World News
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September 3, 2020: THE ARK OF TIME
With the release of The Ark of Time, the writings of the White Cloud Farm are now complete. The days of the seventh angel, when he began to sound his trumpet, were chronicled in its pages as the mystery of God was being finished.
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. (Revelation 10:7)
In the culminating scenes of this period, the temple of God was opened in heaven and the glory of the Ark of the Covenant was seen.
And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. (Revelation 11:19)
In the four-volume set of the writings of the Last Countdown and the White Cloud Farm, the wisdom and mercy of God are interwoven with the experiences of His servants. Now the justice required of God’s broken law is being served to Babylon. Can you recognize whether you are still within its walls? Do you understand God’s revelation and how it applies to our day with clarity? When studied with the Holy Spirit, The Ark of Time contains just what you need to safely navigate these troubled times and arrive safely in the heavenly harbor.
April 9, 2019: THE TWO WITNESSES
The First Witness: God Is Time | The Second Witness: The Mystery of the Holy City |
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We have now published the story of the Two Witnesses books and how they have fulfilled the prophecy of Revelation 11:1-14 in every detail, from beginning to end. In this article, we reveal why fire comes out of the mouth of the two witnesses, how they were killed, how their dead bodies were seen, how they stood on their feet, and finally how they were called to step up to heaven. In this climactic prophecy at the center of the Revelation, you will see how exact God’s timing is, in relation to the three and a half days, and how He even refers to the very technologies used for the publication of the Two Witnesses: God Is Time and The Mystery of the Holy City. This article explains how and why the articles of our website have been compiled into book format and made available on according to the command of God. This story sets the stage for several other exciting articles to come, so don’t miss The Two Witnesses!
Please download the new version 5.3 of the LastCountdown Book. We have fixed many links that were broken because we have left YouTube. Our videos are now on our own servers. With this book we bid you adieu from the old website. We see you at the White Cloud Farm!
September 3, 2016: NEW DVD VERSION 5.2
With less than two months until the Blessed Hope is realized, our work is at an end. In this final update to our book and DVD, much is made clear with our last light regarding the completed fulfillments of Revelation's sixth seal, which confirms that we are indeed in the time of plagues, and that our hope is not in vain, but solidly anchored. Download the book (pdf) or the DVD (iso) now, before it is too late, for offline reference so you have food for when the famine comes!
When Israel entered the Promised Land, God gave them specific instructions. The conquest of Jericho serves as an illustration for how history could repeat (including the seals of Revelation as explained in History Repeats). In our addendum to this important article, we explain why this model applies, and show how the sixth classical seal (corresponding to the sixth day's march around Jericho) has already been completely fulfilled.
On the seventh day, Israel marched around Jericho seven times, indicating a repetition of the six seals. In our addendum to the article, Signs of the End, we explain how the repeated sixth seal has completely fulfilled in our day.
The Orion presentation has been updated as well. See slides 101-114 for the explanation of how the repetition of the sixth seal has been completely fulfilled.
See also our last article, Anchored in Time, regarding the sixth plague and the nature of Armageddon, as it is unfolding as we speak.
Happy Last High Sabbath on Earth (Sabbath, September 2/3 is new moon)! We hope to meet you soon on "the cloud"!
-The LastCountdown Mailroom Team
Please download the new version 5.2 of the LastCountdown Book. We added the new (and probably last) article Anchored in Time, and two important additions that explain the completed fulfillments of the classical sixth seal and the repeated sixth seal before probation closed in October 2015. The book includes now also the new Orion Presentation 5.0 which has 8 new slides about the sixth seal in the repetition. (See slides 101 to 114.) All is showing us, that time ran out and the horrible seventh plague is right in front of us.
Please download the new version 5.1 of the LastCountdown Book. The Addendum to our four part article series The End of the World was added and a lot of typesetting work was done. Have a blessed time of the harvest.
Our work is coming to an end, just like this world is. Nevertheless, we are pleased to still be able to offer you the complete, revised and expanded LastCountdown Book, version 5.0. It can be downloaded HERE free, and it includes about 1600 pages of all our studies as a group from the past 6 years.
Also included is the new and final article series, “The End of the World,” wherein all four authors of our movement have a word once more. We hope that this book will be a valuable aid to you in the time of the famine for the Word of God, which is already here.
I could say much, but it’s not in my heart to do so, after so many years of seeing the rejection of the wonderful message that God has given me, so I’ll forbear in this short newsletter.
Just one thing... After my last article, The Hour of Truth, some “people” complained (and were mockingly happy) that we had exposed ourselves as “sun worshippers” because we say that stars are “suns.” Please understand that our articles are addressed to adults with at least an elementary education. We do not expect you all to be scholars, but neither should you have a black hole in the area where one normally thinks.
