quote of Ellen G. White, which says:

When the Pharisees afterward questioned Him concerning the lawfulness of divorce, Jesus pointed His hearers back to the marriage institution as ordained at creation. [That’s what I said before] “Because of the hardness of your hearts,” He said, Moses “suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.” He referred them to the blessed days of Eden when God pronounced all things “very good.” Then marriage and the Sabbath had their origin, twin institutions for the glory of God in the benefit of humanity. Then, as the Creator joined the hands of the holy pair in wedlock, saying, A man shall “leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one,” He enunciated the law of marriage for all the children of Adam to the close of time. That which the eternal Father Himself had pronounced good was the law of highest blessing and development for man. {AH 340.4}[30]

What did we take with us from Eden? The tree of life? No. The healthy nature? No. The nice work without sweating? No. What did we take from Eden? The marriage and the Sabbath. Twin institutions. Jan dreamt about these two. The first one has now been taken away in the U.S. It was taken away between the 26th and the 28th of June. He dreamt about the 27th, exactly in the middle. The ceiling broke. The floor where he was standing broke. It was taken away.

The Fourth Commandment

So then, what is the third part logically about? It is about taking away the Sabbath. He should have dreamt about another number, right? He dreamt about the number of Christ, which is seven. He dreamt about the seventh commandment. So in the third and last part of his dream, you should look for a number.

This is the phase between June 27, 2013 and October 27, 2013. It is exactly at the end of the year that Jan dreamt about. Again, October 27, 2013 is the birthday of Jesus Christ. This time it’s not a Yom Kippur day, but it is still the birthday of Jesus Christ. What better day could Satan choose to take away the Sabbath, than the birthday of Jesus Christ Himself?

Suddenly the roof is gone...

The roof is gone now. What happens when the roof is gone? Light comes in. Loads of light. Bright light. The sunny light of Paraguay comes in, right? But the sun also comes in. The sun is now visible, or Sunday is now visible. There’s a lot of light now. Our light was already shining in the second part. How would you describe our movement now? Would you say we are shining as bright as the gamma-ray burst in all the world? No. Does the description of the second part fit our situation? We are not in the dark—there are some wall lamps, and the bed is glowing a little. Is that a good description for our situation? Yes, inside we have light, but the light does not go outside.

Should we be the light of the world? Should the fourth angel lighten the world? Does “lighten up the world” mean something brilliant, or just something like a wall lamp? Brilliant! It will light up the whole world! When will Adventists wake up? With fireballs? With a tsunami in California? With an earthquake in Chile? Or with the Sunday law in the U.S.? Of course! That’s what they are all waiting for. When will they wake up and see that they are dead? When the Sunday law has come.

But then the light of the world goes out, and our light goes out to the world. Right? It’s about the Sunday law. How do I know? Read it:

...without any force or noise, and the upper floor is now surrounded by a chest-high parapet.

There is a chest-high parapet. The roof is gone. Light can come in, and light can go out. How many walls does a room have? It was a rectangular room. It had four walls. Instead of a wall, now there is a parapet, or a half-wall. How many sides does the parapet have? Four. He dreamt about the number four. However, he dreamt about the number four as a parapet. What does a parapet stand for in the Bible?

God made a vineyard, and He put a tower into the vineyard.[31] And He put what? He put a wall around the vineyard. And what does the wall stand for in all Adventist interpretations, even that of Ellen G. White?[32] The commandments of God. They are a protection against sin coming in. The wall always stands for the protection of the Ten Commandments, and if you have a four-sided wall, then which commandment is it representing? The fourth commandment. Which commandment is the fourth commandment? The second of the twin institutions: the Sabbath, which we took from Eden.

Why was it chest high? You could not easily fall down. It was not just ten centimeters from the floor. It was chest high. What is chest high in my body? Which organ in my body is chest high? My heart is chest high. I will write my commandments into your hearts![33] Which ones, especially? The seventh and the fourth, because they are the Edenic institutions of God.

