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The Last Countdown

On June 29, 2008, the Vatican announced the beginning of the year of St. Paul. Convening of special theme years is nothing new, but very rarely a special signet is published. This time it was even a logo with a lot of symbols and ought to make us suspicious and alert. As Walter Veith and I have reiterated, the papacy has internally hidden from the world the continuation of the Babylonian religion, which originated in Babylon.

The Metropolitans, the high dignitaries of the Roman Church, including its leader, the pope, are—as the name already suggests—those assembled in cities who want to build a tower that God will never be able to destroy again, as in the days after the flood. The tower relates to the Tower of Babel and the modern symbol for this is the high tower that graces every Catholic church. As everyone knows, God prevented this plan by the confusion of tongues.

When the first shock of the confusing of tongues settled and some years had passed for the enemies of God and followers of Satan, the Metropolitans, people began to communicate with each other again, just as we do today: they learned foreign languages. So, it was again possible for Satan to make new plans. The Metropolitans did not want to give God another chance to destroy their work in the same manner that He had done before. Just as they started to build the tower that God would not be able to destroy again with a flood, they devised a plan that God should not be able to confound their languages again. A “language” had to be invented that would not be based on spoken language anymore—a language that should be easy to communicate with, but impossible to be confused.

It had to be a language that would allow the Metropolitans to exchange messages to complete their work, the construction of the Tower of Babel, the symbol of world domination. This language was invented more than 5000 years ago: the symbolic language of the masons of the Tower of Babel. Their work was symbolized by bricklayers and we know that today they call themselves “Freemasons” and indeed do have such a language—a language based entirely on symbols. Moreover, this language serves to confuse their enemy, because all symbols have two meanings: one which only the initiated, the Freemasons or Metropolitans, can understand, and one—a “wrong”, “confused” meaning—that the “uninitiated” think they understand, although it is misleading.

With this basic knowledge, we now want to look at the signet of the Year of St. Paul and try to decipher the true message that is contained therein:

Signet for the Year of St. Paul

Let us first consider what the Vatican wants us to believe as the uninitiated. On the official website for the Pauline Year of the German Bishops’ Conference we read as follows: [Note: the link was removed, but the original text with slight modifications can be found in Worksheet for the Pauline Year in German.]

The sword depicted in the middle of the logo is an ancient symbol for the apostle Paul - it is the instrument with which he has suffered his martyrdom around the year 60 AD. He was beheaded on the orders of Emperor Nero in Rome. Paul was bound during his imprisonment in Rome with a chain - this is now preserved in the sacristy of the Basilica of S. Paolo Fuori le Mura. Once a year, on the evening of 28 June, the relic is carried in a solemn procession through the streets. The Book symbolically depicted in the signet symbolizes both the gospel preached by Paul and the letters written by him. On the open-book pages we recognize the “heavenly fire” that drove him, and the cross of Jesus Christ, whose servant he had become.

In the introductory text of this explanation is written—and this is unexpectedly true: “For the Pauline Year an official Signet has been created, whose many layers of meaning can be explained as follows... [Note: This text was already removed by the German Bishops’ Conference but still can be found on websites like KAB-Gernach in German.]

So, there are several different meanings! Now even a lower degree Mason would have understood this “hint”.

Let us now analyze the symbolic language step by step:

The Letter

The Book symbolically depicted in the signet symbolizes both the gospel preached by Paul and the letters written by him. On the open-book pages we recognize the “heavenly fire” that drove him, and the cross of Jesus Christ, whose servant he had become.

According to the official Vatican statement the open book symbolizes the letters of the apostle Paul, which are found in the Bible. The only thing that is true of this statement is that we are actually dealing with a letter. But we will see later who wrote it and to whom it is directed. At the beginning of a letter we usually write to whom the letter is addressed. Thus, we usually start our letters with “Dear Brother” or “Dear Aunt”. It is the same with this “letter”. In the upper left corner of the “letter” we find...

