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The Last Countdown

Originally published on Sunday, May 9, 2010, 3:15 pm in German at

While my critics boldly assert that nothing happened on May 1 and thus lull the majority of us into a false sense of security, indeed so much is happening that this is worth two articles on one day.

Since late last week, the first week of May—not even seven days after May 1—we read for the first time on [translation in this article] an incredible report that should make our alarm bells sound like the horns of a million trucks and trains at the same time.

But please allow me a question first. Why haven’t we heard anything from Brussels since March 24, and why does everything regarding the Sunday law in Europe seem to have come to a standstill? I set several Google news alerts like “Sunday protection”, “protection of Sunday”, etc. but did not receive many matching results. So much silence could mean only one thing: the calm before the storm. Everything has been in preparation behind the scenes for a long time; almost everyone should have understood this by now. The satanic forces, who in high positions want to implement Sunday legislation in Europe, the U.S., and then the rest of the world, are just waiting for the go-ahead. Since I was attacked from the beginning for my articles in Behind Enemy Lines, even by many former friends within the SDAC who just do not want to admit what time we are really living in and still think that it would be more important to make long-term plans for their children and families than to watch the enemy’s movements and sound the trumpets, I had decided not to publish any more additional assumptions.

I was have also been asked several times why I haven’t yet published the article “The Shell”. This has to do with the fact that the “shell” in the pope’s coat of arms points to another Masonic/numerological date again, and it lies in May again. [The articles regarding the papal coat of arms were still not available in English because of the lack of volunteer translators.] The shell is a symbol of devotion to Mary, as we get to know in the following document—and if I still have time left, I’ll finish the article on this last “power” in the papal coat of arms, which is Satan himself in his female form as “Mary” and which is called spiritism or spiritualism in the writings of Ellen G. White.

For this short article, I copy a quote from a document of Klaus Schäfer, Linguistic analysis of “Shell”, which can be downloaded here [in the German language]:

Chapter 4 - The shell as a symbol
4.1 The shell in Christian iconography

The shell is the symbol for the divine conception of Mary, especially in the Italian Renaissance. A popular slogan was “The Virgin with the Pearl” with the motto that Mary “by the heavenly dew” was fruitful. The image of the shell with the pearl is also a Baroque symbol of the conception of divine grace. Physiologus states that the pearl oyster rises at sunrise from the sea, opens its shell, is fertilized by the dew of the morning and then gives birth to the pearl. With the magic power of the agate stone, the pearl fishers find the pearl oyster. Christianized, this means: The two shells of the oyster are compared with the Old and New Testament, the morning dew with the Holy Spirit, the pearl with Christ (Mat 13:45-46). John the Baptist is equated with the agate stone, as he points to Jesus (John 1:29). At the baptism of Christ, John “sometimes pours water over the head of Christ with a shell.” The shell, which receives the pearl by the heavenly dew is a symbol of the Virgin Mary and in the Baroque of the conception of divine grace in general. The mussel shells with their precious content became a symbol of the sacred grave and the resurrection of Christ of the badge of all pilgrims. These shells were also used as drinking vessels on the pilgrimage. The scallop was a pilgrim badge of the pilgrimage to Santiago. As a grave gift, the shell symbolizes the grave, from which man will rise again at Judgment Day. The shell became the symbol of Mary, because Mary had Jesus - the pearl of great price - in her womb, and because it was believed in medieval times that the shell was fertilized virginally by dew. In Roman-Christian times, the shell appears to have been a sign of the life-giving female sex. On a Roman sarcophagus are two Christian brothers (twins?) united as they were at birth. ...

4.2 The shell in other religions and cultures

Christians are not the only ones who know the shell as a symbol. Buddhists see the shell as a symbol for good fortune. In the spiritual life of the inhabitants of Borneo, the soul of the departed escapes in mussels, which are therefore preserved with a part of the umbilical cord (path of the soul). The shell is the attribute of the ancient sea-born Aphrodite (Roman Venus). For the Buddhist, the white shell symbolizes secular power. In Hinduism it is sacred to Vishnu as the Lord of the water. Everything originated from the shell from the very beginning. In Islam, the shell is the ear that hears the divine word. In the symbolism of the Maya, the shell is common in connection with the waters. In China it stands for kingly dignity, a happy journey, a good life in the hereafter, and the feminine “yin” principle for which the Jade is the “yang”. Among the Greeks and Romans, the shellfish was indicated Poseidon/Neptune and Triton. It can frequently be seen in representations in which Tritons blow on shell horns as they pull Poseidon/Neptune’s car. Greeks and Romans also used the shell as a sign of the resurrection at funeral rites. For them, it also pointed to a sea voyage, but also sexual passion, as the two halves cling firmly together, as they are attributes of Aphrodite/Venus, the “Sea-Borne”. The shell is the image of the feminine and humidity. It also stands for the all-nourishing soil. As such, they also symbolize birth, regeneration, life, love, marriage, fertility (an analogy to the vulva). Mollusk shells are symbols for the moon and virginity. Because of the similarity to the female sexual organ, the shell is the symbolism for fertile water and the sea. The beautiful pearl can grow in it. Next to it, the shell as a marine animal was often an attribute of sea gods. According to mythology, the shell builds a pearl under the influence of a solar beam or by the heavenly dew.