Jesus, the Son of God, is the center of our worship, and not stars nor suns. Those are just works. Whoever concludes from our last four articles that we glorify something other than only the Creator and true God, has either not read anything, or is on the road to personal perdition through committing the unpardonable sin, which is the rejection of the Holy Spirit. Slander, which some of our opposition now loudly resorts to, leads to the same bottomless pit.
Ellen G. White said:
The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly united. On their foreheads was written, God, New Jerusalem, and a glorious star containing Jesus’ new name. {EW 15.1}
Those who cannot distinguish between a seal (or symbol) of the Lord, and Himself, should please continue to believe that the earth is flat. It's sad to see that the psychologists are right when they say clearly now that the human race is completely stupefied.
And whoever says that we do not live godly and just, should ask themselves what source such allegations originated from. Be very careful with claims that have not been personally verified, because the Bible says:
Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. (James 4:11)
But here in Paraguay, we are very happy that that those things happen, because it is written that Jesus personally prophesied:
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. (John 15:20)
May God give you wisdom and understanding.
March 7, 2014: NEW CHARTS
We would like to inform our readers that Robert and John are working simultaneously on two large sets of studies. Robert will assemble detailed accounts of the first 636 days of the Judgment of the Living which have already past, while John is writing on a series of articles about the last 624 days before probation will close. In these articles, we will publish all our biblical study results from our private study forum.
For his sermon on January 31, 2014, John had very little preparation time since he had received the new light about the Orion trumpet and plague cycles just the night before. Therefore, he prepared two date tables for the trumpet and plague cycles which were based on approximations from the Judgment Cycle at a resolution of 168 units. At that time, we still had no computational method for the more accurate resolutions of the Orion Clock with 624 or 336 days.
As part of the work on these new series of articles, we’ve now developed a highly accurate method for determining the dates in all Orion cycles. This resulted in minor changes from 1 to 3 days on a few of the dates in comparison to the tables shown in the sermon of January 31, 2014. Since time is short, we are already publishing the corrected charts for the trumpet and plague cycles in the download section of this homepage. As always, you can download the charts in two qualities - for screen presentations or for printing posters. We ask for your prayers as we work under great time pressure on a huge amount of study material.
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November 22, 2016: Opening of the «White Cloud Farm»
The End and the Beginning
The last second of the Last Countdown ended on October 24, 2016, without Jesus coming back as expected. It was apparently what our enemies wanted, but for reasons that are more than they bargained for. Their supposed victory turned into a devastating defeat for them. Instead of closing our ministry like the critics wanted, our mission work is flourishing with new freshness and with great strength given personally by God the Father.
Two new websites are emerging (the White Cloud Farm and the official High Sabbath Adventist Movement website), and all of the sites, including the forum of the 144,000, are now hosted on “cloud” servers, referring to the cloud that we would have liked to meet each other in, as High Sabbath Adventists, if Jesus had already returned.
He wanted to come too, and was actually on His way to Earth until with the help of the last seven rations of the Holy Spirit, we realized during the Feast of Tabernacles (October 17-23, 2016) that a great sacrifice was needed for a complete defeat of the enemies of God in the battle of Armageddon. We were not to stand before God almost emptyhanded, with just a few—the first fruits of our movement. We realized that there was still a large group that could be found if—and only if—there were more TIME.
That is why during the Feast of Tabernacles, with one voice all of the members of the movement decided to ask God the Father, like Joshua, to stay the Sun of Righteousness for a heavenly hour, thus delaying the return of Jesus for the according earthly years. That sacrifice to postpone our rapture prior to the time of divine judgment upon humanity made us indeed the first of the “church of Philadelphia,” or of brotherly love.
Jesus, when He was about to come again and already saw the world in front of Him, found what He had pleaded for: faith... the faith of Jesus... faith that is willing to suffer for others and to be a friend to the enemies. He found the patience of the saints.
God the Father had revealed the time to us—the day and hour of the coming of His Son—but we declined that gift because it would have been selfish of us to go alone and leave virtually all others behind. Now we are no longer time-setters, but together with Jesus we determine when it will be time for Him to come. Only God the Father knows at the moment when that will be.
The four first articles of this new study site, which is for the seven years of Ezekiel 39:9, are about that sacrifice. Brother Ray writes about why it is right to ask God the Father for time, and tells the story of a revelation of the character of God. I, John Scotram, have the honor of delivering a message from God, bringing to light awfully solemn things. Brother Robert, who has been bearing the heat of the jungles of Paraguay for years with me, will tell what happened before and during the Feast of Tabernacles here on the upper, dried-up corn fields where we pitched our tents. And last but not least, my faithful companion Gerhard will explain what exactly needs to be done in the remaining time which God the Father has granted.