WWe’re talking about the two Edenic institutions being taken away, and then the light comes in. The last one is the Sabbath. When does the Sunday law come? Look, we have a constitutional law that took away marriage. Where should we expect the Sunday law to enter? In the constitution of the U.S. If it comes to the constitution, then we have the Sunday law. That is exactly what we are waiting for. It’s parallel. The second part of the dream explains the third part. We have the marriage law taken away by the Supreme Court, and we will have the Sunday law that takes away the Sabbath Law through the Supreme Court. Then we will have the Sunday law that everyone is expecting. We will have it by the time the dream tells us, exactly according to the window rows.

The whole house was full of water. All the window panes were covered. That means a date: on the 27th of October, 2013, the Sunday law will be in place. Now guess which day of the week the 27th of October, 2013 is. Let’s look it up. Sunday! It will be the first Sunday under the new law. We have four months left, and in these four months, the Sunday law will come into the constitution of the U.S.

Faith Is Necessary

Friends, that’s true. It’s a revelation. His dream is completely a revelation. It’s an extra-biblical, godly, divine revelation. You do not have to wait a long time. We’ve got four months to preach what we are preaching. Now you can pray about how we should react with this knowledge. Should we publish the video, or shouldn’t we publish the video?

I’m sure that the Sunday law will come. I’ll tell you something. There are two things that make me think so. The text of the third part says, “Suddenly the roof is gone.” The roof is the protection of the Sabbath. The roof is gone “without any force or noise.”

We were speculating as to whether Satan has changed his tactics or not. There are several hints that it could happen. Everybody is asleep, so why should Satan change his tactics by throwing fireballs now, when we always say fireballs will fall? I told you in the last sermon, last Sabbath, Satan’s tactic is to keep the virgins asleep. If he keeps everybody asleep, and nobody wakes up, there will be no 144,000. There will be no witnesses for the Father. The universe and God will be lost if they don’t wake up.

Ernie Knoll is twice fallen. He dreamt about fireballs. We do not know if the fireballs Ellen G. White dreamt of might have already been fulfilled, with the two planes crashing into the World Trade Center, for example. We do not know for sure. Be careful with interpretation.

Think about what would happen if you have so stark or so strong proof that it is not faith anymore that you live by. Without faith you cannot please God.[34] It’s possible—I don’t say I know it, I just say it’s possible—that there will be no fireballs, and like Jan dreamt, the Sunday law will come without any force or noise because the people are ready to put those laws in place.

Is there any force or noise necessary in Europe to get the Sunday law into the European constitution? Absolutely not. It’s enough to have a Jesuit pope to do it. It’s enough to have banksters to do it. That’s how it is in the U.S. too. There do not have to be fireballs to get the law passed any more. The people worship Satan willingly—there don’t need to be fireballs. It’s possible that they will come. It’s possible that they will not come. It’s not for sure. What I do know about is the fourth commandment, and that it will be taken away on October 27.

Show My People Their Transgression

There’s a second thing that caught my attention. I have no time to speak about it today, because we have exceeded the time already. I sat down and re-interpreted Ernie’s Justice and Mercy dream for today. I could show you. It now shows the months and the time frame exactly. The MARTHA letters that fall down are now six months, and it fits perfectly. It is exactly six months from the 27th of April, when the M of MARTHA starts to fall, until the 27th of October. Six months pass from the sign of Jonah to the Sunday law. There were another six months from the 27th of October, 2012 to the 27th of April.

[Today we have an even better interpretation of the 10 commandment-months and also a more harmonious time for the close of probation for the church compared to what is mentioned in the following paragraphs. As I said in this sermon, the deciphering of dreams or prophecy is a difficult task. When things finally come to pass, we understand how everything fits together. Please read the two-part series: Babylon is fallen! Nevertheless, the basic statements of this section are still valid.]

The ending part of the dream says something Cyrillic or difficult. It says that Martha, Becky’s sister, was given one month for each of the commandments that she had transgressed, until she was destroyed. It said that in February of that year, God stepped away from protecting her. So it was the 27th of February when the door of grace for Martha was closed, and ten months later (he said on the 18th of December) Martha fell and her bones were crushed. That stands for the destruction of the Adventist Church by the Sunday law.

