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The Last Countdown

Originally published on Monday, September 20, 2010, 4:48 pm in German at

If we consider Satan’s efforts and pay attention to which church he especially attacks, understanding that this is indirect proof of who the true church of God really is, there can only be one conclusion: it must be the Seventh-day Adventist Church. With these introductory words, unwelcomed by many factions, I am back on the battlefield again in the war between good and evil, light and darkness, which will continue only a little while longer.

Many expected John Scotram to disappear or lose his courage, because it seems as if no one from his former church—or any other SDA community—supported him, and there were attacks against him, but a man of God can do nothing other than keep preaching the truth, because the Holy Spirit does not let him rest. I received new insights almost daily, and the short break that I apparently took was in fact not a break but rather the busiest time of my life, because there were so many new discoveries at once that I had to put them into a framework first, then work through many related studies before I could summarize the most important facts for you here.

The responsibility that God has laid upon me is great. The new series that I am now starting to write will probably show that the responsibility is much greater than just to admonish the church and tell a few members who are willing to believe what the Lord reveals that we are nearing the last decisive battle and that it has a lot to do with 2012 and 2014.

The messages that I have for the church this time are so important that even the life and death of the church itself may depend upon how these messages are interpreted and implemented. I want to state very clearly that this is not just about the big SDA church, but about the survival of Adventism as a whole, versus its complete destruction.

Lucifer, who will soon appear as an angel of light, is determined to put an end to the church and all its organized offshoots (SDARM or IMS). The great majority are sleeping, waiting for the proclamation of the infamous “Sunday law in the US,” and do not realize that Satan’s attacks on the church are in full swing. The enemy of souls feels great satisfaction when he sees that almost all the church members are sleeping and do not realize that their church may soon cease to exist, after which the long-awaited “Sunday law” would no longer be necessary, since the church would have already been successfully destroyed beforehand.

In subsequent articles, I will address the most dangerous heresies, which the ingenuity of the most deceitful created being of the universe has devised to mislead even those who consider themselves the elect, and thus destroy the entire Adventist church. I stress again that every SDA church that still believes in the pillars of Adventism in some form can (and must) benefit from these new findings, provided they would not be led astray by their blind leaders again to reject all new light and finally become history without having carried out the sacred trust that they received from Jesus Christ.

In these articles, there will no longer be the question of whether and which of the SDA churches is “Babylon” or “in apostasy.” Anyone who is still pecking on his brother who is from the “other SDA church” has not recognized what it’s all about in this hour of need and that the future of all Adventists is at stake.

Since the attacks from the satanic groups are directed against the sanctuary of Jesus and His church, the heavenly sanctuary is also a primary target—the place where Jesus performs the ministry of atonement in the Day of the Investigative Judgment that began in 1844. Our Lord, in His wisdom, hid the antidote to Satan’s poisons in the sanctuary so that it can be taken or administered by the church as soon as it is needed in the last final battle.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)

If you decide to deal with snakes and scorpions and other poisonous creatures, you would do well to take a serum with you that can counter the poisons of the animals around you. Those who do not know which toxins await them, however, may have no antidote, or one that has no effect, if they are stung or bitten. I live on my farm in South America where we have many poisonous snakes and all sorts of other unpleasant creatures. Just yesterday, I encountered a scorpion right on my dining room floor. I was tired after much study and wanted to go to bed. I had already turned off the light when at the last moment my wife yelled at me so loudly that I froze in terror. She had seen something moving on the floor. Her “loud cry” woke me from my carelessness and saved me from a lot of pain and potentially even death. Because of that, I am today beginning this new series for you.

I know what I am talking about, and I know that we must be prepared. Here, although it is very inconvenient at temperatures up to 45°C (110°F), anyone who doesn’t take charcoal with him to the farm work for first-aid and wear sturdy boots up to the knee is not just gambling with his life but also risking having to bear the responsibility of one saying of him that he caused his own downfall through a negligent lack of preparation and lost his life by his own folly. So it is with all the present-day SDA churches. They know that they are working in a field full of snakes and scorpions, but they have no serum with them—not even charcoal—and like a drowsy man sauntering to his supposedly warm bed with the lights already switched off, they are unable to see that the scorpion has already extended its tail, ready to sting their heel.