May the Holy Spirit be poured out upon the just, like in the beginning. That is our wish for you.
Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. (Joel 2:23-24)
October 22, 2016: New Websites!
We are developing two new ministry websites:
Church information and administrative needs will be handled through our church website: (in development)
New studies are shared on our new study website:
Our old website will remain as a witness to all the timely studies that the Holy Spirit led us through during the last seven years:
December 27, 2015: Coming up: New four-part series “The End of the World”!
God has given much additional light that confirms that we are indeed already in the time of the plagues, although humanity is lured into a false sense of security, because they interpret biblical texts incorrectly and too literally. This fulfills prophecy:
When the irrevocable decision of the sanctuary has been pronounced, and the destiny of the world has been forever fixed, the inhabitants of the earth will know it not. The forms of religion will be continued by a people from whom the Spirit of God has been finally withdrawn, and the Satanic zeal with which the prince of evil will inspire them for the accomplishment of his malignant designs, will bear the semblance of zeal for God.—The Great Controversy, 615 (1911). {LDE 231.2; CKB.163.5}
One last time, all four authors of our movement of the Fourth Angel have the word to gather the few who had the right attitude when the door of mercy closed on October 17/18, 2015 and who continue the process of sanctification, as the Bible says.
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. (Revelation 22:11)
This series, which we call "The End of the world", will show:
- That the time of plagues began on time on October 25, 2015.
- What events have already taken place and what their outcome will be.
- What signs and wonders are now accompanying the movement of the Fourth Angel.
- That all the dates on the plagues cycle of the Orion Clock are exact to the very day.
- From when and until when, the weeds are bound into bundles to be burnt up.
- When Jesus will start to use the sickle to harvest the good wheat (to gather the remnant of God's people) and when the light of the Fourth Angel will start to lighten the earth.
- When the vintage of the bad grapes will begin and the winepress of blood will be trodden.
- When the fireballs, which we expected at the Carmel challenge, will fall.
- When Satan will obtain complete power over the earth, and how long his hour with the nations will last, according to Revelation 17:12.
- When the hour of the destruction of the great city Babylon will come and how long it will last (see Revelation 18:10).
- That Jesus Christ will come on time on October 23/24, 2016.
- How long our journey to the sea of glass—the Orion Nebula—will really take, and what we will experience along the way.
And you will learn from this series whether you, personally, can still belong to the church of Philadelphia, or whether you will be part of the feast of the fowls of Revelation 19:21.
We plan to publish this series all at once after its completion before the end of January. We would like to ask those who are on our side to pray for the authors and for the work of the 144,000. Thank you.
Even in the days of early Christianity, the message of the apostles was distorted and false teachers defaced the teaching of Christ. The apostle Peter confronted one of these deceivers with the following words:
Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. (Acts 8:21-23)
We hereby distance ourselves expressly from some people who present parts of the doctrines of our ministry and claim to spread the teachings of John Scotram. In truth, they only represent their own teachings and distort the message of the Fourth Angel, often beyond recognition. We therefore warn you to beware of the following people:
A German “Brother Rubin” who also goes by the name “Joseph Sichem” or “Daniel Freund” and claims to be supported by a “dreamer” whom he calls “Deborah aus Ägypten” (Deborah of Egypt). After our many warnings to him, he does not cease to broadcast his false teachings and distort the true Orion Message. He has written to several leaders such as Walter Veith, Johannes Kolletzki or Nicola Taubert; we assure you that we have nothing to do with this man, except that he never ceases to harass us. He has his own timeline with pure time-setting and not even a mention of the true Fourth Angel’s Message with the Last Generation Theology, the consequences to the universe due to a possible failure and the necessary readiness of the 144,000 to sacrifice, as we have set forth at the end of The Mystery of Ezekiel.
In Samoa, there is a “brother” Satui Sefo, who claims to lead an organization by the name of “Samoan Missionary Society (SMS)”. The name is inspired by the “International Missionary Society (IMS)” of the Reform Movement, which organization he and some other families have left. He teaches a different time line than we do, which no longer points to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He makes the same mistake of completely brushing aside our high calling and is thus a pure time-setter without the true message for the 144,000.
We hope that you will not be confused by these false teachers or by their “time messages” which do not “bear the special marks of His hand.” {1T 409.1} We pray that they, like Simon Magus, will respond:
Then answered Simon, and said, Pray ye to the Lord for me, that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me. (Acts 8:24)
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May 10, 2017: THE ELIJAH SIGNS (Signs in Heaven)
Chances are good that you have probably heard about the Great Sign in heaven to take place on September 23, 2017, when the imagery of Revelation 12:1 is displayed in the starry heavens.