Now calculate it. We know that God really stepped away from protecting His Church on the 27th of February, 2012, but that the visible event for it happened on the 27th of February, 2013 with the first movement of the papacy. How many months are there to the 27th of October, 2013, when the Sunday law will be there? How many months are there from February to October, from the second month to the tenth month? Ten minus two is eight. Eight months.

How many commandments did the Adventist Church really transgress? Jan himself says eight. Why eight? Why not ten? What about the Sabbath commandment? Do they say, “Go to church on Sunday now! We changed like the Catholic Church, we changed the Sabbath to the Sunday”? Did they say that? Is that the official posture of the Adventist Church? No it isn’t. Adventists even say, “We are still the holy people of God because we have the Sabbath.” It’s really difficult to take the Sabbath away from the pulpits. It’s even difficult with the name, Seventh-day Adventist Church. It’s really difficult to officially transgress the Sabbath commandment.

Now listen. What did I say yesterday in the morning service? I said how surprising it was that the Adventist Church, being so extremely ecumenically oriented, proclaimed something yesterday in the U.S. from the mouthpiece of the General Conference, and even in super ecumenical Germany, from the mouthpiece of the German Union, Naether. They proclaimed that the Adventist Church sees now a great, terrible danger and problem going on together with the ecumenical movement, because of the same-sex marriage law in the U.S. The Adventist Church made a clear stand yesterday, world-wide, that they do not support same-sex marriages. They are still clinging to the Edenic institutions and hold that only heterosexual marriages are accepted and supported by the church.

Did they transgress the seventh commandment? They didn’t. How many commandments did they transgress then? They did not transgress the Sabbath and they did not transgress the marriage commandment about adultery. Eight. So if you take the Martha dream into account, there should be eight months from exactly the 27th of February until the church is destroyed—until it is crushed to the ground, says the dream. That will be the 27th of October, 2013, with the Sunday law. Then the tribulation of the members of the Adventist Church will be felt. They will be crushed to the floor. Eight months.

Somebody could ask, “How did they transgress the other eight?”

  • Does the church—the worldly church—love God supremely? No, they do not.

  • Do they take the name of God in vain? Do they have idols? Is money an idol for the Adventist Church? Yes, it is.

  • What about parents? Did they transgress the law? Do they do what their pioneers said? Do they respect the parents they had? Do they respect Ellen G. White? Do they respect Hiram Edson? Do they? No, they do not. They have even forgotten about William Miller. The founding fathers are not respected.

  • Did the Adventists Church kill? Do they love their brethren? Did they kill you last year? Did they give you hate speech? Yes, yes, yes, they did. They persecuted you. And they did the same that they did in 1914, which is even written in the stars. They killed and they betrayed their brethren. They transgressed also the sixth commandment.

  • Do they covet? I’ll tell you how my inheritance went to the Adventist Church. If you give them your little finger, they take your whole arm. They covet. Money is everything that counts to them.

  • What is missing? Do they lie? Does the Adventist Church LIE? Every day. They lie that we are a sect. Do they lie that we are heretics? They are lying against us. They are lying against God. They are lying against the nature of Jesus Christ. They are lying against the doctrines. They are lying, saying that the ecumenical movement is good. They are lying, and lying, and lying, and lying against God and men.

Without shame they have transgressed ALL of the commandments except the two that they cannot transgress because they would openly admit that they are fallen, that they have become Babylon. I can tell you with Orion and the HSL how they are transgressing the other eight commandments. It’s written in the stars.

Eight months would have to pass until the Sunday law would crush S.D.A. MARTHA. These eight months will end on October 27. This is one thing you can find if you analyze the Justice and Mercy dream. We did it last week, but we do not have a video about that. Each letter is one month now, six months beginning from the 27th of April, when the door of grace closed for the Adventist Church. In the new interpretation it closed on the 27th of April.

