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The Last Countdown

Originally published on Monday, February 1, 2010, 1:35 pm in German at

Bear in the coat of arms of Benedict XVIAfter looking at The Moor of Freising, the second symbol of the papal coat of arms is in the upper right corner and should likewise represent the second political objective of Benedict. We find there a bear with a pack or a saddle.

Of course, the message for the uninitiated sounds harmless. Again, it is about Ratzinger’s sentimentality, another landmark of Freising: “St. Corbinian’s Bear”.

The Vatican’s explanation of the meaning of the bear is as follows:

“A brown bear, in natural color, is portrayed in the sinister (left) corner of the shield, with a packsaddle on its back. An ancient tradition tells that the first Bishop of Freising, St. Corbinian (born c. 680 in Châtres, France; died September 8, 730), set out for Rome on horseback. While riding through a forest he was attacked by a bear that tore his horse to pieces. Corbinian not only managed to tame the bear but also to make it carry his baggage to Rome. This explains why the bear is shown carrying a pack. A simple interpretation: the bear tamed by God’s grace is the Bishop of Freising himself; the packsaddle is the burden of his Episcopate.”

The whole explanation for the “uninitiated” is at Coat of Arms of His Holiness Benedict XVI for anyone who wants to read about it. Please note how they emphasize with remarkable honesty that there are several levels of interpretation for the bear: A simple interpretation: the bear tamed by God’s grace is the Bishop of Freising himself; the pack saddle is the burden of his Episcopate.” What, then, is the not-so-simple interpretation? In any case, this opens the possibility to think about who is being tamed and what this bear really carries. Thank you, dear Vatican, for this honest tip!

So, let’s go one level deeper in the interpretation. Again, we are looking for a “god” in ancient Babylon or the Babylon-inspired religions, because as we know, the papacy is the representative of the ancient pagan religions. We find bear gods very quickly when we search in Google, but more remarkable is that they have to do with the oldest of all known religions.

On Wikipedia - bear cult [German], we read:

Bear cult

A bear cult refers to religious rituals of hunters, where bears play a special role. The Bear Festival (Iyomante Matsuri) of the Ainu in Hokkaido (Japan) is one of the most significant and well-known. The term also describes a popular theory of religious scholars of the 20th century like Mircea Eliade and Joseph Campbell, according to which so-called early humans (members of the now-extinct species of the genus Homo) practiced hunting magic and participated in a bear cult. [translated]

“Hunting magic”, here at least, should perk our ears because there is a goddess of the hunt and fertility, which plays a major role in the Bible: Artemis is her Greek name and her Roman name is recorded in Chapter 19 of the Acts of the Apostles: Diana. The apostle Paul had major problems with her followers especially in Ephesus, where we find the largest Diana or Artemis temple of the ancient world. It was even counted among the famous Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!

Let’s continue to read from Wikipedia:

In Greek mythology, the bear is an attribute of several deities, especially of Artemis, goddess of the hunt. According to mystic lore, the temple of Artemis of Brauronia (today Vraona, near Athens) was established to atone for the killing of a bear that had devoured a child. From the 6th century until the Hellenistic period, they held celebrations in the springtime according to a five-year cycle in honor of Artemis, which closed with the sacrifice of a female bear. Young girls, who were brought up in the temple of Artemis, were called Arktoi: “female bear cubs”.

