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The life story of pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, renowned for his successful separation of craniopagus conjoined twins, has proved an inspiration to many. As a teenager, I read his biography, Gifted Hands, and appreciated the lessons and wisdom it contained. I was also inspired by it and was deeply impressed that although a person may appear to be incapable of learning, it may be that their true potential is simply hidden by negative mental programming, and redirecting their time and attention into productive channels will help them to realize their potential.

My respect for Dr. Carson remained strong as I matured and set out to find my own place in life. So, when my wife and I started a little ministry promoting spiritual books and lifestyle aids in our community, we took the opportunity to spread the inspiration of his story. We especially wanted to encourage the young readers to rise above the emptiness of TV sitcoms, video games, and mind-numbing music, so they could see the great potential God has endowed them with to serve society in a meaningful capacity and find fulfillment they could never find in entertainment. So, when we discovered that there was a Kids Edition to Ben Carson’s biography, we were excited, because we knew it would be more appealing to the younger readers, since it had more pictures and simpler language, etc.

Gifted Hands, Kids EditionIn the summer of 2014, we received our first box of Gifted Hands, Kids Edition, and immediately began promoting it. But soon, something happened that gave us a real surprise. My wife, who had also read the book earlier in life, decided to refresh herself on the story, and began to read the Kids Edition. Right near the beginning, she read that Ben Carson was inspired by the story of a missionary doctor he had heard at church. That much was fine, but the strange thing was that it said that this happened “one Sunday morning during church”![1]

Being lifelong Seventh-day Adventists ourselves, we well knew that Ben Carson was raised with the same faith, and therefore would have heard this story on Saturday, when Seventh-day Adventists meet for church! We checked the regular edition to be sure we hadn’t gotten our wires crossed, but sure enough, where it related that story, it was clearly stated, “We were Seventh-day Adventists, and one Saturday morning, Pastor Ford, at the Detroit Burns Avenue church, illustrated his sermon with a story [of the missionary doctor].”[2]

“Does Dr. Carson know about this?” we wondered. “He’s a busy man—maybe he didn’t proof every detail of the Kids Edition.” Giving him the benefit of the doubt, we sought to contact him more directly, but the best we could do was return the books, citing the incorrect and misleading information, and were told that our finding would be forwarded to the publisher.

Of course, it is clear that it was not an unintentional change. It is clearly a deliberate alteration of factual details that was done with a specific purpose in mind. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to recognize that you can work on the minds of children without the knowledge of parents by slipping little changes with subtle effects into a Kids Edition that most parents won’t read for themselves, thinking it’s the same story as the full-detail regular edition! There has been plenty of time since the publication of this error at the end of 2009, to come clean about what the intentions were behind this change (and who knows what others?).

This was when we first began to realize that something wasn’t right with Ben Carson. Since that time, he has become a public politician, and his faith has been an ever-present theme for the journalists covering his presidential election campaign in the US. Many have seen his prayer breakfast speech, where he spoke his mind in front of president Obama, and not only lauded him as a courageous public speaker but encouraged him to run for president. Many Americans long for someone with common sense and a strong backbone in the Oval Office, and Dr. Carson seems to fit the bill! Many Adventists hail him as a man “for such a time as this,” hearkening to the biblical story of Esther who was a Jew, thrust into the spotlight (though against her desire, unlike Carson) and became queen of a non-Jewish nation, making it possible for her to intervene when that nation sought to exterminate the Jews within it.

To be sure, it is a curious fact that a Seventh-day Adventist would run for president at all! Although the church at its recent General Conference Session (its highest voting body) has officially, if subtly, downplayed the prophetic role of Ellen G. White, for many Adventists, her words are still an authoritative and influential voice, and as if Jesus’ example and that of His disciples weren’t enough, she has left clear words about the incompatibility of the Christian’s mission and politics:

The Lord would have His people bury political questions. On these themes silence is eloquence. Christ calls upon His followers to come into unity on the pure gospel principles which are plainly revealed in the word of God. We cannot with safety vote for political parties; for we do not know whom we are voting for. We cannot with safety take part in any political scheme. {CCh 316.2}

It would seem that we cannot with safety vote for Ben Carson, either. Are you voting for a Seventh-day Adventist or a Sunday keeper? Are you voting for an honest man of courageous integrity, or a sly politician who happens to have a better-than-usual façade? Call me paranoid and accusatory if you wish, but I smell something rotten.

Carson's Pyramid on the Dollar BillAnd what’s with all the attention[3] on who built the pyramids[4] and for what purpose? Could it be a Globalist insider signal that the physician, Ben Carson is poised to fill the shoes of Imhotep[5], the great physician and mason of Egypt who is historically credited with building the pyramids? It is the pyramid, after all, that is a hallmark of modern Globalists and they have long held key offices in both the public and private sectors, boldly stamping their hallmark (and other symbols) wherever they can—including on the one-dollar bill in your pocket!

If you broaden your perspective a bit instead of getting caught up in the opponent wars, and realize that there is a much larger, sinister scheme at work that utilizes the Hegelian dialectic, taking advantage of (or even creating) the opposing elements with the ultimate goal to bring about a much larger objective, then you will begin to understand that this is not so far-fetched. The problem is that we’re too naïve and locked into modern history, and we forget that there are influential forces at work in the world that operate on much larger time scales than that of an individual human lifespan. In short, it is a battle between Christ and Satan, not Ben and Hillary.

The symbolism, however, does not stop with the pyramids! Carson’s fame for the successful separation of conjoined twins is itself symbolic. We have previously written about how marriage and the Sabbath are twin institutions, both of which originated with the creation of the world and more importantly reflect the seal and authority of God.[6] This is their indissoluble link, meaning that in reality, they cannot be separated. But then Ben Carson, the great separator of conjoined twins, comes heroically on the scene!