So, we have come to the veneration of Mary again as a replacement for the old cult of the “Queen of Heaven”, the moon goddess and her male counterpart Poseidon/Neptune. No one other than Satan himself is behind this shell. Mary, who was a highly blessed woman and the human recipient of our Lord, Jesus Christ, now rests in the tomb, and like all other saints is waiting without awareness for her resurrection, is being raped by the papal/satanic teachings and has become a symbol for the inexistent life of the soul after death. The master lie of Satan, “You surely will not die”, is again manifested in her. Anyone who worships and adores Mary, worships the one who has raised this lie: the old serpent, the devil, who wants to redirect the worship of Jesus to Mary (to Satan himself). The worship of the false Mary, “The Mother of All Nations”, is also a symbol for the wrong day of rest, Sunday, because she is the goddess of the moon and as the mother of Satan, she is connected with the father of Satan, the sun.

In Klaus Schäfer’s document we find another interesting hint, and this will quickly lead us to the actual topic of this article:

Chapter 3.3
The Shell and Pope Sylvester

Even the Holy Sylvester is sometimes depicted with the shell. Here it does not have the significance of the pilgrimage, but points according to legend to baptism, which Emperor Constantine received by his hand. Such a portrait can be found for example in Ellwangen and Leutkirch. These are from the 15th century.

Pope Benedict XVI claims that the symbol in his coat of arms is the scallop [Jacob’s shell], the symbol of pilgrimage. I think not! On one hand it is the veneration of Mary, which has been emphasized by Rome since the Second Vatican Council, but it also has something to do with Emperor Constantine and the Sunday law. I already knew since 2005 that Pope Benedict would be the one under whom the Sunday laws would be established. This realization was the reason that I withheld the article about the shell for such a long time. I needed a confirmation that you would be able to believe me.

Who was this Emperor Constantine? Adventists, who are familiar with history will already have their ears pricked!

Constantine was a Roman emperor who took over the reign of the West in 312. Let’s read just a few sentences from Wikipedia [there is also an English version on Wikipedia with the same facts]:

Constantine, who had previously been more inclined to monotheism (like his father he had worshiped the sun god, Sol Invictus) and knew Christianity since his youth, favored it in the following years more and more. However, we cannot infer reliably whether and to what extent he identified himself with this faith. When he attributed his victory over his enemies to divine assistance, he followed well the tradition of the Roman emperors. The closest he can be well described is as an admirer of the Christian God, but not necessarily as a Christian in the strict sense, even if some researchers still have exactly this opinion....

In 313, Constantine met with Licinius, the emperor of the East. He married Constantia, Constantine’s favorite sister. The two emperors adopted the so-called Edict of Milan (often referred to as the Edict of Toleration of Milan), equating Christianity with other religions, and thus assured the Christians free exercise of religion in the whole kingdom. Thus, Christianity was not yet elevated to the state religion; this happened decades later under Theodosius I.

With Constantine, the time of the Roman persecution of early Christians and the slaughter of the saints in the Circus Romanus had ended. The last ten terrible years of Diocletian are even mentioned in the prophecy of the church of Smyrna in the book of Revelation. A new epoch began with Constantine in the first cycle of the seals: Pergamos, the mingling of Christian doctrine with paganism. Let’s read further how this happened:

Constantine himself did not publicly adopt Christianity: The Arch of Constantine, which celebrates his victory at the Milvian Bridge, although most of the usual pagan motifs are missing except Victoria, the goddess of victory, and the sun god, it also lacks any clear Christian symbols. All this can be interpreted in different ways, such that it is not certain if Constantine attributed his victory to the God of the Christians, but only to a supreme deity. It is possible, however, that Constantine took the Gentiles into account.