The Addressee

There we see a Maltese cross. The Maltese cross shows up even in the pallia and many other “gowns” of the Catholic bishops, cardinals, and popes. Since Benedict XVI, the color of the Maltese cross turned to red again. It was black for many centuries. Red is the symbol of power and victory in the esoteric, whereas black is for mourning and loss of power. The red Maltese crosses the pope is wearing again, which first showed up in the coat of arms of Benedict XVI, leads to the understanding that the pope intends to mend the mortal wound of 1798 so Satan might finally take over world leadership. We will see below how close we are to it, but what does this strange Maltese cross really symbolize?

I made a small cardboard model for you, so you can see what the Maltese cross’ actual meaning is. Here is my little cardboard model of a Maltese Cross:

Model of a Maltese Cross

As you can see, I cut four triangles out of yellow cardboard and attached them together in the middle with Scotch tape. Why? To do what you can see in the next picture. There I have just raised the cross in the middle and pulled it up:

Maltese Cross lifted seen from above

And now, a photo of the resulting model from its side:

A pyramid

As you can easily see now, a pyramid emerged from my little cardboard model of a Maltese cross. Let us therefore determine:

The Maltese cross is the two-dimensional representation of a pyramid.

The pyramid is one of the most frequently used symbols of Freemasonry because it symbolizes the Tower of Babel, which could not be finalized back then. We find the pyramid on the logos of many Masonic companies and also at the following place: on the back of the dollar bill, with thirteen steps and the all-seeing eye on top. Many websites now reveal the highly Freemasonic content of the symbols of the dollar bill. The pyramid is THE ABSOLUTE SYMBOL of Freemasonry itself.

Thus, to whom is the message of the Signet of the Year of Paul directed?


The Sender

At the lower right-hand edge of the letter, there is a flame imprinted as a symbol of the sender. Since it is a message to the disciples of Satan, this is unlikely to be the symbol of the Holy Spirit, which is by the way, usually a dove. It is the “Black Flame of Satan” which plays a predominant role in Satanism.

Whence comes this flame as a symbol of Satan? Another name for Satan in the Bible is Lucifer, the bringer of light, or the “torchbearer”. One of the most important Masonic representations of Satan as a torchbearer is the famous Statue of Liberty in New York, a gift of the French Freemasons to the United States. The inauguration of the Statue of Liberty was celebrated with a Masonic ceremony, as you can read on Wikipedia.

The Statue of Liberty in New York

The fire in the torch is Satan’s black flame. Many books are already published that reveal this.

Satan's torch

So, who identifies himself as the sender of the message of the logo of the Pauline Year, and thus shows how important this message is?


The Sword, which is no Sword

Now that we know who is addressed by this message, and by whom it was written, we want to decipher the contents of the message itself.

Rome says:

The sword depicted in the middle of the logo is an ancient symbol for the apostle Paul - it is the instrument through which he suffered his martyrdom around the year AD 60. He was beheaded on the orders of Emperor Nero in Rome.

To see what the sword symbolizes, we must look carefully, because we do not have eyes trained in recognizing satanic symbols. Before I was baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist, I had gone astray and had learned a little about astrology. It was not difficult for me to discover the true symbol of the sword and the outlines of the “bible” of the signet. I have marked the hidden symbol in red on the picture on the right. Please compare with the original on the left:

Original signetColored signet

To the Masonic eye, it is immediately obvious that this is an important symbol—an astrological symbol: the planet Neptune in astrology. Following on the left is Neptune in his female form, and on the right in his male form.

Neptune in astrology

The trident is a symbol of the dominion of the god Neptune (Roman) and Poseidon (Greek) and, as you see, it has entered even into our children’s rooms:

Neptune: the father of ArielPoseidon

Even Satan represents himself with this symbol. The “god of the sea” (the people), Poseidon, Neptune... is none other than Satan.

Satan costumeTridentDeviläs trident

The “god of the sea” also has two other names. The first of these is “Aquarius”. Does anyone not know the words of the most famous hippie song of the ‘60s of the last century, “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, which announced the 1000 years of peace? The hippie movement was the forerunner of the present New Age movement, that is followed by hundreds of millions of people consciously or unconsciously. Ellen G. White called this movement, SPIRITISM or SPIRITUALISM.