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: (Revelation 12:1)
The sign has gained widespread notoriety, because it is reportedly the ONLY TIME that this sign has ever come together in the past 7000 years.
Yet, aside from the discovery of the sign itself, the meaning of the sign is much less understood. With this 6-part sermon, that is no longer the case! Watch, as not only does this great sign come alive with deep meaning and significance, but a complete set of SEVEN heavenly signs are revealed that are amazingly reflected in the texts of the seven trumpets of Revelation. Jesus, the center of all of our studies, revealed the understanding of these seven signs right in time.
The trick is to know when to look, and as anyone vaguely familiar with this ministry knows, the Lord revealed to us months ago—before we knew anything about the Great Sign—the details of the last trumpet cycle, which provided the dates on God’s clock for when to look up and see these seven additional signs.
That’s right, each of the seven dates of the current trumpet cycle have an associated sign in heaven that corresponds beautifully with the text of the trumpet! If you were surprised at the rarity of the Great Sign, then you will surely be astounded when you see what God illustrated in the heavens to get your attention before Jesus throws down the censer and stops interceding for humanity! Heed the trumpet warnings before it’s too late!
This is the message that God has entrusted to the last Elijah. It is a message that is calculated to turn the hearts of fathers and children alike to God, and therefore to each other. In this sermon, you will learn how God has been preparing to give this message, and the crises of understanding that had to be overcome before it could be received for what it is. Not only is the starry revelation presented, but the clear, biblical understanding of each sign is presented. From beginning to end, precious gems of truth revealed in this video series will make your faces shine as you behold the wonders in heaven above that Joel prophesied.
May you be among the good wheat, ripened by the latter rain and gathered with God’s sickle into His barn.
John preached this sermon on June 29, 2013, and now the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling on same-sex marriage on the same date two years later. The accuracy and relevance of this sermon have urged us to include it here! It lays a solid foundation for understanding what is happening now, especially in light of the Death of the Twins article. Below the video is a brief list of the wide range of pertinent subjects that it covers.

Sermon from Sabbath, June 29, 2013.
Please click CC in the player to activate the subtitles.
This video addresses the following subjects:
- The open attack on marriage
- The hidden attack on the Sabbath
- What defines the third angel's message
- What defines tribulation
- The Book of Seven Seals
- The Book of Seven Thunders
- 100% success rate of present-day time prophecy
- ... and more!
A complete transcript of the sermon can be read at Women's Ordination brings Sunday Law.
February 10, 2014: NEW SERMON - THE LAST RACE
The night before his sermon on Sabbath evening, January 31, 2014 John realized through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, how the last seven trumpets and the seven plagues are marked in Orion. The last race for the 144,000 started exactly on Sabbath, February 1 with the sound of the first trumpet of the last days. Please watch the sermon and then read below what has already come to pass.

Sermon from Sabbath eve, January 31, 2014.
Please click CC in the player to activate the subtitles.
The first trumpet in a literal interpretation clearly points to volcanic activity: “The first angel sounded, and there followed hail [stones that are ejected from a volcano] and fire [lava] mingled with blood [persons will die], and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.”
What happened already at the beginning of the phase of the first trumpet on the very first day, February 1, 2014?
- Eruption of Sinabung on Sumatra leaves at least 16 dead
- For more information about what happened since then, read Trumpets with a Certain Sound
A complete transcript of the sermon can be read at The Last Race.
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New Articles
May 2017: THE ELIJAH PROMISE (3 part article series)
Malachi prophesied that Elijah would come just before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. This series will show you that he has indeed come at every critical point in history, including today! You will learn who he is, and what his work entails. You will see who the faithful Elijahs of past generations were, and how each one fulfilled part of the prophecy and added to our understanding of what the last Elijah must accomplish. You will learn who the last Elijah is, and why you can be certain that he (and you) will not miss seeing the coming of the Lord, as his predecessors did. Finally, you will see how signs and wonders are accompanying the modern Elijah, and how the characteristic fire from heaven of his namesake will bring the world to a decision point to serve God or Satan, and how he equips this generation to be faithful to God through the time of trouble.
For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. (Malachi 4:1)
Our new study website White Cloud Farm continues the articles of LastCountdown and begins with a four-part series about the second phase of God's time proclamation as it was prophcied more than 170 years ago. A sacrifice was needed that God would grant even more grace to humanity: the sacrifice of Philadelphia.
In this series, you will find an account from four different perspectives, of our experience and understanding that led to the birth of this new phase of ministry. You will read of a profound revelation that God gave us and our experience in trying to communicate the things of God to this pitiable generation. Details are shared from the experience that God brought us through until we were ready to make the sacrifice of Philadelphia, along with an insider view of our hopes and fears; our pain and joy. It is the story of God’s leading of His little children and the development of our understanding in the process, both of our past experience, and what we see in the years ahead. May God bless you as you read.