Let us clarify some things about the Temple of Artemis, where there was an uprising of the Diana (Artemis) followers because of Paul. We find more details on World Wonder Online - Temple of Artemis at Ephesus [German]:


Ephesus (Greek Ephesos) was one of the largest and most important cities in Greek and Roman antiquity, and is located in what is now Turkey, about 70 kilometers south of Izmir. In ancient times, Ephesus was a port city of the Mediterranean Sea. Today, we find the city several kilometers inland due to tectonic movements. There are artifacts that were discovered at the Temple of Artemis that date back to over a thousand years before the great heyday of Ephesus (600 B.C. to 400 A.D.). It can be demonstrated that religious ceremonies and smaller temples existed since about 800 B.C. at the site of the later big temple buildings. The worship of the goddess Artemis in Ephesus was triggered by an image of the goddess which supposedly fell from heaven. Artemis was a daughter of Zeus and one of the twelve highest deities in Greek mythology and was goddess of the hunt, the moon, and the guardian of women and children. In the ruins of the Temple of Artemis, they found three statues of her with strange rounded things on her stomach (see picture). Because it is not clear what these round things represent and there are no existing traditions, there are various speculations that they are anything from bull testicles, to eggs, to fruits. However, they all lead to the same conclusion that Artemis was worshiped as a fertility goddess in Ephesus. This appearance of Artemis earned her another name: “the many-breasted one.”

Let’s continue reading at Good News: The Last Journeys of Paul [German]:


William Barclay writes of the Temple of Diana: “It was 130 meters long, 70 meters wide and 18 meters high. It contained 127 pillars, each a gift from a king. They were all made of polished marble and 36 of them were gilded and wonderfully decorated. The great altar was made by Praxiteles, the greatest sculptor of Greece. The image of Diana was not pretty. It was a squat, black, multi-breasted figure that symbolized fertility. It was so old that no one knew where it came from, or even the material from which it was made. According to the legend, it fell from “heaven” (Daily Study Bible, 1975, commentary on Acts 19:1-7).

The Expositor’s Bible Commentary adds: “Thousands of pilgrims and tourists visited it [the temple] from near and far. A swarm of artisans and merchants had settled around it, earning their livelihood from lodging and the sale of food, offerings and souvenirs to visitors. ...”

Doesn’t this sound very familiar? Are the pilgrimage destinations of the Roman Church any different today? The text continues:

“...The Temple of Artemis [Diana] was also an important treasure house and a bank of the ancient world, where salesmen, kings and even cities put their money in safe-keeping, since it was under the protection of the deity” (Richard Longenecker, vol. 9, 1981, p. 503).

It is very interesting to learn that the first ancient banking system was there too. Why not make the temple into a bank? The Vatican is the world’s largest bank, and the pope today also controls the world finances through the Bilderberg group.

All of this goes against true Christian values. Back then already:

Temple of Artemis

It’s not surprising that in Ephesus there was prosperous trading of little statues of Diana and her temple. In this environment, the apostle Paul fearlessly called for people to keep the second commandment and to refrain from worshiping religious effigies. In a commentary on verses 24 and 27. A.T. Robinson explained: “These small models of the temple with a statue of Artemis [Diana] inside were placed in homes or as amulets worn on the body ... temples of Artemis [Diana] has been found in Spain and Gaul [France]” (Word Pictures of the New Testament, 1995).

Across Europe, archaeologists have discovered statues of the many-breasted goddess Diana (or Artemis, as she was called by the Romans). In 1996, an impressive statue of Diana at Ephesus was discovered. It is now on display in a prominent place in the museum there.

Ironically, the cult of Diana gradually died, but another cult filled the gap in Ephesus. “Christianity,” writes the historian Marina Warner, “seized her [Diana], and added to her characteristics such typical female Christian virtues as modesty and shame (Alone of All Her Sex, 1976, p. 47)”. “Diana,” continues Warner, “was associated with the moon ... [and] is identified as the Virgin Mary with the influence of the moon and the stars, and with the power of fertility and procreation” (page 224).

And of all things, where was Mary-worship officially introduced? We read it also in this text:

At the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD, the veneration of Mary was made an official part of the State Church of Rome. Warner writes about Diana: “Memories of her relic, the belt, survived in the city [Ephesus], where the Virgin Mary was proclaimed as Theotokos [Mother of God], three hundred and fifty years later, silversmiths lived by making statues of Diana and rebelled against the doctrine of Paul, ‘saying Great is Diana of the Ephesians’ (Acts 19:23-40). Therefore, there could be a continuation ... of Diana to the Virgin, for a legend also says that Mary ascended to heaven from Ephesus” (ibid. page 280).