“Ah, Jesus will protect us,” they say in light-hearted arrogance, relying on the fact that a messenger of God once foretold that the church (which one?) would go through to the end, and call it “faith.” No, this is not faith; it is neglect of our God-given gifts. We do not have a brain just to turn it off, but to use it to counter the enemy with all the power that Jesus promised to those who believe and act according to the light that has been given them. New light is only promised to those who seek it and not to those who just warm the pews on Sabbath and have no other questions during the week. In general, Jesus has something against those who believe they know everything already. This also means that He appreciates those who ask questions, know that they do not yet know everything, want to know more, and ask and explore the Scriptures with a lot of prayer.

I might have many character defects that Jesus has not yet fully cleansed. My tone and my determination may put off some. Some say I do not have the “sweet love of Jesus” when I express in my articles how much the lukewarmness of the churches makes me want to vomit. Haven’t any of you ever read the Old Testament or the words that Jesus says to the church of Laodicea? Or haven’t you read that Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple with a whip? How does all this fit with the often misunderstood “sweet love of Jesus”? Don’t you understand yet that Jesus hates sin and that He is almost ready to put an end to it once and for all, and with it all the sinners who didn’t let Him cleanse them?

There is one character defect that I do not have! I will not let myself be lulled to sleep by Satan. I am searching every day for the truth, and when I find something new that I think could save a few souls for Jesus, I sit down and write it here on the Internet even though the reactions and the attitudes of most of you are nauseating and almost make me fraught with despair and sadness. How I have already shed many tears for many of you, who blindly race to your doom! And how much more our Creator, who has gone even to the cross for you!

Anyone who has read the other Orion articles knows that all the pillars of the Adventist faith are confirmed in Orion. Need I mention it again, or is it enough to refer you to the last series of articles, The Throne Lines? I will leave it for now, and I hope that the interested reader once again reminds himself, so there is no need to keep asking “how I understand the Holy Spirit: whether I think He is a person or not.” How many e-mails of that kind I have had to answer—after clearly stating my position on our doctrines in the studies! The Orion clock could not have been found if I had not realized that three Persons of one and the same Divine Council sit on the throne of God. If it were not so, we would need to look for a constellation of five stars, and all the references to the “seven stars” in the Bible would be a farce!

How many of you have actually realized what the true purpose and the real message of Orion is? From the many e-mails I receive, I can only conclude that 99% of the readers are only interested in finding out exactly when Jesus will come, and they do not want to recognize that Orion includes the time only to convince the church that it is “five minutes to midnight” and there is very little time for repentance. Meanwhile, however, the greater part of the church is silent and hides behind some Ellen G. White statements to the effect that we should not set the time. They do not understand that it is not John Scotram who determines the time, but Jesus, who is ready to show us His clock now at the end of time and that He has placed the clock hands so that they mark the sins His people committed during the investigative judgment as well as the lateness of the hour.

This is dangerously stupid behavior indeed, and anyone who knows God knows that as we near the fulfilling of a prophecy, He lets us know more precisely what His plans are. The reactions of the churches and of most of those who talk to me are showing that they know neither God nor Jesus. God would never leave us in the dark about His imminent return. Hence, He now gives the time, but also the sins so they can cooperatively repent and avert greater disaster.

I am ashamed, brethren and friends. I am ashamed of us! I am ashamed that so few realize how much patience and love our Lord has with our stubborn and perverse generation. Yes, I still lack much of the sweet love of Jesus because sometimes I ask myself how long I must put up with you, but Jesus already asked that 2000 years ago. I understand my God, and I know that He wants to take those who are left who truly know Him home now, and He will do it extremely soon!

The Bible clearly shows us what God is doing when the time of patience and testing is over. There are many examples in the history of Israel, which is the type for the current spiritual Israel, the SDA church(es). We did not want to obey in good times by removing the evil in our midst to be able to finish our mission. We did not stay pure but made a pact with Jezebel, whether collectively or individually. We have joined the ecumenical movement and spiritually murdered Jesus’ messenger, Ellen G. White, by not following her God-given instructions, taking them all too lightly. We have crucified Jesus afresh with our worldliness and shouted again: “His blood be upon us and our children!” That now the prophesied persecution is coming and thus exactly what we ourselves are to blame for is becoming true is the bitter consequence of the fact that we have not learned anything since 1888, and have not wanted to learn anything either, and have blindly followed our blind leaders that we ourselves have chosen.