August 12, 2016: ANCHORED IN TIME
Armageddon. It's the ultimate battle of the ages, whose name is synonymous with apocalyptic conflict and devastation. Where will it be fought, and with what weapons? These are important questions for one who wants to come out alive! And the answers are finally available!
In this last article Anchored in Time, we trace the Last Countdown to its last tick, and point you to what really matters in your preparation to meet the Lord at last when He comes. Armor up for the battle, because you just might be thrown a curve ball! It's the ultimate devilish deception that is calculated to make the elect fall, but rest assured, the Lord has given ample provision, revealing His secrets to His servants as they are needed. Don't be caught in the dark!
To what is your faith anchored? Will your anchor hold against the fiendish onslaught of fiery darts precisely calculated to break it free? This is too weighty a matter to presume we will be strong enough for. We must have a solid assurance, and it is the purpose of the Revelation to provide that assurance for us! Will you receive this gift of God from Jesus' right hand?
March 26, 2016: IT IS THE LORD!
The Spirit of truth guides us into all truth. We want Him to continue guiding you into all truth too, which is why we share this update to our four-author article series. It is not important who the writers are, but that it testifies of Jesus Christ. This addendum will show you a multifaceted picture of Jesus that has never been seen before. It is like a time-lapse photograph of Him in prophetic language!
He who knows our need before we ask, already had an answer when we asked Him about the harvest, and the light we share in this addendum not only addresses that subject, but offers solutions to other age-old enigmas that have challenged Bible students everywhere. Discover the time advantage, and why it is that this ministry is the one God has chosen to reveal these secrets to. Our God is an awesome God, so prepare to be amazed!
February 11, 2016: THE HOUR OF TRUTH
Do you know the time of your visitation, and are you aware that the Hour of Truth has come? Satan will soon have his hour with the beast, and then Jesus, the Word of God, will get His hour—the hour of Truth, of Life and of the Door, through which many more shall yet enter and embark with us for the journey through Orion into the Kingdom of God.
This, the last article that you will receive from my quill, was written for the honor of God and to gather the great flock which—like the 144,000 before them—should reflect the love that Jesus has shown to us. May He point the Way to the Door of eternity and bestow on you the Crown of Time. It is my desire to forever sing with you there this song of glorious praise about the love of God—the song that you need to learn now.
Hence, Jesus’ prayer for unity in truth has become my prayer too:
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. (John 17:17-19)
February 5, 2016: THE TIME OF HARVEST
Since the time of Noah, humanity has been trusting in the promise of God:
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (Exodus 8:22)
They believe that the earth is continuing to turn and everything is like it has always been. They sow and harvest, feast, laugh, dance, build, and marry… in such a way as if nothing could go wrong. But they forget to take a look at the end and to lift up their heads, for they know not the time of their visitation.
But the time comes, the day comes, when God will let the last seed mature and will harvest the good wheat from it, the “remnant of her seed” (Revelation 12:17). And this point of time has now come, whether you like it or not! In a few months, the earth will stop giving and maintaining life. The promise to Noah will reach its final fulfilment!
The overdue wheat of the earth is only crying out: “Lord, thrust in thy sickle and reap,” because the abominations have reached unto heaven! Wherever you look, there is mockery and scorn in answer to the warnings of God. But at the time of the harvest—which is now—everyone will reap what he has sown. God sowed the good seed and so He will bring in the good wheat. Satan, on the other hand, will receive all the bundles of tares and the grapes of Rome, which will be served to him over the fire of the plagues.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6:7-8)
The sickle has been whetted; it is sharp and ready for stoke after stroke. Come and read this article to know when it will happen!
January 29, 2016: THE GREAT SEAL
Many centuries ago, King Hezekiah sealed a document by pressing his seal into a small lump of clay. Little could he know what an impact that insignificant action would have one day! While the world sees value in it because of the importance of Hezekiah, God meant much more with it. He who knows the end from the beginning, led in the affairs of men so that the announcement of this significant discovery would be made at an even more significant time!
Do you understand the times in which we live? Do you discern the timing, by which last day events occur? In this article, evidence from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem adds to the mountains of evidence already presented, and brings a beautiful message of blessing for those who understand and believe in the messages of the clocks of God. May you also partake of that blessing, is our prayer!
January 23, 2016: THE HOLY GRAIL
This four-part series of articles represents the Holy Grail of the Christian faith. As such, it challenges the uniting of all religions as Pope Francis, the representative of the entire Catholic world (not to say the entire world), is seeking to bring to pass. His teaching reduces the belief in Jesus Christ to a mere belief in so-called “love,” but what he misses is that not all religions offer the same caliber of love.
