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The Last Countdown

As we know from the High Sabbath List of God’s astronomical calendar, there are three High Sabbaths in the autumn of 2014. Furthermore, the Clock of God in Orion itself has been pointing to the Day of Atonement on October 6, 2014 with the white star, Saiph, since 1846. Thus, all four autumn feasts are marked by God’s two clocks—a unique event! Beyond that, this year we deciphered the exact date of the last seven trumpets and harmonized them with Ezekiel 9. The start of the third trumpet falls directly within the time of the Feast of Tabernacles.”

Autumn Warning!
Note as of February 6, 2015: If you would like to study what the feast days of God were pointing to, and how terrible this event was especially for Adventists, please read the section about the third trumpet in Babylon Is Fallen - Part I.

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