What is now upon us is what always came upon God’s people when they disobeyed: blood and tears, exile and suffering, death, and misery... until, in the time of Jacob’s trouble a small group will have completely realized what has happened. This small remnant of us, just 144,000 persons, will then cry to God for deliverance. It did not have to be so bad. We can also learn this if we read the ancient prophets. Everything that happened was conditional prophecy, but what must happen now cannot be reversed anymore by any condition. The time has passed!

With the election of the new President of the SDA World Church, Ted Wilson, the church ship seems to be changing its course to the right. This saved the church leadership from immediate destruction during the General Conference, which was announced in dreams and visions by a number of SDA brethren. Ted Wilson is known as a conservative president, and of course I have seen his original inaugural speech and followed his comments on the Internet in three different languages and via mail and have analyzed it all. I have not seen it as my job to give an opinion of him. I do not know this man well enough to have a clear opinion yet. I just watched. I saw that his statements correspond in many respects to what I believe, and I understand that Jesus did not destroy the General Conference in Atlanta with a disaster for that reason. That was clearly a conditional prophecy, and I also stated that. The shaking of the church that began with the Orion message in January 2010, however, cannot be averted even by Ted Wilson. It is too late. “The die is cast,” a Roman would say, because the church failed miserably in all the tests that it faced from 1888 on. Prophecy is being fulfilled now, even though the church ship seems to be turning slightly.

Everything seemed as though the church would fall... but now, at the very last moment before the announcement of the Sunday laws, the miracle happens—in the present SDA Church, which is almost completely in apostasy, a man who wants to see the old values and pillars of our faith restored is elected as the church president. He spoke in his inaugural speech about the fact that global ecumenism is “a sign of the imminent coming of Jesus.” I hope that he wanted to make it clear by this that we must not approach the ecumenical movement anymore. However, he expressed himself in very careful terms, from what I understand, perhaps in view of the presence of envoys from the two Chinese ecumenical presidents and the “Jesuit” German leadership of the SDA Church, who voted unanimously against adopting the new wording of the statement regarding the creation week consisting of six consecutive 24-hour days and thus proved that they are children of the Vatican. The photos of the German leaders at this voting, which I had to watch on the Internet, shocked me.

When I began the studies for the new series, I had no idea that for this new president of the church ship, Jesus would have a very special message that had remained hidden from the eyes of His people for more than 3500 years. At the end of this series, Jesus will approach Ted Wilson directly from the sanctuary to make clear what He expects of him and what his job would be for the last remaining years of earth’s history. I can only pray that he will hear and heed this message, but let’s talk about that later in much more detail.

Before we get into the topic, allow me a few thoughts on events in my country that I can follow even from South America as a “subscriber” to German Adventist e-mail distribution lists. What is going on over there in Germany is simply unbelievable! It is so incredible that those leaders, of what has been for decades such an important SDA country, are ruling in complete disobedience to the world leadership and still remain in their positions. That one who is the president of the world church does not put an end to this Jesuit puppet show inclines me to again doubt the assertiveness and authority of this new president. Sure, we have to give him a little more time; there is still a little time until the Sunday laws come in Europe and a whole continent slips through his fingers, if “history repeats” what was recorded in Orion in the years 1914, 1936 and 1986—particularly for Germany and Europe—which caused a negative trend for the global church. It’s all just ridiculous and shameful!

Of course, I do not laugh at the recent efforts of a few faithful brothers and sisters from Germany who are trying in an honest, courteous, and patient way to put an end to these Jesuit marionette leaders. But isn’t it possible for a world church president to intervene sometimes? Do we have to go through the tiresome and time-consuming proper channels when there is open rebellion? What I am missing in all the many and certainly reasonable and legitimate writings of my faithful brethren from Germany to “Jester and Prankster” is the realization that it is not just Germany where a lot is going wrong. Again and again, I read about the “intolerable situation, especially in Germany” and that implies that the situation would actually be different across the world church. Please, dear honorable brothers and sisters, this denies the fact that the entire church ship from top to bottom has been stained and filthy since 1914, sailing in muddy waters, diverted from its course!