Now we understand that Benedict XVI used the bear as a symbol of Artemis or Diana and the resulting Marian devotion, for the worship of Mary was also part of John Paul II’s policy and he had promised to continue or even to complete it.

But to get to the heart of the matter, we must dig deeper. It is not the goddess herself that is shown here, but an animal carrying a piece of luggage or a saddle! Why does a bear stand for the goddess of the hunt? Isn’t the bear the animal that is killed by a hunter? How can the prey represent the hunter himself? Or is this even intentional?

Let’s dig a little deeper on The Black Net: Artemis [German]:


Goddess Artemis

A Greek goddess of the moon, fertility, and the hunt, which gives and takes life. She corresponds to the Roman Diana.

As the daughter of Zeus and Leto (Hesiod, Theogony, 918), Artemis is one of the twelve Olympian deities, Olympioi. Her twin brother is Apollo.

Artemis is represented as a goddess with many breasts: her attributes are a bow and arrow. Virgin nymphs are accompanying her. To the Greeks, she was the unreachable eternal virgin goddess and passionate hunter and as Potnia Theron, Lady over the animals. She is even shown with cats. Artemis was also a protector of girls until they reached marriageable age. Her sacred plant is mugwort or wormwood, Latin Artemisia. The cypress is also a symbol of Artemis (Biedermann, 507).

Her sacred plant is WORMWOOD! Where do we find that in the Bible?

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. (Revelation 8:10-11)

We know that this star, which is called Wormwood (bitterness), is none other than Satan himself. He is the fallen morning star, which transforms the “rivers and fountains of waters”, the pure gospel and salvation through Christ, into death through his poison. So, Diana again stands for Satan and his false teachings.

Readers who already know the Orion message and the clock of God will discover a parallel here, because Artemis, like Orion which stands for Christ, is depicted with a bow and arrow. This indicates that she was a counterfeit of Him.

Let’s continue reading:

With her brother Apollo, which Artemis helped her mother Leto to birth just after her own birth, she killed the children of Niobe when she ridiculed her mother (24.602ff Homer, Iliad.).

She killed Orion with an arrow, and sent a scorpion to him, because Orion wanted to hunt all wild animals.

Artemis KILLED Orion and sent a scorpion after him, because he wanted to hunt all wild animals instead of her. What is this about? It is about the great conflict between good and evil. The “wild animals” are we humans. We will either be “fall prey” to Jesus (Orion) or to Satan (Artemis). Artemis was so angry at Orion (Jesus) that she killed him with an arrow: the death of Christ on the cross. Then, why did she send a scorpion after him with a stinger when he had already been killed by the arrow? It is because Orion was resurrected and his people, the remnant, are still alive. The scorpion is precisely the last persecution that still awaits us. Benedict wants to prepare his followers for that and has encoded his political agenda in his coat of arms. We also find scorpions in the Bible, specifically in the fifth trumpet. The only people who have protection against these scorpions are those who have God’s seal, the Sabbath, on their foreheads.

Ursa MajorThe same website gives us yet another piece of information:

The angry Artemis killed one of her nymphs, Callisto, because she broke her vow of chastity when Zeus approached her in the form of a bear. Callisto was transferred to the heavens as the constellation Ursa Major.

Wait a minute! Now Artemis is not the bear herself, but one of her nymphs! This is important! What are nymphs? We can find this on the same site (The Black Net: Nymhs [German]):


(Greek for “young woman”, “bride”) In Greek mythology, these are the many female supporting deities, especially of the watery elements.