The symbol of this movement is, therefore, “the god of the sea”, Aquarius, which is referred to in the Bible as Dagon, and was worshiped by the Philistines. He was the ocean or fish god and his priests wore special headgear, which resembled a fish’s mouth:

Dagon priest Sprinklink with holy water

Please note the typical sprinkling of holy water on the second image on the right.

Where do we find the cult of Dagon nowadays?

Fish mouth hat

The headdress of the pope and his leaders is an exact replica of the Dagon priests, the priests of the religion of the sea or fish god. (We even find the Maltese cross of the Metropolitans pictured on the pallium of the pope, still in black then.)

Therefore, we are dealing here with the proclamation of the sovereignty of Aquarius, the long-awaited millennium of “peace”. The entire New Age movement expects the beginning of this millennium around the year 2012. They have just one problem... there are so many great astrological events from 2008 to 2012 and around it, that even the most inveterate astrologer is not clear which of these events is really the beginning of the millennium of peace. Some therefore have long since argued that Satan himself will personally announce the beginning of his reign. And who is his mouthpiece on the earth? The papacy.

The Age of Aquarius

When I first saw this Pauline Year signet in June 2008, I knew because of the dates that are engraved there that on June 29, 2009, something special would happen that has to do with the Age of Aquarius and the millennium, even mentioned by Ellen G. White in the Great Controversy:

The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church members love what the world loves and are ready to join with them, and Satan determines to unite them in one body and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of spiritualism. Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world and the ushering in of the long-expected millennium. Through spiritualism, Satan appears as a benefactor of the race, healing the diseases of the people, and professing to present a new and more exalted system of religious faith; but at the same time he works as a destroyer. His temptations are leading multitudes to ruin. {GC 588.3}

On page 321 we read:

Taking the manner in which the prophecies had been fulfilled in the past as a criterion by which to judge of the fulfillment of those which were still future, he became satisfied that the popular view of the spiritual reign of Christ--a temporal millennium before the end of the world--was not sustained by the word of God. This doctrine, pointing to a thousand years of righteousness and peace before the personal coming of the Lord, put far off the terrors of the day of God. {GC 321.1}

The whole world has been being prepared for several years to expect a special event in 2012. Most recently, even a Hollywood movie titled “2012” was announced. Terrible destruction is shown in it, but what they are really planning is to proclaim a kingdom of “peace” despite the increasing natural disasters of our time.

A Year of Preparation

When the Vatican proclaims a special theme year, its beginning is set in such a way that one year remains to prepare for the main celebrations. I was therefore sure that on June 29, 2009, which is marked as the ending date of the Year of Paul on the signet, an event would take place which Satan wants to draw his disciples’ particular attention to. So, we must examine exactly what really happened on June 29, 2009. I had already been explaining the signet in sermons since June 2008, making many aware that the Vatican is planning something terrible.

666 in the Signet

A sure sign that it is a satanic message is always the “popular” appearance of 666 in such messages. We have already recognized the black flame of Satan, but for completeness, I would like to show this too, before we go on and see more details. In Satanism they like to play with numbers. This is an esoteric technique similar to astrology, called numerology. Of course, this is abomination to God!

Read Bible verses backwards or to turning figures upside-down is widely practiced in Satanism. One example is that in Satanism, the number NINE and SIX are interchangeable because 9 is an inverted 6. Thus, we easily find 666 in the dates. The 29 on top has one 9: inverted 9 = 6, the first six. The second is the 6 in Roman numerals (VI) next to it: the sixth month, or June. The third 6 is the final digit at the end of the year 2009, which is an inverted 9 again.

666 in the signet

How long does Satan want to rule?

Again, this is hidden in the logo, again with numerology. The chain, which has another level of meaning as the Episcopal Conference themselves say so nicely, is the chain to bind Satan for 1000 years. It is not closed, however. This indicates that Satan does not want to be bound. He wants to break his chain. He wants to win the Great Controversy.