The promotion of the Christian church by Constantine the Great after his arrival in Rome was already addressed above. But soon, serious problems also surfaced: in 313 Constantine was already confronted with the problems of the Church in Africa, which had split into the traditional church and the Donatists. Because of the rather poor sources, hardly anything can be said more specifically about the background; even in research many details are controversial: the division could certainly not be undone, but the intervention of Constantine in this controversy was a sign of his new self-understanding, to exercise a kind of protective function for the church. In 321 Constantine declared tolerance of the Donatists, but the Emperor was soon afterwards forced to take action against the Donatists again - but without success. Also in 321, Constantine declared the dies solis, the “day of the sun”, as a feast day: Constantine ordered the closure of courts on the venerable “Day of the Sun” and declared it the “Day of Rest”.

What is also very interesting is the following statement in the same article on Wikipedia:

In 325, Constantine convened the first Council of Nicaea, the first ecumenical council.

The first Sunday law ever established in the history of mankind and the first ecumenical council were both announced by Constantine the Great, who was baptized by Pope Sylvester. And Pope Sylvester had the shell in his coat of arms like Benedict XVI. How interesting! Could it be that Benedict XVI wanted to indicate since 2005 that he would be the one under whose rule the Sunday laws would be declared once again and that he would elevate those who would help him in the same manner as Pope Sylvester had elevated Constantine? And could it be that this might take place during a major ecumenical event? Until last Friday, May 7, 2010, this would have all been just speculation, and I would have been violently attacked by my “brethren” again if I had published this.

I had already anticipated three details, which will be fulfilled very soon:

  1. The route to the proclamation of the Sunday law would have something to do with the veneration of Mary, and May 13 is closely connected to the Marian apparitions of Fatima. The assault of John Paul II also took place on May 13. May 13 is an important date in the occult world, and May 13, 2010 in particular, of course, because it is in the year of the formula “13 times 18 = 234 years, since 1776, the foundation of the Illuminati”, as has been shown many times.

  2. There would be a reminder of the Sunday law of Constantine because this is still valid in the Roman Empire of today, which still exists in a disguised form as the Roman Catholic Church and is symbolized in the feet of the statue of Daniel in the form of the iron metal.

  3. It would be an ecumenical/European event, in which many people would come together from all over Europe to prepare the minds for the soon-coming Sunday laws.

First, let us see what ecumenical event will take place now. [The article was originally published before May 12 in the German language.] At we read:

What will come to us?

The Ecumenical Church Congress (ÖKT) with 3000 individual events causes an exceptional condition for the city [Munich] next week (May 12 to 16). Downtown and the fairground will be besieged by over 100,000 people, the traffic will be stopped, and the police armed. Mayor Christian Ude and Archbishop Reinhard Marx will be opening the Church Day on Wednesday at 18:30 hours at the Theresienwiese [official grounds of the Munich Oktoberfest].

It will already get really packed at the opening on Wednesday. For the evening of the encounter, the entire “old town loop” [major city traffic line] will be blocked from 11:00 hours on. The organizers already warn against trapping in the large worship services at the Theresienwiese, where up to 160,000 visitors are expected just on Wednesday and Sunday. But the ÖKT also attracts many celebrities. Chancellor Angela Merkel will be there on Friday, Nena will give a concert, and EKD boss Margot Kaessmann, who has fallen because of her driving under the influence of alcohol, will even perform over the weekend. BILD tells you what to expect:

• POLICE: 500 officials dedicated only to Church Day. They perform identification checks, guard the guests of honor, and block major roads. Vice President Robert Kopp warns all offenders: “We are rigorous; there will be towing.”

• TRAINS: 95 percent of all visitors will be traveling by public transportation. The German railway agency shortens the S-Bahn itinerary to 10 minutes and sends 450 additional trains on the tracks, the MVG especially reinforces metro line number 2 in the direction to the fairgrounds. “In these five days, the subway, busses, and trams will travel over 90,000 km. That is about twice around the world,” says director Brigitte Gemmer. A record operation!

• PARAMEDICS: The 700 forces of the Maltesean and Johannittian emergency services are shared by the 21 ambulance stations across the whole city. They also offer child care and transportation services for disabled people.

The Ecumenical Church Congress held in Munich from May 12 to 16 with over 3000 individual events will be an event of European importance. We read at

May 8, 2010
ÖKT largest ecumenical project in Europe

The Second Ecumenical Church Congress (ÖKT) offers, according to the organizers, a chance to bring the voice of Christians to be heard in society. This is especially important in recent discussions of values. This was stressed by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of German Catholics, Vesper, in a radio interview. Church Day in Munich is the largest ecumenical project in this form in Europe. Vesper explicitly praised the cooperation of the two major religions in the context of the abuse debate. It had been a fair relation all the time. On Wednesday, more than 110,000 permanent participants from home and abroad are expected on Church Day.