Does your belief in Jesus Christ put a kind of love in your heart that is no different than that of any other religion? I assure you that after ingesting this first article in this series, you will not view the Christian faith in such a trivial light. Our aim, aside from writing out of a sense of the sheer love of truth for the glory of God, is to inspire sincere Catholics Christians (including Protestants and Catholics) to practice the kind of love that Jesus did, and we will present it to you in such a clear way that you will not be able to mistake it for anything less. The undiluted truth is in the cup that Jesus drank, and that is what this article is about.
Staying with the metaphor of the Holy Grail, we could say that Part 1 of this series is about the cup, what it contains, and what it means to drink it. Part 2 is about the certainty of the reward for those who drink it all. Part 3 is about the rightful heirs who discarded that priceless relic, thus making it available to you. Part 4 unpacks it for you to see, but not yet touch. That will come soon enough if you are faithful. Is it tantalizing? It is!
October 30, 2015: THE TEARS OF GOD
Since 1846, it was prophesied that in the last days, a movement of Christians would arise who would proclaim to the day, two specific events:
John came in the spirit and power of Elijah to proclaim the first advent of Jesus. I was pointed down to the last days and saw that John represented those who should go forth in the spirit and power of Elijah to herald the day of wrath and the second advent of Jesus. {EW 155.1}
Since 2011, we proclaimed October 25, 2015 as the date of the commencement of the last seven plagues. The Vessel of Time specified this very day, and since we were able to determine the exact duration of the plagues from the study of the autumn sacrifices, we also know the date of Jesus’ return (see the countdown at the left).
On January 31, 2014, we received additional light about the trumpet and plague cycles with the respective exact dates for the individual trumpets and plagues. This is the theme of the sermon, The Last Race. It was also predicted that the fulfillment of the judgments of God according to Ezekiel 9 in the trumpet cycle, would in mercy be held by four "Holds" and four cries of "My blood" by Jesus (see The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses). These judgments have thus been postponed to the plague cycle, where they will finally be executed without mercy. Because hurricane "Patricia," the most powerful hurricane ever recorded, was also held back on October 24 and 25, we realized that the time of the first plague (the noisome sores) corresponds to a final exam by the Holy Spirit, and that the killing of Ezekiel 9 will not begin until the second plague comes on December 2, 2015.
What many believe was a blessing from God, when "Patricia" was held back, are indeed the Tears of God that He cries because of what He must do now. Read our new article to understand what it means to live in the time when grace is no more and the plagues are upon you.
September 22, 2015: THE DAY OF THE DEMON
This article is for non-Adventists. It examines the European refugee crisis in depth, comparing it to two historical events: the Fall of Troy and the Piedmont Easter. It explores the Muslim’s trigger programming for the Great Jihad, and shows how plans have already been laid to initiate violence on a specific date.
The article closes with a call to urgent action to spread this message far and wide, and to prepare yourself spiritually ahead of that day, which will be the day of the demon that initiates the great tribulation such as never was since man was upon the earth.
September 5, 2015: IN THE SHADOW OF TIME
Biblical chronology outlines about 4000 years of history before Christ, and Peter’s statement that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years, has led many to mark the 2000th year after Jesus’ crucifixion as the year that He may return, rounding out six 1000-year workdays leading to the millennium of rest. Please allow us to explore this concept a little deeper, for in the shadow of time, another clock is hidden, adding another gem to every timekeeper’s treasure. It is a simple clock for the Modern Era, delineating the allotted time until the whole earth is to be filled with the glory of God.
The Father is inviting guests to His Son’s wedding, but many who were bidden have spurned their invitation. Now the invitation goes out to others. Come get your wedding garment—and while you’re at it, it would be a great help if you would perform the part of a servant, and go out to the highways with us, to gather all who are willing to come. The wedding is ready, but there are still many vacant seats. Come quickly, before the door is forever closed!
William Miller’s Dream describes the incorruptible treasure that God has in store for you. Have you looked into the treasures of Miller anew? Have you seen the jewels of his new casket shining with ten times the glory? What would you be willing to give in exchange for it?
While Babel is rising like a thief to take away all earthly treasure, now more than ever it is time to turn the affections of the heart heavenward.
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:20-21)
We invite you to come with us on a journey. It’s a journey through a little-appreciated, but amazingly beautiful realm of God’s creation: Time. As we travel, we will stop at the waymarks of Adventist history, we will fly back to Creation and speed through some of the highlights of biblical chronology before coming back and taking a closer look at the recent past in this summary of the Fourth Angel’s Message who comes so that Earth may be Lightened with His Glory
Like a little child, let’s go as inquirers, seeking to understand how God communicates. We hope you enjoy the experience and gain a new appreciation for God and His creation. We may experience a little turbulence on the way, though, so buckle your seat-belts! It is His purpose to draw His children to Himself, so if you realize that there are things you need to change in your life, know that Jesus waits with open arms to receive you.