Here in South America, we just launched a campaign with DVDs and the distribution of “SDA Church writings” in which the Sabbath is referred to as an “institution for physical recovery”, as a “worker’s right”, and as “Family Day”. On the enclosed DVD we can see—and at first I could not believe what I saw—that it was purportedly not a pope who changed the day of the Lord to Sunday, but the early Christians who wanted to distinguish themselves from the Jews, and the Roman Church was never responsible for all of this! The whole DVD—labeled as an Adventist production of the South American Division—repeats verbatim whole sections of the 1998 papal encyclical of John Paul II “Dies Domini” written by Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI). Do you still believe, dear brothers and sisters in Germany, that Rome is pulling the strings of only your leaders?

I do not want to falsely attribute anything to President Ted Wilson who so far appears to me very honorable, but wouldn’t it be high time to educate himself on what is going on in other parts of his world church? It is beyond my knowledge whether or not Ted Wilson speaks foreign languages, but if he does—which would be a good idea for a world church president—I would be surprised that all these disagreeable incidents would have happened publicly and unsanctioned while it is his “program” to lead the church to “revival and reformation”. Let’s get going, dear brother Ted Wilson, and act quickly, because the clock of God is ticking and the stars of Orion are rightly known as fixed stars, and they won’t move significantly by the time the clock hand reaches 2012/2013 and God Himself takes the “revival and reformation” of the church into His own hands, sending a “ruler of Babylon” for the second time to bring the church to repentance under persecution and tribulation “in hard times.”

My opening remark for this new series of articles was that I am aware of how many terrible attacks the SDA churches have to face, and I would not like to be in the shoes of Ted Wilson! He certainly has to venture upon a difficult task and has very little time left for it. The church is being destroyed from the outside through the ecumenical movement and the pressure of society, but much more from the inside by the ever-growing amount of false doctrine. These teachings are the snakes and scorpions lurking to attack each member and take eternal life away from them through their poison. The fact that the floodgates have been opened for these creatures and they have been received so unhindered into the church is the fault of the church and its members themselves, who still do not understand how to correctly interpret the parable of the wheat and the tares. I hope that at least that was sufficiently explained in other articles.

In the articles of this series, which I would like to call “Shadows of the Future,” I want to give the church a survival kit with antivenom for different snakes. If we know what species of snakes threaten us, it is often quite easy to keep the right first-aid kid handy with the proper antivenom for the area. In my country, such kits officially exist, though I could never get one in a medical center. However, such a kit is not yet available for the snakes that threaten our church. Although the species of the snakes have been known by their potent toxins for years, through negligence the church has failed to develop antivenoms against these poisons, so we have no known serum to rely on. That neglect has fatal consequences now, because these snakes are multiplying like vampires. One who is bitten turns into a snake himself and bites another church member. So the disease spreads exponentially, as the plague of the serpents once did in the camp of the Israelites during the time of Moses.

It is not just one species of snake that threatens the church, but several. Vampires only come at night, and they can be deterred by garlic—so says the legend, at least. The bitten offspring of these church vampires, however, come in broad daylight or at any time of day or night and are immune to garlic, crosses, and silver arrows. They cannot be distinguished from church members who have not been bitten. This makes them more dangerous! Only those with the antivenom, those who have inoculated themselves, are able to distinguish the vampire brethren and protect themselves against them.

What I would like to say with this may be a bit of a rough comparison—that the church has failed to react to certain attacks from inside and out with intense study, which would have enabled it to respond to doctrinal arguments that are diametrically opposed to Adventist doctrine and to train and prepare its members. Instead of studying how to combat the attacks and their related doctrines with the light that we once received and to gain new light, we have only studied intensively how much closer we can come to the other churches without becoming vampires. That was playing with fire, and our fingers got badly burned. It opened the doors to ecumenical vampires, and many formerly healthy members have been bitten.

