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The Last Countdown

Originally published on Sunday, 09 May 2010, 10:46 am in German at

Of course I received some—but comparatively few—e-mails like the following since the 1st of May:

Nothing happened on the 1st of May, did it?
Just wanted to ask, perhaps you know something...
When are they going to vote for the Sunday law in the European Union? Or do they have other problems now because of Greece?
With kind regards

Dear brother John!
Everybody is asking me now, “Oops, the Sunday law didn’t come?” Because all of them have a copy of the “Year of Saul” article, and their supposition seems to confirm that it isn’t serious. I searched the Internet to see if there was a collection of signatures on May 1, but I couldn’t find out if anything happened at all. Here in ____ I am alone with a friend and nobody in church speaks about the time of the end; it is almost dangerous to mention something like that. There are no actual events in the sermons. We are only asked to read the Bible. Would you please write me what happens in the background? It is rather hard for me to get information because I do not speak English. Thank you, and I would be very happy to read from you.
Have a blessed week, your sister in the Lord

These are the e-mails of worried beloved brethren who are supporting John Scotram and are attacked because apparently nothing happened on May 1. Well, did really nothing happen that could at least give us hints on how far away the Sunday law is? It is also interesting to note that not even one critic wrote anything similar to say that nothing happened. I just get to know this from third persons. Do the critics know more than those who support my studies?

In my article The Year of Saul, I examined a special message of the Vatican that the reign of Satan would already have started on July 29, 2009. The so far, the newest papal encyclical was indeed published on this date, and in it the pope wants to see an ethical world leader as the head of an economic world government that is to be newly established. I had asked: “Who else could it be, besides he himself?”

Later, I mentioned a study of some Canadian brethren that I had read and compared to see whether the many time distance indications that are given there, even exactly on the day, would coincide with preceding worldwide events, and therefore whether their timelines have already started. They do have two overlapping 1260-day periods. The first starts with the pope’s request for world leadership and ends with the close of probation. The second begins during the first with a worldwide Sunday law and ends shortly before Jesus’ coming.

Between the universal Sunday law and the national Sunday law in the U.S. that comes before it, they see a short distance of 75 days. And between the pope’s request for world dominion, which I saw on July 10, 2009 when Obama visited the pope in a secret meeting after the G8 summit that established the G20 as new economic world government, we had to expect 295 days until the beginning of the national Sunday law in the U.S. according to the map of the Canadians. This indicated May 1, 2010 and marked the beginning of the timelines of Daniel 12 in their map.

In the article The Resurrection of the Beast, I already addressed some errors in the Canadians’ map. I proved with the Bible that the timelines would not start with a national Sunday law in the U.S. as they believe but with the healing of the wound of the first beast of Revelation 13. Please reread this article attentively, because the predictions there are ready to be fulfilled very soon.

I clearly stated that in the section Behind Enemy Lines, I am just investigating the messages coming from the Vatican and examining whether the Canadian brethren are right with their timeline studies or not. Now my adversaries seem to use May 1 to attack the Orion study in a different section, The Clock of God, and try to destroy it. The Orion clock is God’s own prophecy, however, and does not change, like how God does not change—but the plans of Satan in the section “Behind Enemy Lines” can be controlled and foiled by God. Anyone who mixes these two sections up and uses it against the book of God in Orion is venturing onto dangerous ground.

These are tactics of seduction that are almost criminal, treacherous, and fraudulent. Do they want to obscure the light radiated by the Orion study regarding the sins of the Seventh-day Adventist people with this distortion of my statements? I should have expected exactly this after knowing our church now for several years. They are blind leaders, and unfortunately many (but not all) of the people are blind too.