God stepped away from protecting her. Then the panels came in. On the 27th of April, all seven panels were there. The door was closed, and then the letters began to fall. As “an evil and adulterous generation,”[35] the last sign that the Adventist Church received was the sign of Jonah on the 27th of April—the gamma-ray burst—and with that the organization’s door of grace really closed. Now the letters are falling down, and will do so for six months until the 27th of October, when MARTHA will be crushed with the Sunday law.

Satan’s Time Plan

In the Justice and Mercy dream, there is one more sentence that speaks about the seven days of Noah. Remember that? That means it’s possible that the Sunday law will come a week later, because we still have the seven days of Noah. This time I am saying it before it happens, so nobody says, “Ah, you said it was the 27th of October, and then it was the 3rd of November.” After the 27th of October, the next Sunday is the 3rd of November. So it’s also possible that it comes then, because we have the seven days of the closed door of Noah’s ark, etc.

What caught my attention? Please be patient with me today because it’s important for me to tell you something else. There is a satanic time plan. We wrote about it in Behind Enemy Lines. It is the signet of Paul/Saul. I’ll put it on the screen. I’ll tell you something. The whole plan is clearly written there also. We wrote about that in the study forum last year. We deciphered some more things than we published officially. You know, there is the trident of Neptune. What we had not figured out so far was a number. Neptune is an important planet in astrology. The trident with this sword, and the other line, definitely makes an astrological sign. It means and points to the planet Neptune, or Poseidon in Greek. Neptune (or Neptunus in Latin) is a planet. They look at the planets. We do not look at the planets with our studies. We look to the stars and the moon. Neptune is the only planet that has 13 moons. Neptune stands for the number 13. We already had the number 12.

Look, the signet says 2008 and 2009. It explains to us that if something happens in the papacy, it is always announced a year beforehand, and the big feast comes a year later with the event itself. What was the event on the 29th of June in 2008-2009? It was the proclamation of the encyclical of Pope Benedict that demanded world leadership for the pope. It was a big event. But that also tells us when the Sunday law will come and the fire will fall from heaven. Be careful! It says at least the year, and later it says more.

Three chain links were lacking to close the chain that would enslave the world. The chain stands for the enslavement of the world. The New World Order. Beginning from 2009, three links are missing: 2010, 2011, 2012. Then the forum members thought—and I also thought the same—“Yeah, the fireballs will fall in 2012.” But they did not fall, because we did not think correctly. We learned that the announcement is a year before the event, and the event happens a year later. When should the fireballs fall, if they fall? They should fall in 2013. With that, the trident of Neptune, representing Neptune or Satan himself, will begin to reign. 2012 is not written here. 2012 is the announcement.

What was done in 2012 to announce Satan’s reign? The Olympic Games in London. It was the most satanic show that I ever saw in my life. Satan himself even had a big show there, as a super-oversized statue.[36] Incredible! Some of you saw the opening ceremony. It was terrible. That was the announcement; it would actually happen a year later. Do I make myself clear?

When would it come? It’s written there. There is a date written—at least the exact month when the Sunday law will come with the fire from heaven. I wrote it in the post last year in the forum. I told you about the number 20. 17 lacks three to have 20 chain links. So it’s about something that would enslave the world in a time lapse of twenty years.

What is it talking about? It’s talking about the European Union. In the year 2009, the Maastricht Treaty, which founded the European Union, had existed 17 years. The great big 20-year anniversary is three years later. Why? Let’s go to the webpage of the Maastricht Treaty.[37] The Maastricht Treaty was signed on the 7th of February, 1992. That was like when on the 26th of June, the Supreme Court signed something but the people could not marry immediately. It had to be effected. The law had to be ratified.

When did it come to effect? When did the European Union come into effect? It was more than a year later, on the 1st of November, 1993.[38] Twenty years later is November, 2013. The big feast day, the enthronization of Satan on the throne that they prepared for him last year, will be around the beginning of November, 2013. Either the 27th of October, 2013 or the 3rd of November, 2013 will be the first Sunday under the Sunday law on this earth. In the U.S., the image of the beast will exist. That is the big thing that will happen.