It should have been the responsibility of the BRI (Biblical Research Institute) to study the things that I am now presenting to you so that the church could survive. They should have erected a cross, like Moses, denouncing the snakes that intend to kill our church. The BRI, however, which was unfortunately mentioned and praised by Ted Wilson as the only authority that could study the Bible correctly, is led by the American counterpart to Jester and Prankster who have nothing better to do than to publish an article that says that we should refrain from studying prophecy, that it is a new abominable addiction among us Adventists to interpret Daniel and Revelation in a way that the events and characters described there would “identify prominent political and religious leaders as specific fulfillments of prophecy” (Obama and Benedict XVI). In other words, the “president” of the BRI, Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, says that we should not expect Jesus for a long time, because there is nothing in sight, and he wants to advise us to not even ponder over it. He accuses students of prophecy, saying “the present time of relative peace and waiting is disturbing to them, leading them to reinterpret apocalyptic prophecy along futurist lines” and refers to the study of prophecy as an “obsession with prophetic speculation.” Is this not clearly the voice of the serpent in his article Problems with Adventist Futurism from April 2010? When will Ted Wilson fumigate this snake pit?

Because the BRI neglected its real duties and is on the wrong side, we can now find in the church a large number of various heresies promoted by many members, which the church has never officially declared as heresies nor made known official, Bible-based counterarguments against these false teachings. This opens the floodgates for the distribution of certain heresies within the church. You just cannot imagine what goes on in the church forums in the US and other countries. Members that uphold the teachings of Ellen G. White, are blocked, excluded, and their membership is revoked while clearly ecumenical and Jesuit-inspired elements are present in all the discussion topics; they are the main speakers, and in a dialectically trained manner they massacre everything that even remotely resembles conservative Adventism, without receiving any complaints of the forum administrators.

There are youth groups that are encouraged when they ask whether we should not simply abolish “1844” because nobody can hear that “rubbish” or believe it anymore; while others who discovered additional symbolism in the sanctuary services of the Old Testament and want to talk to the brethren about it are dismissed as cranks and idiots. If the one who is attacked like this gets annoyed and expresses his irritation in a polite way, he is immediately declared a fanatic and his profile disappears from one minute to the next. These forums, which are an exact mirror image of what is really taking place in church life, are a horror, and to call the infected brethren only “vampires” is actually much too polite, because their bite leads even to the second and eternal death. The correct term for what they do is “fratricide”—killing one’s own brother. I have some readers who say that my manner of expression is “too sharp” or “strong” and that I should “calm down”. Please tell that to Jeremiah or Ezekiel too, if you ever have the opportunity to meet them in the kingdom of God!

Therefore, this series about the “Shadows of the Future” is not for those brethren who only want to read about the “sweet love of Jesus” or go to perdition with Ángel Rodríguez, who speculates so “beautifully” in his book “Spanning the Abyss” about how the Spirit of Jesus in the grave was waiting to give the body of Jesus life again, delighting in the fact that such theological speculation, which sounds more like spiritualism, is also taught in the Sabbath School. I recommend that these brothers and sisters immediately go to another website. Maybe you should download a new CD of Benedict XVI instead, who sings you a lullaby (of death) in his lovely Saint Grandfather’s voice, or get yourself the beautiful DVD of your South American Division, which tells you with how much “sweet love” “Jesus” your Lord provided so you can go your own ways on Sabbath and that the pope just followed the early Christians and never changed the day, only accepting it at the request of the early Christians who were led by the apostles. I could go on and on writing about what is going wrong everywhere in church. The conquest by the Jesuits has already taken place and will not take place in the future. Ted Wilson, I do not envy you for the difficult task that you have been entrusted with by Jesus!

Do you want to know what is going on in the world? Get a subscription and log in to Then you will know where the world stands and that everything that Ellen G. White wrote about the US is now—in this minute—coming true. Anyone who still does not believe that we are on the verge of the end of history is a blind fool. And your pastor? Does he inform you? Do you hear sermons or warnings about the fact that thousands of children are dying now because of the flu vaccination? Worldwide? That children and mothers suffer brain damage because they were vaccinated? Do you know the background? Do you know why this is happening now? Does it interest you at all? If so, then get the DVD “End Game” by Alex Jones on the aforementioned website. It’s worth it! A light will dawn on you. Everything fits perfectly together with Adventist eschatology, which you should certainly not study if you would follow Ted Wilson’s recommendation—which I find incomprehensible—to believe only what you get prescribed by Ángel Rodríguez from the BRI, to avoid being “obsessed”.