Nymphs are personifications of life and the open country. Many of them are counted as the daughters of Zeus; others came into existence with the Erinyes and the Giants through the blood of Uranus which was spilled onto the earth, Gaia, after he was castrated by Cronos. These Nymphs are also called Meliae.

The Tritones, Satyroi or Silenoi like to stalk the Nymphs who are themselves companions of the gods and were often their nurses. ...

The Nymphs can be equally good or bad and savage to the people. With a very beautiful appearance and fragrance, the Nymphs flaunt their seductive charms, but do not satisfy the awakened desire.

So, the Nymphs are helpers of the gods, but not gods themselves. They can be mean and wild and use their seductive charms without fulfilling their promises. They represent the watery element. Is this also in the Bible?

And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. (Revelation 12:13-15)

We know that the hordes of the papacy are represented by this “water as a flood” with which he tried to destroy the Protestant reformers during the 1260 years of papal supremacy over Europe. However, they saved themselves by fleeing to the New World, which today is the United States. The water here represents the persecutors of true believers, and here we find the true meaning of the Nymphs and the bear. These are the human hordes that will soon hunt the true remnant to put them to death.

Anyone who is not entirely convinced yet can dig even deeper. Regarding the Roman counterpart of Artemis, Diana, we find further clues in The Black Net: Diana [German]:


(Lat. divina “the shining” or of Dea and Jana, “moon goddess”)

The virgin goddess of the light, especially the moon light for the Romans. She is the goddess of the open country, fertility, the beasts and the hunt, protecting goddess of women and birth and also goddess of covenants for the Latins. Her cult was spread all over the then-known world. She corresponds in many respects to the Egyptian Isis, which was worshipped almost everywhere like she. She was called Artemis by the Greeks. Under “Artemis” you find more hints about the Mythology of this goddess, and also several alternate names.

Diana was worshiped in many places in Italy. Important temples were located on the mountain Tiafa near Capua and in a grove near the lake at Aricia. This crater lake is called the “Mirror of Diana.” There, the goddess is nicknamed Nemorensis. The priest was a runaway slave who had killed his predecessor. He was in turn killed by a slave too, who then took his place. Offerings were, for example, small statuettes of a mother and child or vulva votive gifts because Diana is foremost a goddess of women.

Her feast on the 13th of August was celebrated as the feast day of the slaves (according to BELLINGER, 116).

Early on, Diana was identified with Luna, then also with the Greek Artemis.

Ovid calls her Trivia (“the one who’s praised three ways” Metam. II, 416), which is actually the nickname of Hecate, because Diana the moon goddess shares the reign of the night with her. Ovid further calls her Titania because of her apparent relation to Hyperion (Metam. III, 173). Shakespeare also mentions her as the fairy queen by this name in his “Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

As virgin, mother and huntress, Diana represents the cycle of birth, life and death, as reflected in the moon phases. [FIRST LIE OF SATAN: REINCARNATION] Her cult was widespread. Since her Christianization, Mary is worshiped at many of her holy places.

In the Middle Ages, Diana was increasingly seen as goddess and leader of the wizards and witches. As depicted in the old images of Diana as goddess of the animals, her followers were riding across the heavens in the night on all kinds of animals. Indeed, the Christian Churches have rejected ideas like those since 906, but the people clung to the belief. With the flare-up of the witch craze, such ideas, which are very reminiscent of the Wild Hunt, gained relevancy in a cruel manner. Now Diana with the crescent moon (other names under which she was worshiped as a Great Goddess were Bensozia, Lady Habonde, Herodias, Hodla Perchta or Noctiluca) turned more and more into the horned devil, and her followers were equated with the witches, although that is not the same (after PICKERING, 73+).

By now it should be clear to everyone that this is about the persecution of the saints. The persecution of witches in the Middle Ages happened in the name of Diana: The Inquisition! Herodias, who beheaded John the Baptist, is Diana! John the Baptist was the second Elijah, and who is the third? We are!

But now to another—and perhaps the most important—level of meaning of “St. Corbinian’s Bear”...