Now, neither the European nor the American Sunday law came directly on May 1. But did nothing happen, really? I do not believe that the timelines of Daniel 12 started already, and I found more and much more serious errors in the Canadians’ study with help of the Orion clock. They studied everything with devotion and with best of human efforts, but they were missing a special revelation of God’s time plan. Therefore, there had to be errors in the Canadians’ study. For example, they also see the beginning of the repetition of the seals and trumpets just 295 days before the Sunday law in the USA, but the Orion clock shows that the seals have already been repeating since 1846. I did not mention this because I did not want to hurt or attack anybody. I still do not attack the study of the Canadians but mention just parts of it that have to be corrected. Many details are surely correctly identified, and I will emphasize these positive findings as soon as they have come to pass.

In the article The Resurrection of the Beast, I clearly stated that “it will get exciting from May 1 on” and we should monitor exactly what will happen from then on. Apparently no one heeded my counsel, so I have to gather the information again. I notice, anyway, that only a few brethren bother to use the studies that I gather in the articles to advance with their own studies. I already emphasized many times that there are still more findings in the Orion clock. Did anybody so far discover that there are still other important years marked in Orion? Please go forward with your studies and do not wait until I find the time to finish the article series The Throne Lines, which will surely cause even more agitation in the SDA church.

One thing was already clear, however: May 1, 2010, the 234th birthday of the Illuminati, would be the launch of Satan’s last big deception for mankind. He knows that he has just a little time and he is using it now. Let us just read in the news what happened on or around May 1, OK?

  1. The oil spill along the Gulf Coast of the USA

    On the night of April 30 to May 1, the first harbingers of the oil spill arrived on the coast of Louisiana after the April 26 explosion of the drilling rig. On May 1, a state of emergency was declared in three other states. This crisis made Obama travel there on May 2 because of harsh criticism of his stance on the same day. It is rumored that the oil spill could even lead to his fall. They even call it “the Katrina of Obama”. He will not allow this to happen, of course. There are many messages on May 1 that the United States could be cut off from 25% of its oil deliveries which have to go through the strait of the Gulf. Hence, economic and ecological chaos is threatening the U.S. Jesus comes to destroy those who destroy the earth! Ellen G. White also says that national apostasy (Sunday laws) would come first and then national ruin (economic bankruptcy, anarchy, dictatorship) would follow. If we already see the ruin coming, the Sunday laws have to come even earlier.

  2. A failed terrorist attack in the heart of the USA

    On the evening of May 1, a terrorist attack at Times Square in New York was foiled. That happened on the evening of Labor Day as many Labor Union meetings took place there. There would probably have been far greater carnage than on 9/11. If the attack had “worked out”, martial law would already have been established in the U.S. First news said that it was a single perpetrator, but the Taliban confessed from the very beginning that they were responsible for the terrorist attack. Now the knowledge comes together that the man seems to belong to a network of Pakistani terrorists. This corresponds to the predictions of some top analysts who for three years have been foreseeing for the year 2010 terrorist attacks in the U.S. that would change everything.

    That was the plan as a birthday gift for the Illuminati but was thwarted by the hand of God. Now they are already threatening with something bigger and international observers and experts predict a major attack for the remaining months of 2010. What is missing in the U.S. is a major crisis! How many of this kind do we still need in the USA? Katrina, economic collapse of the real estate bubble, the largest oil spill in U.S. history and now a major impending terrorist attack that will undoubtedly be directed by its own government again, like 9/11 was before. When will the dollar cease to exist and anarchy and martial law begin, starting with this event? The experts are predicting a period of a few months, but certainly still in 2010.

  3. The fall of the Euro Empire

    On May 1, there was serious rioting in Greece because of the austerity package which had been heralded as a rescue operation for the bankrupt country. Three people died in flames in a bank into which a Molotov cocktail had been thrown. Anarchy reigns in the streets of Athens. On Monday, May 3, the Euro begins to steadily fall. Panic spreads in the foreign exchange markets. One speaks of the disintegration of the Eurozone and even the European Union. That will destabilize the entire global economy and also lead to the disintegration of the dollar as the top analysts on clearly state. Anyone who purchases a membership there can hear and see where the fall and the riots of Greece from May 1 could lead:

    1. Anarchy in Europe first, then in the whole world.
    2. Destruction of the euro and then the dollar.
    3. Military dictatorship in the U.S.
    4. World reign of the U.S. in a New World Order.