Last year, when I wrote to every pastor that I know in South America and informed them and asked them to warn their parishioners not to get vaccinated against H1N1, I did not receive one single reaction from even one single pastor. It was simply hushed up. I did not even get a polite negative response of the form—“Thank you, dear brother, for the nonsense that you have sent me.” Courtesy among brethren is “out”! If our pastors have the directive from Jesus to save lives, they also have the obligation to watch whether prophecy is fulfilling and to warn the church members. Am I the only lunatic in a totally perfect world where everything is OK, or am I a “man obsessed with prophetic speculation” when three million North Americans are hearing every day that they will soon begin a dictatorship in the US with martial law and total subjugation of the American people unless they vehemently protest against it, and that it would lead to a complete dissolution of religious freedom not only there but worldwide? Isn’t that exactly what Ellen G. White wrote a hundred times?

What does Ángel M. Rodríguez want to prevent us from seeing? Today, we know that the vaccine—and not only that—was forbidden in many countries because there was evidence that it caused brain damage, stillbirths, abortions, and was poisoned. Ellen G. White told us that before the Sunday laws come, many children and elderly would be laid to rest. This is happening right before our eyes. Our drinking water is poisoned, our food too. With doses of fluorine and lithium in our daily dental care and nutrition, we are lobotomized to become mindless robots. Only those who followed Ellen G. White’s counsel to move to the country are escaping these fatal influences of the cities that are already controlled by the New World Order. We are delivered to a gang of truly obsessed murderers who want to kill 90 percent of the human race for the sake of eugenics, and the dear grandfather in the Vatican is their boss, and his leader is the prince of all evil. Do your pastors talk about these things?

And what do you think of the pope being permanently clad in red now? Do you understand that in his occult world the color red is the color of absolute power? Have you noticed that he now “writes history”? On his recent visit to England, the man who was once called the “Rottweiler” of God was not only the first pope who could speak with a golden fish-mouth hat in red ornamentation in Westminster Hall—no, he has now also mutated to the “Holy Grandfather”. And have you noticed that he is now wearing the pallium publicly in every country? Did you know that the metropolitans are only allowed to wear the pallium in their territory and that it is limited to political events? Do you finally see what the pope clearly expresses by wearing the pallium in Westminster Hall in London? At Focus [German] you can read:

More than by the speech, many a commentator was impressed for the first occurrence of a pope at Westminster Hall. “This was the end of the British Empire,” commented the respected liberal-left Guardian. “For four centuries England has been defined as a Protestant nation. Rebellion against the pope was the founding act of the English power,” says the journal.

Please note the many allusions to the yin yang symbols with the dots on the red cape... Satan wants to rule for “infinite” time....

Exactly what I told you in the articles of the “Behind Enemy Lines” series is happening now... The seizure of power has already taken place! The signet of the Pauline Year was the announcement, and the pope has long since taken the scepter of power for himself. You just didn’t notice it, dear brothers and sisters, because you are only focused on the Sunday laws. Now it is only a matter of time before the Sunday laws and the prosecution are real, and even that, Jesus has not left in darkness, but wrote it clearly in the Bible, in Orion, and in the shadow sabbaths. We just need to make the effort to dig very deep and exercise our gray matter. Even that is not enough, however. If our lives would not be sanctified and if we would not have the help of the Holy Spirit in our studies as a consequence, then it would be impossible for us to find all this new light.

But do you really want to know all this? Are we really still a church that watches for the soon coming of Christ? Can we still rightly call ourselves “Adventists”, since the name implies that we have a sure expectation that the coming of Christ is near? Most of you make me doubt this.

The Shadow Series

When I started to study the “Shadows of the Future”, I had no idea again where the Holy Spirit would guide me. He just led me, and I followed Him. It all started when a reader of my articles sent me a personal study on August 9, 2010 and asked me for my opinion of it. The brother’s name is Kay Wolfe, and he is currently active in several forums and tries to make his study known. I will explain and quote parts of this exciting study—at least those parts which I could understand to be correct. Other parts I will improve upon and put in their proper context. His study put me on the track, but it includes terrible mistakes and unfortunately, he again comes to the false conclusion that the church is irretrievably lost as Babylon. Nevertheless, I would like to attest to this brother that his study contains several correct approaches, and I thank him because he really helped me to start the shadow studies. “Hold fast that which is good...”