It is very remarkable that there is also a bear in the Bible that symbolizes a world power. In the book of Daniel, we read:

The bear in Daniel

And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. (Daniel 7:5)

The second beast of Daniel 7 represents Medo-Persia, which came after Babylon. That the bear was raised on one side shows that one nation of this double power was more powerful than the other. Indeed, the Persians were stronger than the Medes. Medo-Persia was also represented in Daniel 2 by the metal silver, and the two arms folded across the chest of the statue for the covenant between the two powers.

Benedict uses biblical symbolism here, and in doing so he is ridiculing God and His followers, because he thinks that virtually no one is able to interpret these symbols. Indeed, there is only one denomination that has not rejected the findings of the Reformers and is still familiar with the meanings of these symbols: they are Seventh-day Adventists.

What Benedict is saying to his initiates is that after the election of Obama as President of the United States, he intends to establish an Alliance of Nations which will constitute a world government. The bear has a saddle (not a pack) and is ready to be ridden by the whore (the Roman Catholic Church). As soon as this world government will be established and be ridden by the whore, it will “devour much flesh,” which means there will be persecution against all groups, and particularly Seventh-day Adventists, who will oppose this regime.

The dragon and the unclean womanThe bear also symbolizes the balance of power in this world government, which will be tipped in favor of the papacy. These are all parallel symbols to Revelation 17, where the woman (the apostate church) rides the beast.

On one hand, the bear stands for the political power as the controlling government elected by the nations of the earth, but on the other hand, it also stands for the papacy itself as the spiritual power which will control this world government (although this obviously will not happen during the tenure of Benedict). Together, this is “The New World Order”, as it has been printed on the one-dollar bill since 1776.

Even in the bear we find the color red in his tongue and saddle. Red represents power and bloodshed. The scarlet beast of Revelation 17 is not the United States itself, but the U.S. is playing a major role in establishing this beast. They will stand out as the executive power. The proclamation of the Sunday law in the U.S. and the national ruin (dictatorship) that will quickly follow are the steps that will lead this world government to make the papacy their head.

The red tongue is reminiscent of the second beast of Revelation 13, just like the red lips of the Moor’s head were:

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. (Revelation 13:11)

Therefore, the language of the world government will be the language of Satan, following the example of the United States. Sunday laws are spreading rapidly throughout the world, restricting freedom of religion, and will cause unprecedented persecution of those who want to keep the Law of God. Please keep in mind that red is also the color of blood, or of martyrdom!

The saddle cords

If we look more closely, we discover the “cords on the package.” But wait a minute! The lines are not continued under the belly of the bear but end on the pack which we already identified as the SADDLE of the papacy! Also, it is very unusual to tie a package or a saddle on an animal’s back in this way. We see that the “cords” cross. But we would never tie a package like this... at the corners. We would always tie the cords on the middle of the sides, because at the corners they would have nothing to hold onto and would always slip. Again, there is a hidden symbol here!

The cords form a conspicuous X, and an X has a special meaning in the Roman language. Namely, it represents the number 10 in Roman numerals.

This is another allegorical reference to the Bible that is used to make fun of the ignorance of the majority of believers who do not know Revelation. Here is the important Bible text that Pope Benedict XVI wants to remind his initiates of with the saddle cords:

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast [St. Corbinian’s Bear], full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads [7 popes since 1929, when the papacy regained its political power] and ten horns. (Revelation 17:3)

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. (Revelation 17:12-13)

In the Bible, horns always represent kingdoms, or better translated as nations today. Ten in the Bible represents “secular completeness”, meaning “all”. When an animal has 10 horns, then it is a power that is established through all the nations of the world or represented by all the nations of the earth. In the Year of Saul we will see more clearly who this power is and that it has already begun to reign.