The Sunday law is already in the European Union. That is nothing new. In Germany we have had it in the constitution since 1949. It’s nothing new in Europe, but the image will have been formed in the U.S. by that date. That is what we are waiting for.

Proclaim it now for four months! The door of grace for the Adventist institution is closed. The Adventist institution had time until the 27th of April this year, until the sign of Jonah, to repent and to officially take this into account and say that this movement is supported by the Adventist church, which repented of her sins that are written in Orion and written in the HSL. They did not, and God made the gamma-ray burst fall so they would see how they will soon end, along with everybody who clings to that organization.

Again, I say it clearly: I’m not saying, “Leave the Adventist Church!” Don’t resign your membership. I never said that. I said, “Form study groups at home. Don’t attend the churches anymore. Don’t give your tithe there to the organization anymore, because their door of grace has closed.” But wait. Don’t resign your membership. I never said that. I don’t know who said that. Wait.

They will be killed. The leaders will be killed. There will be a cleansing of the church. New leaders will be put into the organization, and then you can go back to your churches. Then the swaying will happen. “The building was swaying.” Of course, this speaks about the shaking. The Adventist Church building will shake, it will sway back and forth, but it will stop swaying. It’s also in a dream of Ernie Knoll, called The SDA Church. The building shakes, but the shaking stops after a while and then you can go back to the church. Then you can go get baptized there, because they will have accepted the movement. They will have accepted the Orion message, and the old leaders who were persecuting you will be gone. They will be dead. Don’t resign your membership. Why should you? Just don’t go where Satan is working at that moment. Don’t listen to the pastors who speak against Jesus Christ in Orion and Jesus Christ’s blood in the HSL. Don’t listen to them!

A Forward Glance

Therefore, my plan for the next four months is the following. We got camera equipment, we got a microphone. We got all these things now. We will have four more months to proclaim all these messages in the form of sermons. If you don’t like me, don’t watch it. If you like what I say, then watch it. We have four more months!

And I’ll tell you one more thing that we found out yesterday. When the Sunday law comes in on the 27th of October, 2013, then we will have another year with only repression, suppression, oppression—but probably not with killing. One more thing is sure: we will still be able to buy and sell in that year, until around October/November 2014. Then the time of not buying and not selling will come in. Then it will be very difficult for us to propagate the message over YouTube or websites or whatever. Things will get worse and worse and worse in that year, but it will be possible until around October/November 2014, and then it will get really, really, really hard.

I am not telling the audience why I know that, but I’m sure we will have a problem to send videos to the internet from November 2014 on. This movement also stands for worldwide events. What happens on a small scale here, happens on a large scale in the world too. So, watch the videos, watch the sermons! We’ll try to be with you the next four months, then one more year if it’s possible, and then you’ll have to go alone.

The false Christ will come. The killing will start. We don’t know when the fireballs will fall—maybe three days before the 27th of October. That’s pure speculation. We do not know. We do not have extra-biblical dreams or something. If we find something, we’ll inform you, but I do not speculate about fireballs any more. I do say that Jan’s dream was a divine dream, because it clearly spoke about the marriage.

Did I tell you why it was all dreamt to point in between or a day before the events? Did I make myself clear why? Because it all ends on a Sunday! All of the other dates are prequels to the Sunday law. It had to be dreamt on a 27th or point to a 27th. Jan dreamt it on the 27th of October 2011 and it will happen on the 27th of October two years later, when the year of the dream will have passed from October 27, 2012 to October 27, 2013. The public resignation of the pope was on the 27th but the real official resignation of the pope was on the 28th. If Jan had dreamt about the 28th, then we would not have a Sunday in the end for the Sunday law. It’s all about the Sunday law. That is the important date.