That, however, will be the focus of the third part of the shadow studies later on, which will show and prove for the first time very clearly what the true interpretation of the many moon Sabbaths is, which are certainly mentioned in the Bible. Many have long expected an official statement from the BRI regarding the lunar Sabbaths, which is not available yet because the BRI must not know the true interpretation since it thinks that studying the prophecies is “obsession.” The realization of the true interpretation is the wonderful cure for the brethren who are infected with the false doctrine of the lunar Sabbaths. This serum will have extreme healing powers, as it will affirm the glorious hope of the coming of our Lord in a clear manner through the sanctuary service, based on the shadow sabbaths of Colossians 2:16-17, and even specify the precise time of His coming, to the day. Those, who are reading my articles just to find out exactly when Jesus will come will now be completely satisfied. However, I hereby would like to emphasize once again, clearly, that this was not the purpose of my studies. I studied the Jewish feasts because I wanted to find out what the moon Sabbaths are really about, since Ellen G. White asked us to do this, though probably only a few know it...

The time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of the third angel has already begun in the revelation of the righteousness of Christ, the sin-pardoning Redeemer. This is the beginning of the light of the angel whose glory shall fill the whole earth. For it is the work of every one to whom the message of warning has come, to lift up Jesus, to present Him to the world as revealed in types, as shadowed in symbols, ...” {1SM 362.4}

Through the posterity of faithful Abraham, of the line of Shem, a knowledge of Jehovah’s beneficent designs was to be preserved for the benefit of future generations. From time to time divinely appointed messengers of truth were to be raised up to call attention to the meaning of the sacrificial ceremonies, and especially to the promise of Jehovah concerning the advent of the One toward whom all the ordinances of the sacrificial system pointed. Thus the world was to be kept from universal apostasy. “ {PK 687.1}

The significance of the Jewish economy is not yet fully comprehended. Truths vast and profound are shadowed forth in its rites and symbols. The gospel is the key that unlocks its mysteries. Through a knowledge of the plan of redemption, its truths are opened to the understanding. Far more than we do, it is our privilege to understand these wonderful themes. We are to comprehend the deep things of God. Angels desire to look into the truths that are revealed to the people who with contrite hearts are searching the word of God, and praying for greater lengths and breadths and depths and heights of the knowledge which He alone can give.” {COL 133.1}

We do not half understand the Lord’s plan in taking the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage, and leading them through the wilderness into Canaan. As we gather up the divine rays shining from the gospel, we shall have a clearer insight into the Jewish economy, and a deeper appreciation of its important truths. Our exploration of truth is yet incomplete. We have gathered up only a few rays of light. Those who are not daily students of the Word will not solve the problems of the Jewish economy. They will not understand the truths taught by the Temple service. The work of God is hindered by a worldly understanding of His great plan. Letter 156, 1903, pp. 2, 3. (To P. T. Magan, July 27, 1903.) {3MR 259.1}

Around the sanctuary and its solemn services mystically gathered the grand truths which were to be developed through succeeding generations. {FLB 194.2}

I experienced how true and important all these allegations are when I received several bundles of rays of light that the Lord sent to me in this wonderful study. You can be sure that this series, and especially the third and final part, will represent the culmination of all the previous studies. The foundation is laid first, however, in the other parts of the shadow series, without which it would be impossible to comprehend the last part. Even there, you will find many new “jewels” that our Lord has shown me, so I can give it to you.

Some of the lunar Sabbath keepers had asked me several times via e-mail and forums to study the feasts and “to change the Orion clock” because the Jewish feasts must be fulfilled. They even had some right to do so, but I did not have to change the Orion clock, not even one millimeter. On the contrary, these very different studies confirm each other in a wonderful way. That I finally followed their request ends in a spiritual disaster, however, for those of the lunar Sabbath keepers who deliberately want to lure their brethren into a trap, because the truth is much more beautiful than we could imagine and crushes the lunar Sabbath theory to dust. I had no idea what great harmony would shine from the throne of God in this study. We will never understand better why the woman of Revelation 12 is standing on the moon.