Benedict XVI is saying that his policy and his ambitious goal is to cause these 10 nations, all nations, to establish a world government—and even during his term. And this world government would soon give its power and strength to the papacy. Thus the world government—all the nations, being of one mind, having prepared the saddle—will give the papacy permission to climb upon the saddle and assume world dominion.

An eight-pointed starAnother thing is remarkable here if we look closely. The saddle consists of two squares which are superimposed. Do you see that? This is also a widespread symbol in occultism. If you offset two squares by 45°, you get an eight-pointed star, and also an octagon inside it!

This has an incredible number of meanings in Freemasonry and the occult. First, we note that the two squares are still “tied up” and are therefore not yet rotated with respect to each other. The cords are the 10 nations that have yet to give their consent, so that the cords can be loosened and the two squares can be rotated 45° apart.

It also reminds us of a Bible verse:

And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. (2 Thessalonians 2:6)

Paul speaks of the antichrist, the man of sin:

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10)

What kept back the papacy during the first application of these verses was the Roman Empire. When it fell apart, the papacy came into power. What keeps the papacy back now in the second and final application of this prophecy is the current power structure. This has to be weakened first. The nations have to be weakened by problems which the Vatican itself will produce, thus they will give him dominion. We shall soon see that this is already happening.

Let’s go back to the eight-pointed star... It’s the “star of chaos”, which symbolizes the following expression: ordo ab chao, order from chaos. This is the way that Satan’s world domination will arise. He will first create chaos and then the power will be given to him. Financial crisis, hunger, wars, global warming, terrorism—these are all his means to create chaos.

The number eight in numerology means eternity. When on its side, the figure eight is the mathematical symbol for infinity. Once Satan gains dominion, he wants to reign forever. We believe that he will not succeed, but that is his stated goal.

The eight-pointed star also symbolizes the Great Year, a cycle of approximately 26,000 years, during which all the signs of the zodiac are once walked through. Throughout the esoteric world, it is well-known that this great cycle comes to an end on December 21, 2012. Even the Mayans recorded this on their calendars more than 5,000 years ago.

The chaos star as the papacy’s saddle shows that it wants to reign forever, and it shows when it sees a major milestone in this dominion. The year 2012/2013 is shown, which the whole occult world also anticipates as a great moment in world history. What will happen this year? Perhaps something so extraordinary that even God will react? For more on that, please read The Orion Message for God’s People.

As we can read at The Babylon Matrix - The Eight Pointed Star, the Sumerians used an arrangement of lines and symbols for both “star” and “God.” There we are also informed that the linear eight-pointed star represented the deity Inanna, the Sumerian “Queen of Heaven” (now disguised as the Virgin Mary) and Ishtar (Astarte), the Babylonian deity who is also known as “the light bearer”.

We also know Astarte from the Bible (Astarte – Wikipedia [German]):


King Solomon temporarily promoted the worship of Astarte (1 Kings 11:5).

They cried to the Lord and said, We have sinned, because we have forsaken the Lord and served Baal and Ashtaroth. Liberate us now from the power of our enemies. We want to serve You again. [1 Samuel 12:10] The people of Israel transgressed with the worship of Astarte against the first commandment of the Bible (Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 5:7). The Bible contains no direct evidence that Astarte was a companion of YHWH.

And Astarte is none other than Asherah. We find this “goddess” in the Bible too (Asherah - Wikipedia [German]):

ASHERA IN THE BIBLE [unfortunately translated as the “grove” in the King James Version]

The name Asherah is mentioned in the Bible about forty times, as the name of a goddess and as a description of her phallus cult.

You can read In Judges 6:25 how the angel of the Lord commanded Gideon to break down the grove of Asherah of his father Joash and to build a new altar for the living God YHWH. Just after that, Gideon is used by YHWH to deliver the nation of Israel from the burden of the Midianites. 1 Kings 15:13 mentions that Maachah, the kings’ mother had made a statue of Asherah. Even King Manasseh (2 Kings 21:7) established an image of Asherah. 400 prophets of Asherah ate at Jezebel’s table (1 Kings 18:19). King Josiah removed from the temple (2 Kings 23:4) objects “that were made for Baal, Asherah and all the host of heaven.” 2 Kings 23 describes the removal of the Asherah cults.