The same thing happened when the date was in between the Supreme Court decision on the 26th of June and the 28th of June with the local state judgments. It landed in the middle of these because in the end we needed the 27th to come to Sunday. Do you understand? That’s the reason why it’s not exactly on the day. God wanted to point to the Sunday law on a special Sunday that was coming up.

So, I hope you enjoyed it. Take something home from it, and get prepared! Especially our audience—I think we are more or less well prepared, but I doubt that the audience is. I hope the audience does not say, “Ah, another four months that I can stay in my townhouse or apartment in the center of the city. Ah, four months—that’s a long time for me to still fornicate and do whatever I want. When the Sunday law comes, then I will promise to improve my behavior.”

Friends, the door of grace for the Adventist Church is locked. If you do anything that the Adventist Church does, partake in their sins, you get the plagues. You get not just the Sunday law; you get the plagues. That will be no fun. Only a third of the human beings will perish in a moment, and the rest will have one year to suffer through terrible plagues. I’ll say it again: I’m not a fear-monger. On the contrary, I say, “The Sunday law is still four months away.” But you should have anxiety to save your lives—to be saved by Jesus Christ.

Prepare! There’s a dream of Ernie, “Prepare...” and it’s speaking about the plagues, the wrath of God, and it says exactly which year the wrath of God will come in. He repeats that so many times. Let me repeat it to the audience once more: “As June is a short month, so is time. Prepare for the wrath of God.”[39] That’s the whole dream. It has been repeated and repeated and repeated. He had the dream on the 22nd of June, 2007, which left eight days till the end of June. Ernie Knoll is a prophet—at least he pretends to be a prophet—so it’s prophetic time. Eight days stand for eight years. 2007 + 8 years = 2015.

What do we say? On the 24th of October 2015 comes the gamma-ray burst.

Take care, and God be with you! Amen.

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Martin Luther’s hymn, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 
In reference to the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25. 
Acts 2:41 – Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. 
Proverbs 24:6 – For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. 
Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 362, par. 4 – This is the beginning of the light of the angel whose glory shall fill the whole earth. 
Revelation 22:18-19 – For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. 
Zechariah 5:1-2 – Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. 
Ernie Knoll, The Good Driver – “Watch and know that all is according to the great holy clock controlled by Him who controls time. All will be according to His time, as HE IS.” 
Revelation 6:11 – And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. 
Ernie Knoll, The Mailroom – As I hold out my left arm, He asks if I think my watch has the same time as His. 
Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 399, par. 3-4 – These [spring feast] types were fulfilled, not only as to the event, but as to the time. . . . In like manner the types which relate to the second advent must be fulfilled at the time pointed out in the symbolic service. 
Genesis 1:14 – And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. 
Ernie Knoll, In the Heart of Jesus – He says there is much that can be studied about the importance of what is depicted in this simple scene, especially as it relates to this time in earth’s history. . . . The Herald states, “Now is the time that every Seventh-day Adventist should read and re-read that book. If you want to be a part of the elect, you should begin studying it now. This is a book that you should know and understand. You should also understand that Satan hates this book.” Someone is now shouting, “We don’t need you. We have the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.”. . . The scene I have just shown you is a study all should do not only once but many times. . . . “Remember, I told you there is a wonderful study of Jesus and the Garden of Gethsemane.” 
See the Final Warning series. 
Ernie Knoll, Two Cars – It resembles the sounds of a million train or truck horns blowing at the same time. The black fabric of the still night sky now rips apart and there is a brightness that has no description. 
Revelation 13:13 – And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men… 
Acts 2:3 – And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 
Amos 3:7 – Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. 
Ernie Knoll, Stand on the Truth – He says that the wood is truth. 
Ernie Knoll, Two Cars 
Revelation 17:15 – And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 
Revelation 13:1 – And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 
See Isaiah 5 and Matthew 21:33 
Ellen G. White, SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 1 {1BC 1105.4} – The Lord has given His holy commandments to be a wall of protection around His created beings… 
Jeremiah 31:33 – But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 
Hebrews 11:6 – But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. 
Matthew 12:39 – But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. 
Ernie Knoll, Prepare… 