If we count the links in the chain, then we get 17 links. Since this number has no meaning in numerology, we have to calculate the sum of the digits until we get a numerological number. Let us do this: 1 + 7 = 8. The number eight has a very important meaning in numerology, especially in its “fallen” form, the “lazy eight”. Dr. Cathy Burns explains the meaning of the lazy eight in her book about the Masonic symbolism:

The lazy eight

The “lazy eight” is the symbol of infinity, also used in mathematics. Cathy Burns says: “For occultists it represents the eternal victory of Lucifer,” as you can read above. It also means reincarnation and karma, and therefore emphasizes the immortality of the soul, the first lie of Satan who now wants to reign forever.

The hippie movement already knew all these meanings by late 1960, as shown at the bottom left with the symbols on the jacket.

We already know the “all-seeing eye”. We find it on the dollar bill above the pyramid, which consists of 13 steps to the supremacy of Satan. Satan’s goal is not just a 1000-year dominion, which was not even the goal of Hitler, but is just a symbol for eternity. He wants to rule FOREVER. He wants to win the battle against his enemy, Jesus. Everything is about one question: Will Jesus find faith when He returns?

An “Unfulfilled” End Time Theory

Many Adventists of the SDA and SDA Reform Movement church told me long ago that there is a theory that uses the time Noah preached about the flood as a model for the end-time events to be calculated—at least to calculate when persecution and danger will start for us as Sabbath keepers. This “theory” is based on the Bible verse in which Jesus Himself points out that before His coming, “it will be like the days of Noah.”

The theory goes as follows. In 1888, there was a General Conference in Minneapolis, where the pastors, E.J. Waggoner and A.T. Jones had a special message for the Advent people. The message included the issue of justification by faith but stressed that only those who would obey Jesus in all things would reach the goal. Today, this second part of the message is almost forgotten. This was such an important message that the conference attendees started to fight about the issue. Internally, the SDA church was divided into two camps: One with Ellen G. White, who confirmed the message of the two pastors, consisted of those who wanted to be faithful to God under all circumstances, and the other of those who had a liberal view and did not want to take everything “too seriously”. Ellen G. White said that she had never been treated as badly as at this General Conference. It must have been really terrible.

This message is a very important message, however, and that’s why many believe that it represents the actual three angels’ message in its purified form, as it calls for “faith and obedience”. That is why they say, that this was the real beginning of the message of the third angel. Well, if you look at how long Noah preached the gospel through every stroke of his hammer while building the ark, then we see that it was exactly for 120 years, and then the door of the ark (the door of mercy) was closed forever. Therefore, they calculated and said that we could expect a special event for the year 2008 that would make it impossible for us to freely preach the gospel, and that the door of mercy would probably close soon after 2008.

1888 + 120 = 2008

Now, many were disappointed because they do not know the signet of the Pauline Year and overlooked the fact that indeed an important event had occurred. Satan proclaimed on June 29, 2008, that he would start his dominion one year later and that his followers have to watch for an event taking place on that date. We shall soon see what had taken place and on what day Satan’s dominion started exactly.

What happened on June 29, 2009?

Many did not realize that Benedict XVI’s new encyclical, “Love in Truth”, officially bears this date. The headlines of the press confirmed it: “The pope calls for world dominion!” He argues for a New World Order through a controlling political world government, except that it would not be able to solve the world’s problems. There would need to be ONE “moral world leader” on top of the world government. Who should this leader be, if not the pope himself?

The pope’s latest encyclical was officially published on June 29, 2009. One year before, he had already announced in the signet of the Year of Paul that the dominion of Aquarius, namely Neptune, would be solicited on June 29, 2009. However, the encyclical was even sent a few days earlier to all the members of the G8 summit that started on July 1, 2009, so the “world rulers” could study it beforehand and discuss it at the summit.