The ancient Egyptian goddess Isis (Wikipedia - Isis [German]) is also characterized by the eight-pointed star:

For the Egyptians, she was a “goddess of love”, “goddess of the sea”, “Mother of God”, “Mother of the sun,” “Queen of the western sky” and a “witch”, because she used witchcraft in her relationship with Horus and Osiris. Mothers asked her for blessings upon their children. She was seen as a powerful sorceress, who knew all secrets and future events. In inscriptions, it is written of her that she was “wiser than all gods.” For the Egyptians, she also had a dark side. She stole the magic of the aged god Re, to elevate herself as the ruler over the world.

The Egyptian Pharaohs claimed to be sons of Isis and her lap was seen as the royal throne. The drinking of milk, which was said to be the milk of Isis, was part of an inauguration ceremony in the kingdom of the pharaohs. Later, her person was mixed with other Egyptian deities (especially Hathor). And through the missionary work of the Egyptian priests of Isis, her cult became popular among the Ptolemies and throughout the whole Roman Empire.

The Temple of Isis was on the island of Philae, which is located in the deep south of Egypt. Because of the construction of the Aswan Dam, the temple was moved further north on the island Agilkia, stone by stone, from 1977 to 1980. In Egypt, Isis was worshiped until the 5th or 6th century, and only women served her as priestesses. In present times, the temple is occasionally used again by a religious community as a place for worshiping the goddess.

Her symbol was Sirius. As a fertility goddess, Isis was responsible for the flooding of the Nile, which began with the first morning visibility of Sirius.

By the subsequent mixing with Hathor, she also received cow horns with a sun disk for a headdress. She was often depicted on tomb and sarcophagus walls with outstretched wings, with which she protected the dead and fanned the air. At the same time the cow horns mean the crescent moon. As the goddess of magic and the dead, Isis was seen especially in later times as the moon goddess.

Now we come full-circle again. We are dealing with the same Diana, the moon goddess, the mother of Satan. And the bear represents her helpers.

Isis and HorusMaria with child

First you can see Isis with her son Horus, and then there is Mary with Jesus: a clear substitution of a pagan Egyptian cult with Christianity.

Note the “nimbus” on the latter image—the light wheels or halos, which are nothing other than sun disks. Everything comes from sun worship, which is the Baal cult.

Just read for yourself what is hidden there: Isis, Horus, Seth, the IHS of the Roman Church, etc. A good starting page is: The Babylon Matrix - The Eight Pointed Star. The pictures of the symbolism of the eight-pointed star that you can see there should be sufficiently meaningful. Here a few examples:

St. Peter's Square
St. Peter’s Square in Rome

Foor of the Vatican Museum
The floor in the Vatican Museum

Pope with stole
Please note the eight-pointed stars at the ends of the stole.

Masonic symbol
Masonic symbol. The eight-pointed star of two squares is in the center and above it is the all-seeing eye!

Isis, Horus, Seth

Masonic Symbols of Hitler
Hitler also sought to rule the world. Two squares rotated by 45° and the swastika in the middle. In Benedict’s case, it is the cross which forms the Roman 10, X. This is a cross of Baal. Sun worship!

An Ouroborus
Here is another Masonic symbol. The world domination of the snake, biting its own tail: eternity. Here is the sought-after second crown of the missing tiara. In the center are the two squares and once again the eight-pointed star of Isis.

All-seeing eye
Freemasonry again. In the middle, the all-seeing eye of Lucifer.

Quija board
To show that we are indeed dealing with occultism, here is the octagon-shaped Ouija board.