Soon after I had already received a vague idea of the true meaning of the biblical lunar sabbaths, which confirm the creation Sabbath that we as Seventh-day Adventists firmly and correctly keep every Saturday, every seven days, the Lord showed me another truth. Even in my youth I had always wondered what the meaning of the many counts of the sacrifices in the ceremonial service of the Mosaic sanctuary was. Why two rams, seven lambs? Why three tenth deals of flour for each of the 13 bullocks? Who actually asked these questions during the annual reading of the Bible, starting with the books of Moses, and dug deeper? Does this really mean anything, and if so, is this at all important for us today? Are these not just boring numbers? I will follow up all these questions in the second part of the “shadow study”, but one hint beforehand: it has a meaning, and it is the solution to a question that a lot of Adventists have been asking for many years: “ Exactly how long will the time of the plagues be?”

I learned from some brethren about a German leader who questions the Orion study and refuses it because in his home groups he has been preaching for decades that the time of plagues will only last 14 days. Although this can be clearly refuted by other Bible texts already, and no serious student of prophecy can imagine such a short time of plagues, the study of the offerings and the many numbers—which appear confusing at first sight—show that this leader is wrong. Again, is just another member spreading a false personal teaching condoned by the silence of the German leadership, while the truth is concertedly rejected. This study, however, will also show that our sanctuary doctrine truly is correct and perfect, as our Lord is perfect, and that the conclusions we can draw from the study of the shadow services—if we are willing to study deeply enough—reach up to the last day of this world’s history and tell us exactly how long the time of plagues will last, to the very day. I just wonder again: Why was all this not already previously discovered in the 166 years of the existence of our church?

In the first part of the study of the “Shadows of the Future” that follows, I will answer an open letter, written to the SDA church(es). This letter has caused not only many members, but even some pastors and leaders who were firmly rooted in Adventism, to begin to doubt our teachings. This letter is just the tip of an iceberg that awaits us, and if we cannot resist this attack, Adventism will cease to exist. The authors of the open letter make it clear that if we have no explanation for how it can be that, astronomically, the Passover in April of AD 31 fell on a Wednesday rather than the Friday we teach, Adventism would be a goner, and we as a church should just resign right now.

For me, the solution to the problem cost many sleepless nights. Many prayers to the Lord showed me the wonderful and harmonious truth, and that—again—only one church has the truth about the exact sequence of the closing events of Jesus’ life here on earth: namely, our Adventist church, even if the subject was not studied deeply enough, once again. This first part of the shadow study will show that the prophecy of the 70 weeks was really perfectly fulfilled, how it was possible that Jesus was crucified in AD 31 on a particular Friday in fact, rested in the tomb on a real seventh-day Sabbath, and how all this can be proven even on the basis of astronomy and the Bible. Ultimately, the solution to this problem—which many believe is the end of Adventism—will even come from the very lips of Jesus Himself and might embarrass some who have written many pages on this subject in our existing SDA Bible Commentary from the 1950’s without recognizing the wonderful solution to the problem. And finally, this first part of the study of the shadow services of the sanctuary of Moses will refute one of the main arguments of the lunar Sabbath keepers, which says that we as the Adventist church would need the lunar Sabbath to withstand the attacks of the other churches against our doctrines. The knowledge of the exact date of Christ’s death is the key to all further studies of the Jewish feasts.

Thus, another important hint that I want to point out in this introduction is that the findings from the first and second part of these studies are the basis for the third part, in which Christ Himself will once more explain exactly what happened in the church since 1844, how He estimates it, what Ted Wilson’s job is for the next few years, when the door of grace for the church—and a little later for the whole world—will close, and... when our Lord will appear in the clouds, and exactly which real seventh-day Sabbath we will celebrate with Him on the voyage to Orion. Anyone who still believes that Orion cannot be found in the Bible and has taught against these studies will have to digest a terrible realization, namely that he was fundamentally mistaken. Those who have studied Orion with me, on the other hand, will be richly rewarded and through the study of the shadow feasts even discover a new line in Orion, when Jesus shed a wonderful new light upon the Adventist people during their journey to heaven. Thus, Orion will receive its perfect and logical completion and will once again firmly cement all the pillars of the Adventist faith.

Those who are now starting to form the 144,000 will welcome with cheers all this new light directly from the throne of God, from the sanctuary, and clearly see how the Good Pastor now guides His people in these last few years of our pilgrimage on earth into the heavenly Canaan.

It is a pleasure for me to present you the first part of the shadow studies, which I called Full Moon at Gethsemane.

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