    And everyone agrees, within the next 9 - 12 months comes the Third World War, without which the ailing world economy could not be saved. These are expert opinions, and I stay out of that. All I know is that Ellen G. White saw that before the collapse of democracy and dictatorship and ruin of the U.S. as a free nation comes, national apostasy in the form of Sunday laws will come, and I trust in this.

  4. Unprecedented price falls at the stock markets

    On Thursday, May 6, the U.S. stock market crashes along with the Dow Jones index as well as another 8 indices. An almost “miraculous” price collapse of over 1000 points within minutes leads tens of thousands of investors to the border of ruin. Only those who had insider information about this imminent drop could save themselves. Leading experts agree: It was not a typo, it was not a computer error, but “someone with incredible power did something”. Yes, and indeed he committed a crime. It was the largest investor fraud of human history. Hundreds of billions of dollars of capital were destroyed in 10 minutes. The worst thing about this crime was that during the course of the fall, investors could neither buy nor sell. They were all powerless and had to watch their investments race into the stop losses that had been previously set very low, and their assets had been destroyed. They could take no action anymore. An unprecedented case of economic crime!

    The victims: the middle class, small and medium enterprises, small and medium-sized private investors, and smaller banks that are not part of the worldwide economic power of the pope which is led by the Bilderberg group.

    The winners: the insiders, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the pope.

    On Friday, May 7, the whole fraud repeats once more in a slightly abated form. Another “miracle” or another economic crime?

    It raises the question: “Why does the pope need so much stolen money right now?”

  5. A weird statement at

    At the website of MEP Martin Kastler, where he collects the signatures for the first European citizen’s initiative that wants to establish a European Sunday law, we read a strange message to the press:

    May 2, 2010
    On the Road to Success – more than 15,000 signatures for a work-free Sunday

    Just two months after the start of the online campaign “Mum and Dad belong to us on Sunday” more than 15,000 supporters from across Europe have registered at For the initiator Martin Kastler this means that the campaign is “on the road to success”. He reports: “Additionally more than 1300 supporters have already registered on Facebook for a work free Sunday. And these supporters come from all over Europe.” The Member of the European Parliament Kastler announced as a next step to find coordinators for the campaign in the different member states, because only through a decentralized management of the campaign’s concern, the protection of a work-free Sunday could be taken forward in a citizen-friendly manner in the individual member states.

    Of course, I had been observing the development of their collection of signatures. The limit of one million signatures had already been lowered significantly in order to let this citizen’s initiative succeed. There are just 300,000 signatures required to bring about a new discussion of the Sunday law in the European Parliament. But the trend on this web site had been rather slow since March, and just in April only a little more than 1000 signatures trickled in. After the campaign was launched in March with 14,000 signatures, one could only interpret this as a big failure.

    Now, Martin Kastler, one day after May 1, says just the opposite. He talks about a breakthrough! [The German original article of Martin Kastler uses “breakthrough” instead of “On the Road to Success”] Where and when did this “breakthrough” happen, if you cannot see it by the number of signatures on this same site?

    We know that on May 1, important trade union meetings were held, and the breakthrough that Kastler speaks about can only have happened there. These people know something we do not know yet, and in my next article in this section, A Gift of Heaven, I will show you what it is.

To heal his child “Europe” from the old wound, the pope needs money—a lot of money. But he also wants to destabilize the world economy to begin his reign “of peace and security”. For this he needs disasters, terrorist attacks, and empty bellies of a humanity that cries out for peace and security. If money is gone, everyone will start to scream, and when the stomach is empty, Sunday laws restricting the religious freedom of a few fanatics will seem to be a very small price for a full plate.

Since May 1 we have seen the beginning of all these man-made “plagues” by a satanic elite. Only those who are completely blind and deaf are still claiming, “Nothing happened!”

A lot has happened: We were all witnesses of the beginning of the end of the time of the end since May 1, 2010.

Yes, come Lord Jesus and lead us home!

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