The verdict is in for the Challenge at Mount Carmel! The Two Witnesses were dead and have risen again! The Seventh-day Adventist World Church organization voted to close its own door of probation and now suffers the terrible consequences!
This article explains the meaning of the “no” vote on women's ordination and shows that the result is an example for even worse things to come this October.
Begin to prepare now, before your time also runs out!
The "Holy" Father (Pope Francis) is giving his full support to gay rights! Meanwhile, the SDA Church is trying to hush all voices that speak against women's ordination.
Our new article entitled The Vomit of God and the Close of Probation dispels the mist about what is happening today as we approach the appointed time of the Carmel Challenge. It covers many subjects, including:
- Why Pope Francis chose Paraguay, of all places, for his "coming out"
- Why LGBT tolerance (and women's ordination) is symbolized by locusts in the Bible
- How the first five trumpets have fulfilled, and how they are getting louder for the big blast of the sixth trumpet
- The prophetic significance of Stephen Bohr's retirement in relation to Ezekiel 9
- The urgent need for the Lamb's bride to make herself ready
Don't forget to join OPERATION "TORRENT" to help distribute the message of the Fourth Angel!
This crucifixion anniversary (May 25, 2015) coincides with the true day of Pentecost, and we are pleased to announce the publication of a new article with crucial and timely information worthy of these two occasions.
The Death of the Twins will open your eyes to understand the two witnesses of the Apocalypse, the two tables of Testimony, the two institutions of Eden, and the two beasts of Revelation in a way you've never imagined.
Truly the hour is late! This new information raises the stakes to a whole new level for the Challenge at Mount Carmel!
As God blesses you, bless others by spreading this word!
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World News
Since March 11, 2017: Prophecies Fulfilled
A new section "Prophecies Fulfilled" on our second study website White Cloud Farm continues the "World News" of our Last Countdown website.
In our anxiety and desperation to bring salvation to at least a few remaining true Christians, who still believe in Satan’s lies in one way or another even though God’s clock hands point to all of His valid and life-essential rules and teachings, we asked for more time. God knew our request before we asked it, and for that reason, He only let the Bible texts fulfill partially during the first trumpet cycle. Thus, He opened the possibility for the second and last trumpet cycle, which completes the first and runs parallel to it from November 22, 2016 until the beginning of the plagues on August 20, 2018.
One last time, scoffers and doubters have an opportunity to experience even more serendipitous fulfillments at the “clock times” indicated by God—this time under the more challenging requirement that specific parts of the trumpet text must be fulfilled, which had not yet been fulfilled in the first pass. Will this lead some wavering ones to believe when it comes to pass?
The countdown is ticking. After the sixth (complementary) trumpet, there will be no more repentance nor conversion. Receive and accept the gene of life, and God will grant you eternity!
November 12, 2015: Ben Carson Caught Violating Twins He Separated!
With all of the publicity that Ben Carson has been getting lately, it seemed appropriate to share a personal experience I, Ray Dickinson, had that revealed an unexpected, but significant detail about him. Although I had the utmost respect for him in past years, I have come to realize (especially during his presidential campaign) that he may not have all the integrity that his background generally indicates.
We believe the public should know and understand the implications of this, and we present it with the hopes that you will not just pick up another bit of information on Dr. Carson, but that you will recognize that there is a war being waged on earth that is far greater than any human conflict. We hope that this will awaken you to the presence of that greater reality, so that your focus will be directed to the voice of God from heaven rather than being lost on earthly details. Then, with clear vision, you can make a clear choice.
August 11, 2015: Babel Rising - And You Thought It Was Just A Game
The final rapid movements of earth’s history are finishing up right before our eyes. You can kiss your personal freedoms and unalienable rights good-bye (if you still have any)...because the One-World Government HAS BEEN APPROVED, and will become effective in September this year, when all 193 nation states of the world will sign away their sovereignty, and Satan will take full control of the world. The Tower of Babel is rising again.
RUN, if you are still a member of any Church organization! Find out what you need to personally live for (or die for) before probation closes on this October 17!
June 5, 2015: Jade Helm - Military Blockade Against God's Witnesses
There is a lot of talk in the US about the Jade Helm military exercise. But what is it really about? You might not guess that it has anything to do with the authority of God in your life, but this world news brief explains how its logo shows that those who continue to uphold God’s authority in their relationships will be persecuted, even by the military.