Finally, so it really becomes clear who is behind Isis/Diana/Astaroth/Astarte/Asherah: Baphomet or Satan in the eight-pointed star.

The Statue of Liberty as Masonic symbol

The base of the Statue of Liberty in New York also has the shape of an eight-pointed star made of two squares. What a surprise—it was a gift from the French Freemasons to the United States.

What does this mean? The torchbearer is Satan and he stands on a foundation of two powers, two squares.

These two squares are the two powers, which unite to form Satan’s government and support structure, which are the papacy and the United States in this case, but in the case of the Bear it is about politics and religion, because it has to do with world domination.

So, it’s absolutely worth the time to dig deeper also on Wikipedia - Egyptian Mythology. It would take just too long here, and many things are very well explained there and on other sites. My purpose is just to show the presence of these symbols and Diana and her helpers in the papal coat of arms.

Being composed of two squares, the eight-pointed star clearly symbolizes Satan’s rule through the union of two powers: politics and religion, the bear (the 10 nations, politics) and the one who sits on the saddle (the papacy, religion). It would also be interesting to note that there should indeed be a corresponding “pack saddle” on the other side of the bear... the issue would then be about a world government that would consist of not only 10 nations, but 20 nations. Do we already know of such a structure?

Now let’s address the four issues raised in the article “The Missing Tiara”.

1. In this symbol of the papal coat of arms, do we discover one of the three branches of government: legislative, executive, or judicial?

Yes, this time it is clearly the legislative, the world government. The “New World Order” is represented by this unequal power-split. A world government that is headed by a church, which alone controls the legislation: The Roman Church itself. The secular government, the third beast, must be set up, but it is apparently not planned to completely establish the head of this world government during the tenure of Benedict.

2. Can we identify one of the three beasts of Revelation 13 and 17?

Well, let’s look closely. We can clearly identify the beast of Revelation 17 with the bear: the new political world government that will be made up of the “10” nations. In The Year of Saul, I show who or what it is exactly, and when this animal was “crowned”.

3. Are we dealing with one of the three persons of the satanic trinity?

According to his delusion, the mother of Satan is the moon. The crescent moon represents the uterus from which he pretends to have been born. And Artemis and Diana, we have debunked several times as the goddess of the moon. Likewise, Astarte, Asherah, and Isis are all moon goddesses. Satan represents his “birth story” in the papal coat of arms. Therefore, the worship of Mary is elevated above all: it is a false interpretation of the woman with the moon under her feet in Revelation 12. The symbol for the true Church of God is defiled and abused as the “mother of Satan.” Wouldn’t it be logical to find Satan himself in the last symbol, the Shell of St. Jacob?

4. Is one of the three spiritual forces hidden in it that plays a role in the end-times according to Ellen G. White?

This is almost too easy now. Yes, of course, because Ellen G. White says that the papacy and the Roman Church itself, the first beast of Revelation, will take over the world. This is exactly the subject of St. Corbinian’s bear. Here we find represented the animal that the papacy wants to ride. This world government is modeled after the pope’s coat of arms, but will only come into effect when Benedict’s successor has come. However, the saddle or throne of the beast will be prepared by Benedict.

Once this world government of church and state will have been crowned, it will soon see itself threatened by the intervention of God. Rumors from the east and north will trouble it. This website could be like a rumor, namely the tidings out of the east—the Orion—and out of the north—the throne of God.

Major disasters await those who want to replace the Commandments of God by human commandments. And this brings us to the third symbol of Benedict’s coat of arms: The large shell, or St. Jacob’s shell, with which Benedict wants to draw wisdom from the ocean. This symbol actually has more to do with the sea than is seen at first glance.

In due time I will write the article about St. Jacob’s shell, and another one about the new pallium that was added to the papal coat of arms, but you can find a small part about the shell in A Gift of Heaven and a brief explanation of the meaning of the pallium in the Introduction to the Shadow Series.

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