The venue was changed from Sardinia, completely unexpectedly, to L’Aquila, a little town in the mountains 40 km from the Vatican, which had been shaken by terrible earthquakes. The name L’Aquila is Italian and means “the eagle”. Compare the fourth seal in Revelation! There nearby the Vatican, the rulers of the world lived in sackcloth and ashes, in police barracks instead of 5-star hotels like ever before, to supposedly show their solidarity with the earthquake victims. In truth, it was humiliation before the Vatican. They pleaded for the Vatican to solve the world’s financial crisis, created by the Vatican itself and its Masonic lodge, the Bilderbergers. The nations bowed down before the pope to get solutions to their problems.

The very last historic G8 summit ended on July 10, 2009. A few days before the G8 summit started, Angela Merkel of Germany had already announced that it would be the last, and that the G20 would be the new world government. All the “rulers” departed on this 10th of July, except Obama: the black “crowned” king of the papal coat of arms, the highest Illuminati, who now heads the second beast of Revelation 13, the United States. He was brought directly to his FIRST private audience with the pope, a top-secret meeting! Obama went to the Vatican and announced to the pope the decision of the nations regarding his solicitude for world dominion!

We know from the Bible what the result was...

The nations promised to the pope on July 10, 2009 that he could soon take over the world scepter.

What forced the Nations?

The main topics of the summit were officially:

  1. The world financial crisis (as foretold by Ellen G. White)
  2. Global warming and the resulting future disasters (as foretold by Ellen G. White)

As a result, the G20 summit was raised as the controlling power to dominate the world. You can read this anywhere. This is the beast of Revelation 17, and the pope makes himself ready to ride this beast.

The Year of the Illuminati: 2010

On (Ending America), we can read that the Illuminati, which was founded (by Jesuits) the same year as the U.S. in Ingolstadt, Germany, developed a 13-phased plan to destroy the United States. “Destruction” here does not mean destruction in the strict sense, but they want to use the U.S. to gain world control for their leader, Satan. The United States should transform itself from a lamb like beast (democratic government) into a dragon beast (dictatorship), which soon afterwards would dominate the whole world.

This 13-stage plan refers to Revelation 13, verse 18, where the number of Satan, 666, is proclaimed. The numerological checksum of 666 is 18! The plan provided for a certain period of preparation time until Satan would begin to reign with the help of the second beast of Revelation 13, the United States.

The calculation of the Illuminati:

1776 (founding year of the United States and the Illuminati) + 13 steps of 18 years (234 years) = 2010

Now, all this corresponds in an incredible way with what Ellen G. White and the Bible tell us. Ellen G. White says that after the national apostasy (Sunday law), there will come national ruin (dictatorship). Hence, if the plan of the Illuminati was and is to start to use the United States from 2010 on, to achieve Satan’s reign (dictatorship) over the whole planet, then it is very probable that we will very soon be witnesses of tremendous events in the country of the second beast of Revelation, the U.S. At you can see that everything that I state here is already becoming reality. 2012 is not far away anymore, and the preparations are at full throttle.

The Year of Saul

Dear brothers and sisters, I have shown you what is going on behind the doors of the Vatican and even behind the doors of your own national governments, and my voice is not alone. Many ministers are now starting to see from the pope’s last encyclical that time is ending, though not as clear as I, who (unfortunately) learned to read such symbolic language in my “former life”.

There is still another “symbol” hidden in the logo, however. The name of the theme year itself: The “Year of Paul”. It is not about the apostle Paul, as we understand him—the apostle of the Gentiles. I have already explained to you that in Satanism or Dagonism they like to read everything backwards. So what happens if you read the “apostle Paul” backwards? Then one would not be talking about the apostle Paul after his conversion, but about his counterpart, Saul before his conversion. And who was Saul? The most violent persecutor of Christians of his time! He even consented to the stoning of Stephen and thus ended the 490 years of probation for the former people of God, the Jews.

Under the new Saul we will suffer persecution that never was and that never will be again. And because of this persecution, Jesus will even close the door of mercy forever.

If you really see these things happen, then look up, because our Savior is coming. But whether the 2010 theory is right or wrong, I am convinced that we can expect great events on this earth very soon. Whatever happens, my counsel for you, dear brother and sister, is: Get prepared NOW, for the storm is coming!

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