Seventh-day Adventists have a long history of Bible prophecy analysis that suggests that they will be persecuted at the end of time because of the seventh-day Sabbath. They believe that the second beast of Revelation 13 is identifiable as the United States, and that it will enforce a national Sunday law.

Alonzo T. Jones

Regardless of what may be the societal trend today, there is a certain significance to this belief that suggests that it shouldn’t be brushed aside too quickly. After all, in 1890—decades after the church had settled its prophetic understanding, Kentucky Congressman Breckinridge introduced a bill that would have ultimately compelled Sunday worship, but it was narrowly defeated. Among those who spoke before the Congressional subcommittee that voted on it, was the Seventh-day Adventist minister, Alonzo T. Jones, who presented a solid case against it.[7]

But times have changed over the intervening century and a quarter. Today, equality and anti-discrimination laws ensure that Sabbath keepers retain their rights to worship on the day of their choice. This is where the twins come in. The twin to the Sabbath is marriage, and the same anti-discrimination laws redefine marriage and not only demand that LGBT marriage be accepted and honored, but anything spoken against it is being redefined as hate speech, as though the simple expression of a differing conviction is the de facto standard of hatred.

This is where the long tradition of Adventist interpretation is a disservice to them. With all due respect for their prophetic interpretation, we realize (and have been preaching) that although prophecies referring to a “Sunday law” may have literally applied in the late 19th century, today, they must be understood in principle and applied to the twin, the Sodomy Law. Thus, while many Adventists are hopeful to have a representative in the White House who would surely delay the expected Sunday law, they are unaware that an equivalent law was enacted by the Supreme Court’s decision on June 26, 2015 that legalized gay marriage. Their prophecy already came true, but their twins were separated so they didn’t recognize it!

Rainbow White HouseThus, while traditional Adventist interpretation regards legislation of Sunday worship as the mark of the beast, in today’s context, it is gay marriage, and the image of the beast is the passive support of sodomy.[8] Carson is technically against gay marriage, but he has no word against the sin of sodomy (rather, he supports it through civil unions). He has apparently successfully separated the twin institutions! He may appear to uphold the Sabbath, but even so, without honoring God’s form of marriage and denouncing the devil’s counterfeit as sin, it is pure hypocrisy!

So, there you have it—the twins that God united, Ben Carson thinks to be able to successfully separate, but in the process, he violates them both. The Bible gives us relevant and wise instruction applicable to this point:

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law. (James 2:10-11)

There is more than just the Sabbath in God’s law, but some have become so focused on the Sabbath that they offend in nine points but think that their Sabbath keeping will count for all! Sorry, but it doesn’t work like that! “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”[9]

Unfortunately, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, while it appears to be unique among Protestant denominations, has voluntarily given up its historical unique identity. Decades ago, it admitted in official capacity before a court that those dark, “fearful prophetic scenarios” that Loren Seibold speaks of[10] have been “consigned to the historical trash heap.”[11] Although the current president of the church, Ted Wilson, outwardly appears to uphold its historical values, his actions and the changes that were approved by the duped sheeple at the recent General Conference Session, have successfully brought it into harmony with the ecumenical goals of the UN. Oh, but God forbid we consider any infiltration conspiracy theory!

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3)

For this reason, and because we stand for the core values that the church has historically upheld, we find it necessary to uphold them without membership in any church organization (all of which are required to comply with UN development goals), welcoming new understanding without throwing away the old. David Corn of Mother Jones Magazine may have concluded that the church believes it got the date wrong in 1844,[12] but its uniqueness is centered in the belief that it got the date correct, only misunderstanding the event!

So then, there’s no need to worry about any hidden secrets of Ben Carson’s faith! He’s just another politician like all the rest! If he were really one of those “extremists” who actually believe those “fearful” bible prophecies, then maybe, just maybe, he would have opened his mouth about it by now! But his church is in the same ecumenical boat with all the others. Have no fear! You can elect him with confidence that his faith won’t affect his policy! The only thing is you’ll have to get used to him worshipping on Saturday (at least when he’s not busy campaigning). But take care, because while you wait for the elections, you may find that you’re left in the shadow of time.

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Gregg and Deborah Shaw Lewis, Gifted Hands, Revised Kids Edition: The Ben Carson Story, (Zonderkids, 2014), 9. ISBN: 978-0310738305 
Ben Carson and Cecil Murphey, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, (Zondervan, 1996), 25. ISBN: 978-0310214694 
A simple keyword search reveals numerous news outlets journaling about this. For example, The Guardian, TIME, The Daily Beast, New York Magazine, CBS News, Alternet, and CNN, for a few. 
Carson’s “personal theory” was asserted by Dr. Gordon Anic of Inner Peace Ministries (started in the same year as Carson’s speech), who graduated in 1988 from the same Seventh-day Adventist institution where the speech was given. 
An important figure for modern freemasons. See this article published by a freemasonic lodge. 
This is discussed in greater detail in our last article, The Tears of God
The text of the bill and the speeches of the opposition and support may be found in this document (pdf). 
This is discussed in greater detail in our last article, The Tears of God
Mark 10:9 
Loren Seibold, Adventists in the Spotlight, Spectrum, October 29, 2015 
The remarks of then church vice-president Neal C. Wilson (father of the current president of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, Ted Wilson) in a 1975 court briefing. A few years later, he served as president of the church for over a decade. 
David Corn, Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath Persecution Conspiracy, Mother Jones, October 2, 2015. 