I was waiting for a message that the European Sunday law would be a topic of the ÖKT, but the organizers put a ring of silence around this event, so it was hard to prove anything beforehand. So will it happen to everyone who believes that “nothing happened,” because if it happens, it happens very quickly. Since Friday, May 7, 2010, the day after the New York Stock Exchange crash and a week of the euro’s collapse, we read at

Sunday is a Gift from Heaven

2. Ecumenical Church Day
May 7, 2010

Action for the free Sunday in 56 meters height

The “Alliance for a free Sunday”, which is a union of Church and Trade Unions, unveils a heavenly message on Ascension Day in Munich at the “Old Peter” tower [Central Catholic Church] and starts a spectacular descending action. As part of Ecumenical Church Day, the nationwide initiative “Alliance for a free Sunday” performs on May 13 at 14:00 hours on the stage of Munich’s Marienplatz [Mary’s Square] (p. 517 ÖKT-issue).

Under the title “Workday, Holiday, Sunday - anchor or burden?” BR moderator Achim Bogdahn interviews alliance initiators Hubert Thiermeyer (Trade Union VERDI), Erwin Helmer (Catholic Workers Movement) and Philip Büttner (KDA/EKD).

Before that, the group “Pedites Singulares” from Augsburg will present in authentic historic Roman armory the historic Sunday Decree of Emperor Constantine. The highlight of the event will be held over the heads of the audience: With the support of the parish of St. Peter and the Munich Fire Department, the initiative will install a giant banner at 56 meters reading “Sunday is a Gift from Heaven” at the observation deck of the famous Munich Church, very close to the Marienplatz [Mary’s Square]. Then a daring messenger will abseil from the church tower to bring the “heavenly message” of a free Sunday to the stage of the Marienplatz [Mary’s Square] and proclaim it there.
05/13/2010, 14:00-14:45 Marienplatz/St. Peter’s, Munich

Here you could see the video [unfortunately removed] of the “angel descending from heaven” with the scroll of the “heavenly message”.

And what comes next? The various exits of the Marienplatz will certainly be lined by signature desks to collect signatures of supporters of a free Sunday. Even if they do not get all the necessary signatures at this opportunity at the Church and even the Father’s Day celebration, the “messengers of Constantine” will travel back to their European home countries “inspired” by a Sunday message which is “a gift of heaven” in order to quickly collect the missing signatures.

Who actually noticed that this is a repetition of history again, as Ellen G. White stressed so often?

Still the absence of Scriptural authority for Sunday keeping occasioned no little embarrassment. The people questioned the right of their teachers to set aside the positive declaration of Jehovah, “The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God,” in order to honor the day of the sun. To supply the lack of Bible testimony, other expedients were necessary. A zealous advocate of Sunday, who about the close of the twelfth century visited the churches of England, was resisted by faithful witnesses for the truth; and so fruitless were his efforts that he departed from the country for a season and cast about him for some means to enforce his teachings. When he returned, the lack was supplied, and in his after labors he met with greater success. He brought with him a roll purporting to be from God Himself, which contained the needed command for Sunday observance, with awful threats to terrify the disobedient. This precious document--as base a counterfeit as the institution it supported--was said to have fallen from heaven and to have been found in Jerusalem, upon the altar of St. Simeon, in Golgotha. But, in fact, the pontifical palace at Rome was the source whence it proceeded. Frauds and forgeries to advance the power and prosperity of the church have in all ages been esteemed lawful by the papal hierarchy. The roll forbade labor from the ninth hour, three o’clock, on Saturday afternoon, till sunrise on Monday; and its authority was declared to be confirmed by many miracles. {GC 576.1}

Friends, the European Sunday law is coming. And it comes—as the Shadow study will finally show—probably in 2012, which is also marked in Orion. When the signatures are collected, it will be too late to wake up. The Sunday laws will begin in the Old World and will come through citizen petitions and will soon be copied by America as the following quote of the Spirit of Prophecy clearly states:

The dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth; and even in free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance. Liberty of conscience, which has cost so great a sacrifice, will no longer be respected. In the soon-coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophet’s words: “The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12:17 {GC 592.3}

When will the leaders recognize what is going on here? Or are most of them already part of the “game” and will pay homage like the rest of blind humanity to the “daring messenger” who will abseil like an angel from the Roman Catholic Church, the “Old Peter”, representing none other than the fallen angel, Satan himself, for the initiates? When will you, the people of God, wake up and shout to these leaders:

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; (Joel 2:1)

Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? (Joel 2:15-17)

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