It is a very serious subject that involves everyone, not only in the US, but around the globe. And it is up close and personal—perhaps even painful. Let it bring you to Jesus for healing. No matter what we experience on this earth, standing for the truth is worth all that it might cost.
It will not be long, and it will all be over. Be faithful to the Wounded One, Alnitak and let’s meet in the cloud!
May 7, 2015: Capital Crime: Pope Francis Kidnaps God’s Bride! (Isaiah 62:5)
The SDA Church was kidnapped by Pope Francis and his accomplices like Ted Wilson. Now they plan to forcibly silence the people of God in the last bastion.
This news article affirms that “the church is not Babylon” while clearly drawing the lines where they belong between the sheep and the wolves.
In the end, you will learn what truly defines God’s remnant church. Are you included in the definition yet?
May 1, 2015: Rape Attempt Foiled in Sodom: LGBTQISDA Church Blinded by Four Angels (Gen. 19)
In its General Conference Session brochure, the SDA Church announces that it will reach the UNTHINKABLE goal of changing its policy to grant equal treatment to homosexuals this July. Some parts of the church (Adventist Health in Florida, for example) have already set aside God's law on the matter in order to comply with man's (state) law.
This World News brief gives an eye-opening perspective on just how deeply embroiled the last truly Protestant church has become in this mess.
If you find these circumstances disturbing—as you should—I can only urge you to read Fire at Mount Carmel, and take the challenge seriously. The spiritual battle is intense, and it is high time to put your full strength on the Lord’s side.
April 28, 2015: Hidden Agenda Revealed: Will SDA Church Elect Female President?
In the official brochure for the 60th Session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the church leadership has communicated their agenda for the Session. The language they selected for the brochure is the universal language of symbols.
The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists selected the Eastern Star of Freemasonry to represent the church, when they should have selected the star Alnitak, which means “the Wounded One” who is at the center of the Orion clock in the eastern heavens.
The masonic star on the 2015 Session brochure shows in symbolic language that the masterminds behind the GC have already decided that the ordination of women will be approved for the World Church during this Session.
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. (Isaiah 3:12)
Read the full news brief to find out why the church has been so decided on reaching this goal of allowing women in leadership.
April 12, 2015: SDA Church President Ted Wilson Caught in Bed with “Five Whores”! (Rev. 2:22)
SDA Church president Ted Wilson meets brothel-keeper Ban Ki-moon and lands in bed with Pope Franci's whores.
The Adventist Review explains the purpose of the meeting:
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed concerns about growing religious intolerance worldwide during a private meeting with Adventist Church leader Ted N.C. Wilson...
Our news report explains how for a long time now, Ted Wilson has been working toward the UN’s Millennium Development Goals--which he calls "shared goals." Ted Wilson has almost completely adapted the church to the New World Order agenda, but he needs the 2015 GC Session's approval vote on several key points.
Read the article to find out why Ban Ki-moon is concerned, and why Ted Wilson is feeling the heat.
April 7, 2015: State senator calling for Sunday Law finds Seventh-day Adventists sleeping at the wheel
Arizona Senator Sylvia Allen transmitted a secret message while recommending the creation of a law that would require every American to attend church on Sunday.
Her comments reveal Satan’s agenda, fulfill prophecy (even time prophecy) and secretly point the finger at High Sabbath Adventists by saying that a person who wants to do violence will use a “clock in a courtroom” just as well as a knife. High Sabbath Adventists are the ones who use the Clock of God in the Courtroom of Heaven to expose the papacy, and that is why they are vilified as being equal to a violent killer.
In Senator Allen’s remarks, you can see the real-life fulfillment of another prophecy of Ellen White:
In legislative halls and courts of justice, commandment keepers will be misrepresented and condemned. A false coloring will be given to their words; the worst construction will be put upon their motives. {GC 592.1}
April 2, 2015: At Solstice, Pope Visits Waldensians, Then Paraguay
The Waldensians had 20 days to sell property and flee to the mountains in the frozen dead of winter, or capitulate to Rome. History repeats!—what will you do? Contact your spiritual relatives in Mt. Zion today!
March 24, 2015: 10 Reasons Why the Eclipse of March 20 Was Prophetic
From a strictly astronomical perspective, the total solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 was special because it was very rare, but that’s not all. The biblical aspect offers several more features to make the eclipse special.
The blotting out of Satan’s usurped kingdom is prophesied to come in “the day of the Lord,” which is a reference to the time when God will pour out His wrath upon the world in the seven last plagues.
The darkening of the sun and moon prophesied by Isaiah adds several more criteria to pinpoint this eclipse. Although there have been similar eclipses in the past, these 10 criteria have never all been completely fulfilled since Isaiah’s words were recorded, until now.
Find out more by reading the 10 Reasons Why the Eclipse of March 20 Was Prophetic!
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